Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tommy Joe Ratliff Autographs his NOH8 photo (Plus New No8 Photoshoots)

Plus new NOH8 Photoshoots below:

Source: noh8campaign


  1. his picture was the biggest seller to date of anyone. I have his, Allison,GNT dancers and Sutan's pictures.I just went to Ebay and the highest bidder so far is $610.00. It's for a very good cause.Now I want the new poses too.He's adorable.

  2. what a beautiful man.

  3. I just ordered the second picture.

  4. Wow! Those are great pictures! Again, Adam knows how to pick quality people to surround him.

  5. I'm totally over the NOH( photos. Look it up: the money goes mostly to the project itself, and not to help or promote anyone. Fans want NOH8 participation because they want pretty pictures. The whole campaing has turned to a vehicle for C list celebs to get free photoshoot of themselves. I think this is the reason Adam hasn't made one: it really isn't a good charity, but a vehicle for Bouscha and Co. to receive money for Adam's pic.

  6. The fact that Tommy is seeing so much popularity when we didn't know him two years ago is fabulous! I personally think he has that "it' factor that makes certain band members stand out from others in the band. Not to take away from others, but Keith Richards, Tommy Lee, etc. are the type of band members I refer to.

  7. still love the photos and something has to fund the project itself, nothing is free.

  8. I think Allison and Tommy would be cute together. Rataheta shipper*

  9. TJ is pretty here , he should do some modeling instead of being in a band.

  10. His eyes....his tats......I'm sold!

  11. modeling and the band!! I'm sold too. lol

  12. Love everything about Tommy Joe! Gorgeous man!

  13. current bid is now $670.00. wow he is somethimg else!!

  14. Is that a tat of Lynda Blair as the little girl in the Exhorcist on his right arm. I truly hope not.

  15. I mean left arm. Sorry

  16. @11:06 Tommy is about 5'7". At that height he could model footwear, that's about it.

  17. OMG, Tommy, who knew you had such beautiful amber eyes? Makes me wanna rip that tape right off your mouth and have a big, slobbery make-out session, stat! Thank god Adam hasn't done one of these pix...for how beautiful they make everyone look, I don't think I could stand to look at him without having an epic meltdown...just the thought of it is giving me chills. OK, gotta calm down...

    - Adam Fix

  18. @5:46PM" Tommy is into horror films, so it very well could be Linda Blair as a little girl, but I don't know for sure.

  19. Pretty boy!
    Pretty eyes. I thought they were blue.
    Hopefully he finds his love too.

  20. yea i think he is dating now

  21. Tommy is sooo gorgeous and i love his voice!! According to the campaign he also did a Public Service Announcement . I really hope it gets lots of TV play. Because of his involvement in this campaign many of his fans have also had their NOH8 pics done for the cause . BYW his eyes are smber/brown and did I mention hes GORGEOUS . Thank you Tommy and luv you

  22. such a wonderful, amazing beautiful man

  23. highest bid now $770.00.not to shabby,

  24. He's cute, what else is he?????? Is that it?????
