Sunday, November 4, 2012

Adam Lambert Tweets About The Election and his responses


  1. Spokem like a CHAMP....Amen Adam

  2. I love you honey, I support Obama and I also think the world poll is significant... but Adam be careful... Hopefully also your republican followers understand why this is so important to you.

  3. Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'?

  4. I am a conservative Christian who absolutely adores Adam Lambert. I've posted this info many times on this site over the yers and have been excoriated for my beliefs. Whoever wins this election, Dem or Rep, this great nation of ours will continue on just as it has for 236 years since we became a Democratric Republic. Peace

  5. Maybe Obama can tell Adam how to get the media in his pocket.

  6. Anon @ 3:34 I watched this video you posted and was interested until I saw who paid for it and endorsed it during the primaries - Ron Paul. OMG that man never even knew what day it was.

  7. @3:31 PM,

    First of all whether if u r a republican or democrat, equality is for everyone dear....

    Adam has his own opinion like everyone else. He is not afraid to speak up for what is right.

    FYI Adam will gain more fans for being brave and courageous for this cause!!!!

    If u r worried that his republican fans will vanish because of this I don't think so.... I could say that Adams fans are more intelligent to understand his position indeed!:)

    Good luck to all Americans and vote for the right person to help your needs that's all:)


  8. Wow Adam, I think I love you even more for speaking up for what is right and speaking for those who don't have a platform. So proud of you!! If you lose fans it's their loss.

  9. Totally believe in FREE SPEECH! People have mostly by now made up their minds, and Adam is helping those 5 undecided. I really like when he shares his thoughts with fans.

  10. like clint eastwood comment;
    One day we will realize that the barack Obama Presidency was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the american people;
    The difference between the Butchen of benghaze and team romney.
    anohter obama s word; If somebody wants to build a coal plant ,they can -its just that it will bamkrupt them.
    Obamas EPA Planning to Crush Coal Industry with Avalanche of new regulation after election.

    ROMNEY SAID-I wont just represent One Party-I wil represent One Nation.
    this time we get it right; sorry adam; i lie you ur music but icnanot suport endorsement_the fucking muslim in the white House(madonnas word)

    1. But if Obama wins he can help you go to college and you can learn to speak English. If Romni wins you're fucked!! You stay stupid:((. Goodluck.

  11. @ 3:58 PM,

    Did u hear these messages from their mouth or just read it?????

    Just calm down and if I were u I'll ask them personally he!he! To get it right dear!!!!

    U r full of Bloody Martini he!he!


  12. Anon 3:42, you sound like a TRUE Christian, with only good things coming from within. I am not a Christian but I thank you for your inspired comment!

  13. Dr. Brian May's tweets in response to Adam..and the quote unquote fan...that suggested Adam shouldn't have a "platform". (Read from bottom to top for correct timeline..) I LOVE Brian May, by the way. A very intelligent man, and a fabulous friend, and huge fan obviously, of Adam Lambert.

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay
    @adamlambert @anrefg We cannot imagine you could be so foolish as to let things slip back again. The world respects Obama. Bri

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay
    @adamlambert @anrefg From here in the UK, it seems so clear. You guys by a miracle got yourselves an intelligent, compassionate, President.

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay
    @adamlambert @anrefg As Adam says, as thinking artists we have a duty to portray the world as we see it. And try to avert disasters !

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay
    @adamlambert @anrefg Well, I hope those of you who are real fans of Adam don't expect him, as an artist, to be a dumb-ass with no opinions ?

  14. Ohhhh, Anon 3:58.......such a sad human you are. Take some inspiration fromAnon 3:42 and then go educate yourself. You sound like such an idiot.

  15. I have to ask the following:

    Where is Oprah?
    Where is Sean Penn?
    Where is Matt Damon?
    Where is Denzel Washington?

    I hear nothing but crickets.

  16. Adam is voting for Obama, because he hopes there will be a change in same sex mariages. Adam doesn't know anything else about Obama, or his platform.I bet he only voted for one thing, and that was the man himself, the rest of it he would leave blank, unless he talked to his dad or brother to explain it to him. I am a fan of Adam, but he knows nothing about polotics. He should just worry about getting his sales up on his album, that is what he is trained for, and he does his job very well.

    1. AnneMarie you are Stupid! How can you assume to know what Adam knows or doesn't know about politics. So ignorant!

  17. This is not new news. We all know Adam wants the opportunity to get married if he chooses and Obama has said he supports same sex marriage. We all have our own reasons for picking a president and we all have the right to do so.

  18. The point is Romney is a dumb fuck. It doesn't matter whether he is a republican or a democrat. Although a republican = a white lower to middle class undereducated person from the south. It was also new to me that republicans are against monarchy. What's wrong with monarchy?

  19. Obama had almost 4 years to push the same sex marriage agenda. He did nothing. Hope and change didn't work so now he needs 4 more years to figure out what he isn't going to do. Wake up sheeple.

  20. AND thats why I have loved Mr Adam Lambert since the first day I met him many years ago!

  21. 4:38 I can't even find the words to describe how ignorant you are. To classify one party as you did shows your ignorance and is reprehensible. It's news to me that the democrats are for a monarchy and I am one. What's wrong with it? We fought two wars with England to gain our freedom to be an independent nation not under the control of a King. History buff? Not.

  22. I Romney gets into power heaven help the US AND entire world! SImply cannot believe that people would vote for a Morman to get into power. Once upon a time Mormons fled from society, and now a huge change in history, one is running for Presidency! (notice to how low key everything has been kept) All the Mormons church ideals will come into effect and any type of equality will go right out the window! Damn, Adam and Sauli better-er move out of the US and reside overseas! Romney is a rich Mormon who will lead the already suffering US.... down!
    Again, CANNOT believe people would vote for a Morman!

  23. Canadian: I hope you are as nice to us when you have your elections and someone on this blog expresses their opinion on the candidates or any other Canadian issues.

  24. @ 4:41 PM That's the way I see it, too. I hope no one's surprised when Obama doesn't do anything the next 4 years to get real results.

  25. @ 4:54 And I cannot believe that anyone would vote for a person with no qualifications for the job. I remember how all the people in Massachusetts were forced to become Morman because Mitt Romney was the Governor. Better a Morman than a moron.

    1. But Romney is both so what is your point?

  26. @ 4:56 PM,

    Don't you worry dear, as long as you have the right facts to show then I'll be nice and kind like a sheep!!:)))

    Good luck


  27. Anyone notice that the only country supporting Rmoney is Pakistan? You know, the country that gave Osama Bin Laden a nice safe and secure place to live until our military under directions from Pres. Obama went in and killed his sorry ass. Thank you Adam for continuing to impress me with your courage. BTW, his last emails also spoke about a womans right to choose. . . . Adamluv

  28. Do you really want someone who doesn't know why airplane windows don't open to be President? lol

    When you have a fire in an aircraft, there's no place to go, exactly, there's no — and you can't find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don't open. I don't know why they don't do that. It's a real problem. So it's very dangerous."

  29. Adamluv - You didn't finish the sentence. A woman's right to kill her baby.

  30. PLEASE, PLEASE NOV. 6th,

  31. A second reason to vote for President Obama aside from marriage equality is for reproductive freedom. I'm old enough to remember the consequences of back alley abortions and trust me, you guys don't want to see the day when we have them again. Vote for Obama. vote for your lives.

