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Adam Lambert As A Pandorian

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, February 4, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 04, 2011



Anonymous said...

As far as they maid over billion dollars on AVATAR wish Adam will get some benefits:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@anon 9:29am What to you mean? They aren't gonna pay Adam for such a fantastic picture! This is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If he ever gets bored he could try that look next. He could totally pull it off.
Yummy he is.

Anonymous said...

Why are we clogging up the internet with this nonsense ??????????

Anonymous said...

That is just creepy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam can pull this look off too! I actually like it and could see it in a movie. Think he's cute and like the art work. funbunn40

Fan4fun and Icon said...

@ Funbunn40

We left you a message on that thread «Perez Hlton thinks...»

Fan4fun and Icon said...

Icon doesn't approve this. Said it's not bad, kind of «alright», likes the colors... but also said: «Sweet Adam looks like only a LAMB not a LAMBERT».
Oh,oh! Doesn't like it, really! Is now under my bed, protesting (what a memeeeeaaauuuuking???).

HK fan said...

Don't get this picture...but thats probably because I have never seen Avatar..I presume thats what this is supposed to be?

Rebecca said...

that kind of freaks me out a little

Anonymous said...

When Adams blue it makes me sad too!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... in unhappy . sad . depressed . "having the Blues" nevermind it's hard to explain a pun! JAK

Anonymous said...

In the movie, all the avatars are blue, hence the blue used here. A fan had created an incredible Adam avatar way back. Much, much nicer than this one. It's on Adam Official (photos section)!

Anonymous said...

Not liking this one...
**There is another one that is QUITE good that is on a great interview (with a terrific girl --I think from Australia) when he first promoted his album world wide.
They hit it off well and she showed him an 8 x 10 pic... it was ADORABLE!, He seemed quietly fascinated with it.
(I thought it was so good I took a picture OF it and still have it on my phone!)

They talked about the movie, he said he'd love to have a braid to plug in, & one of those flying dragon things (or whatever it was)... even commented during the love scene ... "why didn't they 'ATTATCH"?? (their braids) ...and clasped his hands to demonstrate... awww
I noticed too... LOVE you Adam!!

He kept studying the picture while they were talking. **I was fascinated watching him studying the picture. *It was BEFORE Fantasy Springs... he looked SO beautiful at that concert with the blue streaks in his hair and blue glitter eye make-up that was gorgeous. It also looked to me like he had a clip of long feathers & things (like a braid) over one shoulder that looked like it was clipped to the back of his hair?

I always wondered if he may have drawn some inspiration for his look that incredible night from that picture?... I almost fell out of my chair when I read a fan comment somewhere... something like... "he was so beautiful, that blue... he looked like a F**king AVATAR!!"

Sorry I'm on the fly now & can't look up to provide the link, =( > If anyone can look, you won't be dissapointed... it's a great interview and he's VERY sweet and adorable.


Anonymous said...

Hey! SF fan here!
Listen, I love the idea, but that's not the right picture for it - too sweet, too dressed up... That's too much of a conquered, civilized Pandorian. I'd like a 'real' one! A picture from back in 'Zodiac days' would have worked much better... raw attitude, bare chest, sensitive dreadlocks. Omaticaya glam! HaHaHa.

Ok. I looked up... This one is better:
see also:
Yeap, I'd let my human body go in order to 'fly' with that Na'vi savage! I'd learn his 'ways'.. May the will of Eywa be done! LOL.


Anonymous said...

That's what Cindy is talking about:

Am I a ..Bert or am I a ..Bert? You bet I am!
I just love the (international) interviews from the spring of 2010! That's when I fall... :-)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm back!

Thanks GLb... 1st link didn't work for me... 2nd one does show the picture I meant, but small.

I DID find the link to that cute interview I mentioned above. Correction, it was not an 8 x 10, it's more folded to a 5 x 7... but they do zoom in on it..
If anyone wants to see... he was so adorable then. Seems our Adam has matured so much since then..? Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Do I see 'fall' in my last comment? HaHa. The keyboard of the sinful one! Just when the conscious ME was ready to leave the Glam realm and head to 'real' life (finally!) my subconscious tells me to love. Now, that's quite a challenge! :-)

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun Got the message.Think Adam is ok financially now. Glad he fixed the snakeskin boots. Regards to Icon! funbunn40