  32. Our president should not be chosen on social issues alone. People, Romney will not turn back any clocks. He is not as conservative as you "one issue" people think. Most of the social issues are not about changing people's behavior but about whether tax dollars should be used or not. Adam is young and idealistic as most people are at his age. I was but I grew up and need to protect my pocketbook for my children and grandchildren. There are many gay people in my family and I don't know one who has not acquired a job or a house or not been able to be by their partner's side in a hospital because they are gay. This is an evolving and natural truth without getting the government involved.

    Our government's first priority is to keep us safe from harm which also includes the safety of our water and food supplies.

  33. 5:52 PM,

    We all sinners no matter what we say and do!!!!

    No one is perfect whether u like it or not!!!!

    Kill or not it's your choice!!!!

  34. Yep, 4:54 your a moron. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. I'm a Mormon and live in Utah. I happen to be a big fan of Adam and have seen him six times. He is entitled to his opinion, that has nothing to do with weather we like him or not. I bet you even think all Mormons are voting for Mitt. This is not true. We all have a mind of our own, get with the program. I'm glad Adam speaks his mind, as it should be with everyone. I don't think he should keep quiet just because he is a celebrity. Speak what you believe. Exactly right Brian May, who wants to be a fan of someone who has no opinion and is a dumb ass, not me. Adam is an articulate and intelligent man and this is all part of his charm. Wouldn't have it any other way. Love my boy.

  35. I certainly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion yes even celebrities. What I don't understand is all the put downs.......Why can't people simply state the issues that are important to them and their reasons for voting for a particular candidate?

    Think about how you are lucky to live in a democratic country where you can vote freely.


  36. Religion should have nothing to do with choosing a president and insulting each other is just plain stupid. Pay attention to that chart, it has nothing to do with gay rights or religion.
    I've seen it before and it really scares me that we might put a man in the White House who does not have the respect of all those countries. We have to work with them and look what they think of Romney. The person elected to the US presidency doesn't just affect us, it affects the world! Bravo Adam for speaking your mind as a citizen should, without regard to any possible damage to your career
    and proudly signing your name.
    Good job.........JAK

  37. All of you people that feel the need to say vile things about one candidate or another are ridiculous! The point is... everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be able to share it without being nasty or disrespectful. I know politics can be an emotional issue but you're not going to change anyone's opinions with that kind of idiotic talk. It is hard for me to believe that fans of a man that is so open minded and inclusive can be so disgusting at times! Yuck... can't wait for this election to be over!

  38. You go Adam!!
    No one has the right to tell you what you can and can not say!
    Like you said... you are sharing, not insisting people convert.

  39. I can't wait until Tuesday election is over. Tired of all the phone calls and spam of huge ads in my mail box. I have already made my decisions about voting for Obama and investigated all CA props. and selected my answer on my sample ballot booklet which I'll take to my voting poll for speed vote and come out. Hope there won't be any huge line on Tuesday.

    Good for Adam telling us about his opinion. Freedom of expression and he has the right to speak about it.

  40. Check out this video - Chris Rock has a message for White folks:


  41. @5:56PM Since you don't know, the clergies in Iran on last Friday's prayers mass told the crowd if Romney becomes president they will speed up their uranium enrichment. Guess what that means. Insecure middle-east with high gas prices and potential war.

    Americans don't vote Romney if you don't want your sons and daughters involved in another war.

  42. What's with the talk of a monarchy, how silly, when what you should be talking about is turning this country into a Plutocracy! With Romney we'd be well on our way.

    Plutocracy-government ruled by the wealthy where they can exert tremendous political power (sound a little familiar?) over the people with little power. This is done by lobbying, individual and corporate campaign contributions, hidden untaxed assets and illegal financial pressure, takeover of media and deregulations of industry and banking. (sound a little familiar?).

    The hallmark of a Plutocracy is economic disparity creating a two class system. Sort of a them and us scenario. (sound a little familiar?).

    This country has had wealthy presidents before but never one so clueless as Mitt Romney as to how the other half lives. Nor can I remember one who changes his mind as often as he changes his socks.
    He lives in another universe, not an inherently bad man, just one who wants to be president so badly he's on all sides of every issue, look up his record. We here in Massachusetts were not impressed with him as a Governor and he knew it and wisely decided not to run for re-election. Good choice.

  43. Well one thing we All can agree on- we love adam RIGHT? We are glamberts and support our man. I respect everyones opinion and everyone that voted for rommey or O'Bama has thier reasons and should be respected. I feel sad that america has come down to class-warfare between rep and dem! We all are americans in this vote. I for one, living in fla are bombarded by repulicans, I have voted for O'bama simply because I trust him,he's for the middle class (which I am) and I'm originally from Ma and loved Rommey (no more- he's so out of touch and will set this country back 50 years for many reasons people! That's just my opinion, we will all know on tuesday , won't we.
    peace and love


  44. The world is not going to stop having wars if Obama is re-elected.

  45. Well, Adam, maybe you're trying to convert people just a little. lol

  46. You go, Adam!!!!!!! I don't give a rat's ass if your "Republican followers" agree with you or not.

    Adam is a liberal blue-state Jew. For any of you red staters sputtering over the reality of that, get on board with compassion towards the less fortunate and freedom of one's own personal beliefs for one and all in the United States of America, or get over it.

  47. Everybody,please settle down,and on Tues.,just vote for your choice.Let's not argue anymore,ok??Thanks.

  48. @7:45 You go girl- and stop killing animals- hunters I mean- red staters that live for country music , right for guns, ect. If your starving kill yes- if not leave those poor innocent animals alone. Repulicans for the most part ( (all those red states ) kill for a sport- so sick!!!

  49. Clint Eastwood's September 7, 2012 interview with his home town newspaper The Carmel Pine Cone is dead on:
    "President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."

    What is inscribed on Barack Obama's wedding ring? 

    Barack Obama has been wearing the same ring for over 30 years.
    When Barack and Michelle were married in October 1992, Barack used the ring as his wedding ring.
    So, what is so important about this ring that Obama will never take it off? The answer is shocking.

    The inscription on the ring Obama will never take off is:

    “There is no God except Allah.”

  50. For those that vote based on someone's choice on abortion, does that mean you are ok with sending 18 year old children into war? That's MY opinion just as it is my opinion on making my own decisions on my body. NOT YOURS or anyone else's! You want government out of our lives except when it suits you.


  52. @8:18PM I thought muslims have 3+ wives(as Mormons).This is about their religion and river of honey and 12 virgin wives.

  53. CTV Spreads Holiday Cheer as THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE Comes to Town
    Nov. 18 on CTV

    TORONTO, Nov. 2, 2012 CNW

    This year's broadcast also includes CTV exclusive Canadian yuletide greetings from some of the biggest stars in entertainment, including global superstar Taylor Swift, pop sensation ADAM LAMBERT, the X Factor's Demi Lovato, international chart-topper Carly Rae Jepsen, Once Upon A Time star Lana Parrilla, teen pop star Cody Simpson, TV's most trusted doctor, DR. OZ, and Erica Durance from CTV's SAVING HOPE, to name a few.

  54. IF Obama can break down radio's resistance to Adam's music, he gets my vote!

  55. CTV Spreads Holiday Cheer as THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE Comes to Town, Nov. 18 on CTV Toronto

    The 90-minute broadcast featuring ADAM LAMBERT airs Sunday, Nov. 18 from 4:30-6 p.m., on CTV (5:30-7 p.m. AT on CTV Two Atlantic), and on the go via CTV Mobile equipped cell phones visit to confirm local broadcast times). Viewers can relive the festive broadcast on demand on and the CTV iPad App following the broadcast

  56. @8:18PM Mr. Romney uses people with lack of knowledge of religion and history.You are one of them. And this one of the US problems which Mr. Obama tried to solve. A lot of americans never finished high schools. So, they don't have any idea about religions,history,science,economy. They just want to get money, food,health insurance just because they want to.
    Give me a break. In my f....state uneployment are down on 35%, gas prices never went over $3.5 in last 4 years. For God sakes, people move from many states, buy the houses and start new life. However,we are Republicans and have thousands mormons churches in these state. And KKK also. So, our state support Romney and give him 16,000,000 on his campaign! Fuck Republicans!

  57. @ 8:18 pm_____Gosh, I didn't know that Clint Eastwood was so in on political facts! A hoax huh? You mean a health care bill wasn't passed? Don't Ask. Don't Tell. wasn't repealed? The auto industry isn't thriving? A law wasn't passed for equal pay for equal job for women? The rate of unemployed isn't dropping?
    Thousands of firefighters and police didn't get to keep their jobs_____ Gasp! Do you mean Osama bin Laden is still sipping tea in Pakistan?

    BTW if President Obama hasn't taken his wedding ring off in 30 years how do you know what is written in it? No, don't tell me, Donald Trump told you right?

  58. Wow. I'll be back later, after I make a couple of quick comments. We've gone from Adam's reasonable tweets to insulting each other. I'm always in favor of a good discussion, but this is a little much.

    I support Adam in his right to have an opinion. I never wish to see the day when he doesn't feel like he can do just that. He supports the party whose platform most closely matches his own concerns and beliefs. Just like we all do.

    So sorry we here and the USA have come to this. :((

  59. When I hear Mitt Romney name I think about mormonr. And this is mean I think racist, homophobics,woman descrimination, and poor people.

  60. After all, I think that Adam became too much involved in politics. This isn't good.

  61. The only reason Obama didn't do more than what he did manage to push through is most obviously because the Republicans blocked everything and I mean everything he tried to do. Do you remember when Clinton pushed through all those bills at the end of his term only to have Bush repeal them immediately when he got into office? This is the exact same statement the Republicans and Romney promise to do. Repeal everything Obama has fought so hard for. I am so sick of our government spending so much time just fighting against each other instead of doing what they are paid to do. Abolish the two parties!

    As we all know, Adam comes from a very political and smart family. Whether you like it or not, he HAS learned from them.

    Anon 5:52, do you choose to allow your children to go to war or isn't that forced on you by government too? If a woman is raped, you are ok with bringing up that baby because you believe so strongly in anti-abortion right? I see so many people screaming their belief's on anti-abortion, but no money where there mouth is.

  62. All I can say is Adam Lambert is a very smart man, and does not need anyone, such as his father or brother to tell him how he feels, about anything. He is quite able to make his own desisions political or other wise! Bryan M. Is totally right Adam has every right to have his opinion, and being a celebrity should and does not rob him of that right! You do not have to agree with it, he is certainly not trying or able to force you to do that! He voiced his opinion and that is just it, is opinion! If you are a true fan of Adam, and human rights you will support that right! Adam has the right to his opinion, and you have the right to yours! I will always support Adam right to his opinion, and never look down on him for that whether I agree or not! Sue.

  63. I love Adam and respect his views and opinions just like everyone from my very own opinionated family and relatives who all I respect.
    But I'm still not voting for Obama and yes he did say "Voting is the best revenge"????
    How presidential!!!

  64. @9:14PM yes, voting is the best revenge against a guy who doesn't care about 47% of U.S. population. That's Romney.

    Vote for Obama/Biden

  65. Anon 9:14, you think it's presidential to say that you don't care about 47% of American's?

  66. Some posters here are questioning what are the sources of Obama saying "Go vote, vote, vote. Voting is the best revenge" when it's all over TV on CNN and the inscription of Obama's ring is all over the internet.
    The Arabic symbols on his ring are outside, not inside and reads: "There is no God except Allah."

  67. I have never ever wrote so much note on my sample ballot booklet. This election is really serious. Beside voting for next president of US, California has 11 propositions, then there are county and city and school measures. Vote for DA, Senator, etc. etc. I researched all of them and I better not lose my booklet cause I won't know how to vote. WOW, I am tired of this and I can't wait until Tuesday is over.

    To learn about props and measures and etc. Google them and read unbiased pros and cons.

  68. 47% is about campaigning to them, who all like nanny states. Gheezz!

  69. sometimes I get more info here than the news LOL- Go O'bama- so hope he wins on Tues then we can have another show-down- never boring being an adam fan FEst- fight off ! LOL I really mean that in a good way! Never a dul moment hear. Do you think the bieber fans talk like us? Not a chance in hell, love being a glambert!

  70. Adam makes a lot of sense, this election is not only about the United States, the out come will impact on the rest of the world as well. I hope Obama gets re-elected, I genuinely believe he has worked very hard to change things for the better, but it takes time and people need to be patient, a change in government at this point in time would prove to be disastrous, just think back to 4 years ago when the America was crippled through Bush and the republicans. This effected other world economies too. Just my opinion folks, and good on you Adam for having your say, you have ever right!

  71. ADAM LAMBERT is going to be at a Hennessey event in Shanghai on Dec. 2nd!

  72. love adam lambert- my gay son will vote forr omeny-so much to know about obama benghaze gate-fast and furious gate; uncaring killing california ambassador stevens and brian terry(fast and furious-obama selling arms to libya gave arms to the rebels- biased media cover up for obama;oabma i n bed wth abc-msnbc-cnn and nbc. obama killing babies; im PRO-LIFE.IF IM PREGANT AND I ABORT THE BABY LIKE ADMA WE DONT HAVE ADMA LAMBERT TODAY. NO ABORTION UNLESS IT THE DANGER TO THE MOTHER EXCEMPTION.AMERICA IS DOOM UNDE ROBAMA ; POOR ECONOMY-POOR FORIEGN POLICY HE SHOULD EB EMPEACHED ALSO;


  74. @9:27PM in case you didn't know, Obama is Democrat and he believes in separation of Church and State. Unlike, Romney who is Morman and probably has multiple wives in hiding. Have you seen his family pictures with tons of kids on his lap, beside him and behind him? I doubt his wife can produce that many kids.

  75. I voted for Obama BEFORE ADAM decided to endorse him. ADAM had nothing at all to do with my choice ... ADAM is only my choice for his MUSIC ... NOT ... his beliefs. So happy to know he & I are of the same political mind. AND for those of you who think Romney is the better choice ... LISTEN to the rest of the world's opinions ... they so do matter ... "NO man (or country) is an island" ... just keep that in mind on Election Day!! Peace ..

    tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

  76. @daydreamin
    Thanks for trying to change the subject : ))

  77. PLEASE FOR THE GOOD OF EVERY AMERICAN, I urge you to watch this ASAP.

    Everyone needs to know. Every American needs to watch this.
    This will knock your socks off BIG TIME. I cannot stop shaking! A MUST SEE!!!


  78. US Oil companies paid millions and millions of dollars to Romney's campaign so when he wins to work for them and possibly go to war with Iran. He said he will put more money in the military. What does this mean? Another war people. High gas prices means huge huge huge profits for US Oil companies. One insider news, CEO of US Oil companies are protected by US Military. Private jet of a CEO of one large US oil company is always protected by US Air Force.

    Americans if you don't want your sons and daughters involved in another war, VOTE FOR OBAMA.

  79. Any inputs from our international Glamberts!? Maybe they are taking a break until this election is over on Tuesday!?

  80. @9:42 said

    "Romney who is Morman and probably has multiple wives in hiding." You're a loon in all probability.

    "Have you seen his family pictures with tons of kids on his lap, beside him and behind him? I doubt his wife can produce that many kids." How idiotic!

    Romney has 5 sons and those are his grandchildren because they don't kill babies why they're that many.

  81. @9:59PM you must be a doctor! My cousin who is a doctor, emailed that video to all of his contacts.

  82. @ 9:59 pm.- - - - Gee, they forgot the part that all blue eyed people will be euthanized upon reaching their 60th birthday. Also that all women are forbidden medical care during unwed pregnancies. All women caught using contraceptives will be imprisioned for 30 years to life. And that men will receive a bonus of $1000 dollars for every virgin they impregnate. Plus all people over the age of 80 will be turned into mulch to green up the White House lawn. Everyone of pure white parentage will be held in concentration camps in Arizona.
    Prayer meetings will be compulsory
    at a mosque of your choice-5 times a day. In order to see a doctor you must give up your first born child to be a migrant worker in CA.
    If you have breast cancer you will be entered in a lottery, only one surgery allowed a week in all states with an R in the name. Doctors must say "mother, may I"
    before each examination. Sorry. I forgot the rest!

    But thanks for the warning, dimwit!

  83. @Glitzylady, here goes another try:

    Although not technically in a vineyard, Adam Lambert performed at the exclusive “Live in the Vineyard” event in Napa, California on Saturday night. He sang a stripped down set that included slower songs such as Grammy nominated “Whataya Want From Me,” and “Broken English,” as well as faster songs that had the crowd out of their seats and dancing like his latest single "Trespassing." Check out Adam’s performance of upbeat “Shady” in the video link below.

    Live In The Vineyard is a three-day event that consists of a series acoustic concerts from some of today’s hottest artists. Tickets were not sold for this exclusive event and the only way attendees could get in was by winning through contests. Other artists in the line-up for the night included Alanis Morissette, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals, and Delta Rae.

    View slideshow: Adam Lambert performs "Live in the Vineyard"
    Most people in the audience had never seen Adam perform live, based on a raise of hands when asked. That was great news for Adam, who said he “likes to make new friends.” It is unlikely any of these newbies were disappointed with the seven songs he sang, even if they were not already familiar with his new music. He left the stage to a standing ovation, leaving everyone wanting more than the short 30 minute set.

    Adam Lambert
    Photo credit: Renee Snyder

    Video: Adam Lambert performing "Shady"
    For those not able to attend the event, part of Adam’s performance will be televised because VH1 was on the scene. They tweeted, “We are recording ‘Trespassing’ for a #VH1Top20 bump-in on next week's episode."

    Adam truly shines in intimate settings such as the Live In The Vineyard event. His vocals were stellar and he gave both existing and new fans a great performance.

    © Renee Snyder 2012

  84. I just found out that there were 10 tix given away to the first 10 in line without tickets at the Napa gig. DRAT! I could have gone! Oh well. Dec 14th can't come soon enough.

  85. Oh, also heard it was only 3/4 full but I think he has a bunch of new fans :)))

  86. @9:59PM You are deff sick of you are belive in such a Romney propaganda!
    How is it possible that christians vote for mormons? This is the biggest sin I can imagine!

  87. I'm sure our international Glamberts have all run away and will probably never return.

    Insanity may be contagious - run for your lives!

    This right here is why the present Congress won the booby prize as the greatest bunch of do nothings of all time. They were at each others throats - just like this!

  88. Adam will undoubtedly lurk to see how the Glamberts are handling themselves. Won't he be proud.
    We'll probably all be fired and banned from his concerts.

    Deservedly so. Sorry Adam, it appears the media was right, your fans are crazy demented she-wolves.

  89. @anon 10.06pm
    well, I'm Onternational,and I'm still here. Can't quite believe some of the stuff I'm reading mind you.
    I think many of the posters here need to take a leaf out of Adam and Brians book on how to get your opinion across, calmly and to the point.
    A note to those that are anti abortion. Abortions are the choice of the women involved. What right to you have to tell them its wrong when you know nothing about the reasons why someone would choose that path. Just be thankful that you have never been in the position where you felt that abortion was your only choice....and if you're wondering, no I have never been in that position, but believe women should have the right to choose.
    I found that graph Adam posted very interesting, and if I could vote I would follow the majority of other Vrits in the graph!!
    I really don't want Romney elected, and would worry about the effects that choice would have worldwide.

  90. @daydreamin
    Thanks for the Renee Snyder column. Wish I could have been there too. I know the town of Napa a bit and can visualize exactly where the theater is that he performed in. The vids we've seen are sooo good and I envy those who were there. Adam is such an amazing live performer and I can only imagine how his "new friends" must have been so impressed with him. His voice is unbeatable in that setting. I keep hoping he might be invited to a similar gig, actually ANY gig, large or small, in my area but other than his early spring radio promo gigs, its been over 2 years since his last performance north of northern CA on the west coast. We Seattle/Vancouver fans keep hoping.

  91. Here is a good video of lies told during the presidential debate that should be watched

  92. Yep, as a New Zealander....I'll be back in a week or so.I don't get why you can't agree to disagree. It's all so nasty.Everyone, including Adam, has a right to their own opinion. That's what the polls are for, not the comments on an Adam site. Kiss and make up people!

  93. @10:37 - thank you for the laugh. Here's one for you - a Rmoney supporter in Ohio was asked why she didnt like Pres. Obama and she answered because "he is a Muslim, an atheist and a communist". The man asking the question said, "how can he be both a Muslim and an atheist?". Her response, "well, he just is". How can you argue with such ignorance? Unbelievable. . . Adamluv

  94. @Glitzylady, I do hope Adam gets to your area soon whether it be a promo concert like Napa or a Trespassing Tour or hey, a Queen + Adam Tour! I'd go far for that last one for sure since I've been so blessed to see him so many times this year. If I had the resources I'd go to as many as possible! I hope he also gets to Florida and North Carolina and all the other places you all are in that haven't seen him in awhile.
    I was really hoping one of you here would have won the trip to Napa!

  95. @9:69- thank-you for that link- I couldn't get through the whole video because honestly until I know the source (suspect Rommey somehow)I didn't believe it! Maybe true(some things I like, some things I hated, where was that coming from? I do know- I got insurance (paying alot however) under o'bama care whereas I got denied everywhere else! So Yes, I am for everyone having the right for health insurance one way or another!!! In fact, most places (run by repulicans, believe me I know- won't even consider giving benefits anymore. They all lost so much in the housing bubble in 2008 and thier dividends they won't even consider benefits for employees, Poor poor rich people!

  96. @Anon 10:50 PM
    I suspect that Adam WOULD be very proud of his Glamberts as a whole, with this thread perhaps giving him pause however, in some cases. His fans are generally intelligent, well spoken, educated, independent, generous, loving and giving fact in many ways similar to the man himself. I know many personally, and follow many others on twitter. And feel I "know" many on his blog.. Its not necessary to all think the same way, as Adam said in his tweet (below), but to at least respect each other would be appropriate behavior as fans of that lovely man. I have several good long time personal friends who are not voting for everything I'm voting for..but we agree to disagree..I just happen to agree with Adam politically..and nothing anyone can say will change my mind. Seriously. I was voting my conscience long before today. And will in the future.

    As Adam said here today:

    Adam LambertVerified
    if you don't agree with my political opinions that is totally ok. You can still be a fan of my music. I'm not looking to convert, just share

  97. I have a great uncle that is an attorney.He said he knows by experience,that voting in a new president will only hurt this country at this time.A new one would have to get used to everything which could waste a lot of time.Obama needs to stay for another term.No one person could have solve every problem that he inherited from the Bush administraion.Obama is NOT saying the things that somebody quoted on here,and is a Christian,and half white.His wife,Michelle is a wonderful first lady,too.

  98. alidol ‏@glam_alidol
    anyone who wants to have a chance to win a ticket of hennessy,you could rt this weibo and answer adam lambert on weibo …

  99. I don't understand why anyone is upset over this thread. We are showing a diversity of opinions on a site devoted to Adam Lambert and a thread whose title reads "Adam
    Lambert Tweets About the Election and his Responses." As far as I am concerned, Adam opened this conversation and I am as happy as a bird to converse on the political subjects. Loving the fact that there are elephants and jackasses here to debate the issues. That said, Canadian and HKfan and any other non Americans please remain silent as this is not your election. I don't care about your opinions.

  100. Sorry Anon 12:16 that you don't feel non americans have a right to voice an opinion.This is an Adam Lambert blog, not a political forum.I actually feel sorry for you with that attitude. Unfortunately,the US elections impact everyone. Would it were not so!

  101. don't understand why Adam Lambert feels it's important to tell everyone whom he will vote for if it was not his intention to persuade others. Adam is (and most likely will remain) my Pied Piper of music regardless, but as such he will never be a guru of my politics and I assure you worriers here that I am neither a homophobe nor a "racist." It is my considered opinion that one's decision about whom to vote for ought never rely upon a poll or a popularity contest and especially not an un-vetted poll supposedly reflecting the opinions of "foreign nations." Nor for that matter ought such decisions be determined by the demands or opinions of an employer, whether union or corporation. As for polls supposedly generated by foreign nations, they are essentially meaningless, and even if not inherently ersatz, then most assuredly they will be aligned to serve their own national interests, not ours. However, one thing most of these foreign governments have in common (whether they be republics or tyrannies) is their continued interest in maintaining the flow of US-source aid into their respective pockets. We will soon be voting for more than just a president and I keep my fingers crossed that our choices are based upon reason and critical thinking and not popularity contests or the views of the few who today control the publication of propaganda. --- Voltairie

  102. how's this: I don't like either candidate..but I will vote tomorrow for the one who most closely represents the things I find is really sad that we can't just combine the positive issues on both sides and roll them up into one man..oh Hell..there would still be thing..I know people who do not agree with me, one being my own son, but that has no bearing on my personal feelings for anyone, including my amazing and beautiful boy Adam...hopefully, this will remain a "free" country..

  103. @ Anon 1:21-WOW! Did you ever so beautifully say exactly what I was thinking. Now, you really sound like a very educated persuasive person with whom any of us could agree. The exact point is that Adam is trying to use his influence to persuade other people to his own personal agenda. He is NOT merely just sharing his thoughts. Otherwise, he would have kept quiet and low key as he has the past few years. But, now, he has a following and more influence, and he is being encouraged to put these assets to a good use. Adam, God bless you, but you are my music guru, not my political advisor. I am an intelligent person and highly educated and can certainly use my own mind for my own personal political agenda. And that stupid chart that you tweeted was an absolute joke. MUSIC IS YOUR FORTE, ADAM. Not politics.

  104. I also agree with what 1:21 said. And that chart is a joke. Has anyone questioned where it came from? If its anything close to being true, it shows you what they think of Obama and want money to keep flowing to them.

    Romney's promise of a strong military is not to go to war but to prevent wars. We need to get back to being the strongest, respected and yes even feared country we used to be.

  105. Fantastic, Voltaire has actually come back from the 18th century to share his wisdom with us. Cool!

    You know Voltaire one of the things you said a few centuries ago seems to fit right in with our present discussion.

    "I do not agree with the thing that you say, but I will defend to death you're right to say it."

    Yep, that was a good one, everyone free to express their opinion,
    even Adam!

  106. Go Go Americans fight for the bones!!!!

    This is what u called argumentative people!!!!

    I like that we all sinners anyways:)))


  107. I have to make this comment quick as I am a working mother. Adam-please put this new statistic into your pipe and smoke it. Of course, you promote Obama-but that is your own agenda. This news was just released. In the United States of America, 496 admirals and generals in the military have just endorsed Romney. Only 5-yes, that figure is correct-only 5 admirals and generals have endorsed Obama. They know Obama is a dangerous President when it comes to the safety of the American people in foreign affairs, especially the Middle East. Now, tell me that 496 admirals and generals are wrong!!! Adam, gay rights is your agenda-please open your mind to a greater level of thinking and do not be so selfish as to try to persuade your fans to your mind set. I pray to God that you will one day have your rights, but this will have to happen a better way than to be condescending and selfish. There are so many other people in the United States that also need their rights recognized, and the most important right is our right to be protected from people who want to harm and kill us. Tap into that ether yet again, Adam, and climb a little higher on that mountain top. You can get there! Yes, you can get there! Just open that beautiful mind of yours. Love your music forever, Adam. A true fan!

  108. You make it sound like we are supporting these foreign countries, the US budget for foreign aid is 1%, this is used for aid in national disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, AIDS and HIV prevention. This money goes wherever it's needed for humanitarian assistance regardless of our political association with a country. Many prominent Republicans say we should cut off all aid under any circumstance. Romney's current position (who knows what it will be tomorrow) is that all aid should be cut off to countries who don't agree with us politically.
    What a compassionate heart he has!
    Tell an earthquake victim or a child infected with HIV, sorry but your government is off our list. Too bad. If ALL foreign aid was stopped tomorrow, it would not make even a dimple in our national deficit.

    We are not supporting these countries, they just don't respect or trust Mitt Romney.

  109. @anon 12.16am
    so don't read our comments then, no one is forcing you to, I'm sure your computer has a scroll function, maybe now is a good time to learn how to use it!!

  110. The military always want more money, money for new planes that are already obsolete, and more ships, more everything.But kickbacks from the companies who want to build those are very lucrative and though high ranking military salaries are good, it's amazing so many retire as millionaires..lots of perks in military contracting. Our ships no longer fight battles cannon to cannon, they are equipped with rockets, nuclear warheads on both surface vessels and subs, we have weaponry to wipe out the world already, we don't need more. We have airplanes constantly in the air with nuclear weapons ( I know that bcause my husband was a crew member). The joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces have not asked for more and have approved Obama's proposed budget cut. They are the big guys the ones who know what we need to protect our country.

    Romney likes to talk tough, obviously hasn't heard the "talk softly and carry a big stick" policy. Obama talks softly and uses big sticks to strike down our nation's enemies quietly and efficiently. Bush was a tough talker too, what did he accomplish?
    Scores of dead Americans and Iraqis and the fallout will go on for decades.

  111. I don't want to be a feared country, I want to be an admired country. We lost that under Bush, but gained some back when our current president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He's proved he's no softy but he doesn't go around insulting other countries like one numbskull did on a recent trip abroad. That was embarrassing. Romney needs to stay within our borders, we're safer that way.

  112. Oh, sure, Obama talks softly and carries a big stick. Isn't this the President who left 4 of our very best to unmercifully die in Benghazi, Libya? Where was his frickin' big stick that day? I don't know how Obama can sleep at night-what a loser as the Commander In Chief. Hopefully, on Tuesday, we can say good bye to this narcissistic wanna-be.

  113. Everyone probably knew who he'd be voting for even before he announced it because of where the candidates stand on the gay rights issues. He may have swayed some people who were still undecided, or even possibly may have changed some minds, because I have seen instances where people were influenced by celebrities. Even when they felt very, very strongly about something but the celeb they loved had a totally different view, they changed their opinion of it to the way the celeb felt. Pathetic but it happens. But by now I think the majority of people know who they are definately going to vote for and very soon we'll all know who will be president for the next four years.

  114. Where was Bush when 3000 died?

  115. @6:04
    'Moron', think not! I too live in Utah and you'd have to be in a bubble or be crazy to think the state will vote Obama in! I've encountered Adam many times too and if you have a heart for Human Rights alone, how the blazes can you vote for the Mormon guy!

  116. Honestly, If Romney is voted in as President, all hope of equality for Gay people will go down the drain, especially if he is a Morman, Morman's hold very strong beliefs that marriage is strictly between a man and a women, so I understand Adam's concerns and fears for his future under such a government. Perhaps Adam would be better off moving to London to continue his career, at least people there are more tolerant and I'm sure he would be well loved and respected there than he has been in the United States, who have largely ignored his immense talent simply over his sexual orientation. At least Obama has made an effort to show approval when it comes to same sex marriage, but under Romney I can only see things going backwards and what a shame that would be. Shame on America and shame on Romney if he should be elected

  117. This morning news just said Bruce Springsteen will be with President Obama all day today. I think Adam should volunteer to join those 2 in campaigning today. That would emphasize LGBT right to marry.

  118. Oh, dear, Anon 4:29 AM. You are so very naive. Do you not understand that the radical Middle East countries will never admire us? They want to destroy The United States. They only understand the fear of great strength. It just came out today that almost every one of our admirals and generals in the United States military endorses Mitt Romney. This is BIG NEWS!!

  119. @ 3:07 am You want to know where the chart came from? I can tell you exactly. The UK, BBC World Service-Globescan- October 22 2012.

    "A new 21 nation poll for BBC NewsService indicates that 21,797 citizens around the world strongly prefer that the US re-elect President Obama by a 50% average over the 9% who prefer Romney. This was 20 out of the 21 countries, despite the closer race than Obama faced in 2008 when 23 out of 23 countries preferred Obama to McCain. Obama's support worldwide has not slipped relative to 4 years ago.

    This emphatic preference for Obama's re-election worldwide is in sharp contrast to the US where the candidates appear to be neck and neck."

    The Director of GlobeScan comments "Obama's election in 2008 led to a major recovery of America's image in the world and globally the people are showing no interest in changing horses now!"

    I prefer to get my news from a more objective source than our network news in this country. I like knowing what the world thinks of us.

    For those interested in the above you can read about it at
    www.GlobeScan or

  120. Oh there's no doubt internationally that Obama is favored more than Romney. All eyes of the world will be on the election.

  121. @ 5:14 am I am not at all naive I am from a 4 generation military family. Didn't you read 4:18's comment? We have the weapons to destroy any country on earth at our fingertips already. I just want Obama's finger on that button not Romneys. I want Obama to be the one who picks up that red phone and makes a decision that could possibly blow up the entire earth. I trust him to find a way to avoid that happening. I don't trust Romney who is full of bluster and showy bravado. And you can't intimidate the mid east by threats. You have to squeeze them as our present administration is doing. Iran is weighed down with sanctions and we have the approval of our allies, we need allies in this global game of chicken. You can't scare them. They don't scare and they don't care how many die, we do.

  122. Well Adam can vote for whomever he wants for president like everybody else. And he should be able to talk about it, too. It surely doesn't stop me from being a Glambert. I love the guy's music and his voice. He is without a doubt the best entertainer I have ever seen. I can't wait for his tour this summer.

  123. @4:29
    You got that right. Insults flew in all directions! The how to offend the world and look like a complete nitwit within a matter of days, was certainly achieved! Not a good international move.

  124. Like most people, Adam has certain issues that are most important to him. These issues influence his vote. Lots of people vote this way. He shouldn't have to keep his opinions to himself just because he's well-known. Other celebrities speak out, and he has every right to do the same.

    It should come as no surprise to his fans that he is a liberal. If some fans are surprised by that fact, they couldn't have been very big fans to begin with. Adam comes from a liberal family and, even though he rarely talks politics, he has expressed certain opinions publicly over the past three years.

    I wouldn't stop being a fan of someone because of their politics, unless the person became obnxious or rude or violent or disrespectful about it.


  125. Glad to see Adam can afford another 4 years of Obama.
    And thank you for this Web site, this way I can enjoy his music
    without having to waste my hard earned money.

  126. @ 7:13 AM That's a really good summation.

  127. @3:07 The economic collapse of the Soviet Union was the result of arms race and massive defence spending. US is making the same mistake.

  128. 7.13 your money is not any more hard earned than Adam's real fan's. I will continue to purchase Adam's music as alway's, with hard earned money! I also will support Adam's right to have an opinion, like I would do the same for everyone. Adam opinion is Adam Lambert's opinion, he can only state that, if you do not agree, then you don't. I not so immature to say you do not agree with me, i am not going to buy your music now, because you have a different opinion than me, you never were a fan in first place if that the case.

  129. So your saying we all should send are extra spending money
    To help out the Military instead of wasting it on CD’s and air
    Fare to see the same concert over and over.

  130. @7:24AM Republican point of view to me is reminiscent of communism or extremist. Enforcement of what they think it should be and their way is the only way using military to back up their views. Like the Iraq war.

  131. I am a fan from day one on American Idol, I just believe that a
    Big Star like Adam should keep his Politics to himself.

  132. I agree that Adam could be allienating some fans. Look at the Dixie Chicks, Rosanne, and Rosie where are they now. Just because you are famous don't force your views on others. Just shut up and SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  133. I am not the one that brought up the military, one of your
    So called Fan’s did.

  134. For Pete's sake, vote for Romney and give all your money to the military then.

  135. As Dr. Brian May of Queen tweeted this yesterday:

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay
    @adamlambert @anrefg Well, I hope those of you who are real fans of Adam don't expect him, as an artist, to be a dumb-ass with no opinions ?

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay
    @adamlambert @anrefg As Adam says, as thinking artists we have a duty to portray the world as we see it. And try to avert disasters !

  136. If Adam want’s to give us his personal views, I would much rather
    Here what it is like having a relationship with someone who
    Spends a great deal of his time in Finland instead of traveling the
    World with Adam.

  137. Ah, the true fans...LOLOL. They will tolerate anything from Adam....oh, except his political stance. First Amendment. Ring a Bell? It shouldn't come as a surprise that Adam is a liberal, as are his brother and father. As for his comments influencing anyone, well, I would assume that each of us has a mind of our own. If not, then you shouldn't BE voting. What dunderhead looks at a pop star's comments on Twitter and thinks, "Oh, now I know whom I'll vote for? Oh wait, there actually some idiots that will because they are uninformed voters in the first place. Fox News is then your go to place for brain washing, not Adam's Twitter account. Adam can say whatever he wants and apparently doesn't care if people agree with him or not. At least he's honest. I'm not worried about him losing fan base. I can't imagine that any Tea Party peeps are following anyway. Preach it, Adam. Go ahead and trespass; make their faces crack.

  138. I am a liberal from way back, but I have conservative good friends as well. As Adam says, conservatives can still be a fan of his music. Freedom of speech - yes, as Adam has done. But let's not spread hatred to any one party. Adam did not do that.
    Peace Out!

  139. He does not have to shut up and sing, he sings plenty and does not do same concerts over and over! He has said the one's in Africa will be quite different more music ect.. He also has Japsn and Moscow one's coming up,along with other's! They will be more big concert! You would not be able to enjoy Adam music, on a web site if he had not worked hard on it, what Adam said is nothing like what Dixie chic's said. He is just saying who he will vote for period, you vote how you want, and he how he votes the way he wants. Why is it ok for you to have an opinion and Adam cannot, that totally wrong. Many celebs are endorsing there candidates, they do not get attacked, non fan's are using this as an excuse to trash Adam. Adam has his rights you have your's! your on here expressing your opinion for your candidate, why does Adam not have the same right, America the home of the free remember!

  140. I think Tea Party is a populist movement. Populism is a problem in Europe too. Over here it has the usual national socialist characteristics, such as xenophobia.

  141. Totally OT. Somebody wrote that Adam isn`t fallowing Sauli`s instagram anymore. How can you see who is fallowing who. I can`t figure that out.. Can somebody tell me PLEASE!!!! And I hope that isn`t true or it`s misstage..

  142. Following the elections outside the US (ie Europe) it never ceases to amaze me how on earth the republicans in your country manage to find such ignorant candidates (eg. Palin and the extremely old, close to senile guy not so long ago)?

    Is it the television that brainwashes you guys to believe the outrageous lies those suits feed you with?

    European (right-wing) politicians may be crooks just as well, but they very seldom seem to be as annoyingly stupid as Mr R or Mrs P are.

    And about the pro-life thing that seems to be so important to the republican voters - after the baby is born why does s/he then suddenly becomes of so little value?

    Those with affluent parents and health insurances do well, those without, are left on their own by the state. Not very consistent and certainly not very pro-life to my mind.

  143. let's get Adam on the Top 5@5 today on 102.9 Don't pass the buck with the radio requesting.

  144. Some of the posts on this Web site in the past coupe of weeks
    Have pretty much said they are going To vote the way Adam has
    Suggested they do. Plus if I could have a nickel for every time someone
    Uses the word “Real Fan” I could afford the Air Fair to go see one of his concerts.

  145. Adam feels very passionate about human rights issues, his voiced his opinion and given his reasons why he feels the way he does. At the same time he has also stated that he understands that others may feel differently and this should not stop them from enjoying his music.

    Adam has stated how he feels in a polite respectful way with consideration for others, however some of the posts here have been quiet vicious towards him, shame on you for telling him to shut-up and sing, people like you are not worthy of being fans and Adam is better of without you!! This only makes me love this man even more for being so honest and couragous about his feelings. Keep fighting for what you believe in Adam.

  146. I live in Europe and in my opinion the European populists are just as dumb and annoying as the US ones.

  147. @8:54 AM As a US citizen I agree with you. Thanx for saying it. Let the people who live in glass houses throw the first stone.

  148. November 5, 2012 8:54 AM:

    I wouldn't classify Mitt Romney as a populist. He's just an ignorant twat, not a populist.

    And all the while he is supposed to be a state-of-the-art, top-notch politician of a major party in the US.

  149. This last post shows where the Hate comes from.

  150. Sometimes I don't get all the Obama supporters in this fandom either. For example, they are all for gay rights and marriage equality, but when some fans want to congratulate Adam and Sauli for their 2nd anniversary they are like ewwww. I mean wtf? Are they secret Ratberts or just patriotic.

  151. It’s funny, you say if we don’t support Adam’s Politics
    That we are hateful, but in reality you Obama supporters
    Are the ones to use hateful words first.

  152. Have you heard the saying opinions are like A**holes everyone has one. Why should Adam's count more than others. I agree shut up and sing.

  153. Shut up and enjoy the music then.

  154. We are all entitled to our opinions, some think louder than others!!!

    Chill out all & Vote Wisely:)

    Move forward & not BACKWARDS tomorrow on Nov 6!!!
    BTW I vote for President OBAMA !!! Yay!


  155. When Adam first started his career after Idol, some groups were upset that he wasn't vocal enough on these civil issues. Now that he has learned more and grown more, he is trying to do just that. Now other groups want him to stop. Damned if you do, damned if you don't! Poor Adam. Just follow your heart baby. You cant please everyone. Love you bunches!!

  156. I would love to shut up and enjoy the music, but it hard when you have
    To scroll down through all the tweets about why I should vote for Obama
    On this Web site.

  157. We are all entitled to our opinions, some think louder than others!!!

    Chill out all & Vote Wisely:)

    Move forward & not BACKWARDS tomorrow on Nov 6!!!
    BTW I vote for Mitt Romney !!! Yay!

  158. If you didnt notice Obama said on MTV he wont do anything about gay marrage in his term, it was for someone else to do.
    Also the foreign endorsments only get there biased and limited news from a limited American news network.
    Looking at the big picture, Romney is much better for our country.

  159. P.S. Still Love, Love ,Love you Adam!

  160. Any California fans knows anything about Proposition 40? I'm so confused about this Proposition. If you know anything please shed some light about it. Thanks!

  161. I'm an independent voting for Romney (voted for Obama last time). I knew Obama wouldn't do anything for gay rights and I'm not surprised to hear him admit it right before the election. It shouldn't bother me, yet I'm still Incensed that he has misled so many people on this issue.

  162. the above post was directed in response to @ 11:06 AM

  163. Any outsiders who read these posts can see who are the name callers, the bullies and the vicious ones.

  164. Once again, President Obama cannot wave a magic wand and make same sex marriage a federal law!!!!!
    Don't any of you know how laws are made? You have to have the House of Representatives and Senate approve and as we have seen, good luck getting that if Obama wins. No hocus pocus can make Congress act. And if Romney is elected -well, he will enforce DOMA, close out planned parenthood ( who by the way found my mother's breast cancer in time to save her life!)
    do his best to halt Obamacare in it's tracks and push to overturn Roe v Wade. It will be interesting to see how many familiar names pop up in his cabinet - Rove, etc. God forbid!
    See-----Democrats do believe in God and pray frequently! A whole lot lately.

  165. @ 12:50 PM I assume you are talking about the Romney Ryan standard bearer - the ZODIAC-Hitler
    town crier?

  166. @1:14 you nailed it.

  167. As I said before, these political threads are quite interesting. Funny too! When I think that my people had been "waiting for the Americans"... I wonder why.

    "CANNOT believe people would vote for a Morman", "...please remain silent [...] I don't care about your opinions", "they[...] want money to keep flowing to them", "...uses big sticks to strike down our nation's enemies quietly and efficiently", "... a Big Star like Adam should keep his Politics to himself", "Just shut up and SING!" ... Here they are! The Americans! Hehehe!

    I think stupidity is universally spread in this world - mormons, Allah-lovers, pro-life activists, gay, straight, young and old alike (domestic and international ..Berts included!)

    As an "international ..Bert", a skeptical one, I agree it's important to know who commissioned and who carried out that poll, and also who were the respondents - the 21,797 (supposedly ordinary) people from 21 countries... 22 thousands out of hundreds of millions (that's representative for all of us, I'm sure!) Let me translate the the language of cynics: "the known evil is better that the unknown evil"

  168. I think the world (the ordinary people) don't follow US debates or political platforms so closely, and don't really know who Mitt Romney is (although they might know that he is member of a party that brought THE WAR upon some countries, all this in the name of democracy and world's safety). However, they might not know that US foreign policy (aka "national interest") is not changing on 4-year term. I mean, it changes, but not really! That poll might be relevant to US citizens... but, really, it is not! It might be, however, an excelent instrument to influence the undecided voters. It's the closest run in US elections ever, it seems. I guess, any vote matters. Everyone (including celebrities!) is called upon to help the (electoral) war effort. 6 billion USD! Geez! If one strongly believes in a candidate, now it's the time to state his/her opinion. I like and respect the involved Adam. The "real artists" should be vocal about what they perceive as important.

    As for what is right and what is wrong in this world... Some of us have been misled into thinking that U.S. is the greatest democracy in the world. We bought what your PR agents were selling. Those of us (from Eastern Europe) who dream of "real" democratic societies (after 50 years of totalitarism) don't know what to think (to put it mildly) when an American ambassador says that "it doesn't matter what the majority decides, it matters what the laws say and the Courts decide". I understand where this comes from, I do, there is a point in that. You seem to live by this rule. However, if we had respected our countries and communist parties' laws, we would have remained under communist regimes around here.

    You'll figure these (elections) out. After all, you are a great nation and, yes, the sole (postmodern) empire of the world.

    Ave, Robamney, morituri te salutant. :-)


  169. @11:46 - I will tell you what I know about Prop. 40 here in Cal. It's about who should draw up new state senate district lines. A "yes" vote would allow an independent group, rather than POLITICAL PARTIES, to draw district maps. Hope this helps. . . . Adamluv

  170. @ GLb.......JAK here

    I enjoy your posts, it's a good idea to see ourselves as others see us from beyond our borders.

    Lately I've been remembering Winston Churchill's statement
    "It has been said that Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried."

    Democracy isn't easy and we haven't quite gotten the hang of it in over 300 years. But I think it's worth sticking it out and hoping for a flash of enlightenment. Loud and ugly as our elections may get, and this one in particular, they are bloodless. Well, I suppose there might be a punch in the nose on occasion. We won't give up trying to make it work.

    ....The gladiators salute?????....


  171. That's nothing, we frequently go over 200!

  172. At the end of the day . . .everyone will vote
    the way they want . . so cool out
    and enjoy the vids from youtube . . . headonfire1105 channel . . outstanding

  173. @GLb That 6 billion dollar isn't only ads for US president. It's for so many different things. Each state, county and city have their own election as well tomorrow. We not only vote for US president tomorrow. We vote for State Senate, House Rep., District Senator, State Assembly Member, District Attorney, State Measures, County Measures, and City Measures. Ofcourse, each US State, County, City ballots are totally different.

  174. @AdamLuv Thanks for your comment.

  175. Will we ever have an openly gay president? Wow, I would like to be around to see that someday.

  176. Back in the dark ages when I was young, I was taught to never talk about sex, religion or politics. How times have changed!!

  177. @5:21 PM
    Haha! Those were the days!

    @GLb .... PHEW! That's a lot of voting going to happen!!

    Pleased to see that my country (Australia) is no. 2 on the list. Generally speaking, we're a tolerant lot.

  178. And how wonderful that they have changed - that women actually have a right to an opinion.

  179. 3:08 Please don't change history on us. It was Patric Henry the US Patriot who made that statement, not Voltaire. I know who you are going to vote for tomorrow, the man who has visited all 57 of our states, would love to learn the Austrian language, thinks windmills are new technology and wished all the Mexicans in this country a happy cinco de quatro. Our highly educated and intelligent president, Mr Obama.

  180. @5:26PM I would love one day move to Australia. I have family and friends there.

    Yes, that's there will be a lot of voting tomorrow for different things. I heard on the news that State of Florida has 15 pages of voting for different things besides voting for US President. Florida is one of the main States that will determine who will be the next president of US.

    Remember the hanging chads of 2000. We might have the same fiasco again with this election in Florida.

    @JAK knows more about it. I live in California and I know little about the voting process of Florida via T.V. and Radio.

  181. I have been posting on this site for three years now and you know me as the Conservative Christian who loves Adam. I've read again through all of these many posts and find much to my disappointment that no one NO ONE has said they are a Liberal Christian. I can't help but wonder why..........

  182. @5:52 - 57 states? cinco de quatro? Austrian language? WTF?

  183. Where is your tag if we know you? Arent you proud to be a conservative christian? @6:02

  184. @4:52 You do realize that there are more muslims than all other religions combined and that the Chinese number in the billions don't you? Are you aware of how these two (one a religion and the other a race) feel about homosexuality? You hope for a gay president of the US? I guess you want a bomb dropped on the White House.

    1. It will be The Purple House thank you. It's my fantasy and everyone will love and respect each other.

  185. @6:12 - was it just that you forgot to mention Christians/Mormons/Catholics/Evangelicos? These are the only religions in the US I see preaching hatred of gays and telling their flock to vote for Romney. Their tax exempt status should be removed.

  186. I kinda figured that was the reigning opinion in the rest of the world - so cool that you found that poll and sent it out. Feelin' somewhat discouraged and worried today but that poll was a real lift!! Thanks, man. Hope tomorrow night's results are a similar sweep!!

  187. We must be very concerned what the world thinks of us. Let's give them all lots of foreign aid so they will like us.


  188. Adam has every right to speak his opinion just like everyone else!


  189. the ECONOMY is the most important thing PERIOD! the crime rate has went up significantly in the last 4 years because of it. Robbery is everywhere and Purse theft everyday at some Walmart. It is getting ridiculous! It is all about getting people to work and maybe this damn theft and violence will stop!

  190. I'm a liberal christian. Romney can get the economy back on track. I believe that is what has to be done before we find ourselves in a very serious situation. People are robbing and killing for survival or their drug habits. Enough is Enough. The Economy is suffering and people shouldn't sit back and watch it happen.
