Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Adam Lambert at Age 80!


  1. Interesting,well hope he still has that much hair at 80. Wonder what color he will dye it lol. Adam will always be beautiful no matter how old because he is always beautiful on the inside. Now personally I wouldn't want a drawing of me at 80, might be scary.

  2. wow He looks dang good there. As you age your nose gets longer and your lips thinner.

  3. I'm 77 how much older do I have to get to get a longer nose? I've always dreamed of a long pointy nose instead of the little snub I have!.....JAK

  4. HEY!! on tv just now ET Canada mentioned that the list of Glaad nominees had been released and the only one they named was ADAM!! And they played a clip form NCOE video!!
    I felt so happy.

  5. I have always been amazed at former Pres Reagan having a full head of dark hair even at an advance age. I presume Adam would be the same and they're both Aquarius.

  6. Leila and Eber must be so proud of Adam.

  7. Adam at 80...still sooo handsome! Hey he'll probably be some kind of tycoon by then, owning a string of beauty / fashion product companies and also a film / music production company. Mmm he'll probably be dishing out awards rather than receiving them. He'll most likely have his wax-work at the wax-work museum, standing next to some dignitary and people can still touch his hair. lol! I wonder how many children he might have, lol! Now for the wails...he might still be able to screech out something, lol! But no need for that by then; he'll have other tricks up his sleeve, knowing Adam's brain capacity when it comes to reinventing himself. lol!


  8. OT: Since season 12 of idol started tonight- lots of buzz on adam on twitter and already some articles saying adam was the best contestant ever! Buss on idol twitter page as well about how adam should of been a judge. Here we go, but it's all good!

  9. I think Adam will get to perform on Idol S12. And whatever song he sings will spurt on the charts. Also very likely he'll be next season's AI judge. And like Adam says, timing is very important in the music business; he'll be absolutely ready by then because his 3rd album probably will give it a boost if he plays the cards right, this time round.


  10. So...Speaking of the new season of Idol, and taking us back to the present...and to a few years ago..This article calls Adam "the best contestant the show has ever seen"...I agree :)))

    Detroit Daily News: American Idol:Ranking The Seasons

    #3. Season 8 (2009)

    "Two words: Adam Lambert. Lambert was the best contestant the show has ever seen, and whether he was hitting homers (his version of “Mad World,” his stunning “Tracks of My Tears”) or bombing badly (remember his psycho sexual take on Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire?”) you couldn’t take your eyes off the guy. Still, he somehow lost to Kris Allen in the finals, the biggest injustice in the show’s history."

    ***I loved the author's take on Adam, that he was the BEST CONTESTANT EVER..but I disagree that Adam "bombed badly", although he sure did shock a whole lot of people with his ultra sexy, and definitely NOT country version of "Ring Of Fire", and Simon sure didn't like it: "self indulgent rubbish" (I suspect he's still eating his words tho!).. I loved it, ("Holy S**T!!! WHOA BABY!!!) but at the time wondered what America would think of it..And my husband, who was and is a big fan of Adam's, was convinced he'd be voted off..because it was so different. I suspect Adam might have wondered too, at the time.. And its true that not everyone "got" it, some absolutely hated it...but it certainly established right then and there that Adam Lambert was not your average Idol contestant..and would NEVER be boring! And so it began....

  11. WOW! If this drawing is accurate, Adam should age well. Hope his hair doesn't fall out with all the dying of it.

  12. Sadly, I won't be around when Adam is 80. :-(

  13. Still with those things in his earlobes at 80?!?!

  14. glitzylady - loved your post and, of course, agree that "Ring of Fire" was certainly NOT a bomb, although it certainly caused a lot of conversation - something Adam seems to do on a regular basis! I remember when Ellen gave Kara a hard time when interviewing her about the judges comments of that performance.

    Here's a translation of an article in a Shanghai newspaper about Adam's upcoming performance. It's very good -

  15. Rather keen observation about the earlobes, 10:41; they usually sag a little at age 80. Mmm one earlobe slightly bigger than the other, in the very good portrait; understandable at age 80, everything seems lopsided. lol!


  16. Adam will age very well, looking very distinguished with his strong, classic features.Being a fair haired ginger, he may have more wrinkles, but he will always be extraorinarily fine! Great art rendering.

  17. @ JAK, I also have a snip of a nose, but the earlobes have gotten longer and dropped with a few other parts!

  18. VERY WELL SAID Glitzylady, it is very true, he is the best ever contestant, watching the first of season 12, tonight, ADAM, just blew it away, of course he had sung those songs many times, so perfect, and soooo good looking,the best talent ever, he should have won, but has done very well, i hope he is on this season, the only AI, to come back to mentor or sing, the last 2 seasons! LOVE, LOVE, ADAM LAMBERT!!!

  19. I liked the way Adam sang "Ring of Fire" Thought I would be hearing Adam sing it often when series Chicago Fire first aired. Heard Adam's version when the series was being promoted. Sadly, it wasn't played, so I stopped watching the series. I like Johnny Cash's version but Adam's if more sexy.

  20. Well everyone seems to like this picture, but I can't see anything that resembles Adam in it.....

    Adam is definitely the best contestant ever, and I will join the ranks of those that loved Ring Of Fire. I think that was the song that seemed to get most people attention.

  21. Adam is my fireball!!!:)


  22. Any chance of peeps here voting in this Popdust poll, Reality TV's Greatest Music Star of All Time ........

    It looks as though Adam will be up against Kris Allen next.

  23. @Lam-my
    Yes, one ear is bigger than the other in this drawing.

  24. LOL! This drawing was done by an optimist, shall we say. I think it would be easier to get an real idea by aging a picture of Eber, who is about 50(?)by about 30 years. Add black hair and a little thinner.

    But sometimes it's just better to be an optimist.

  25. 3:53
    Also the bridge of the nose is a little wide so makes it a bit flatish and sunken; Adam's nose is the most prestigious feature of his face due to its prosperous high well-padded bridge; challenging in terms of portrait drawing; but a rather good attempt. :)


  26. I think Ring of Fire was Adam's statement song - like, "Hello. this is who I am - deal with it. I'm a little different than you are!" Adam was very proud of it and didn't back down and certainly had the last laugh with his huge success in Nashville...nancdruuu2
    P>S>While I love the portrait of Adam at "80", I think an 80 year old man looks a bit different - long ears and certainly less vigorous. But, this is Adam we're talking about so who knows.

  27. Thanks for the info about the ET Canada clip and the article about Adam Lambert's being best contestant ever on Idol. I love to get those tidbits! Appreciate it :).

  28. @4:13 AM
    Eber is more than 50 but less than 60, I think.

  29. I think "80 year old Adam" looks delish in this drawing. The artist has captured his eyes perfectly.

  30. Thanx for the link, glitzylady. It really is complimentary. Instead of bombed with 'Ring of Fire', they should have said most controversial. Personally I enjoyed it and was delighted when he lifted his shirt and showed a bit of skin. lol

  31. Lam-my, I love your list of Adam's accomplishments after a long life and a wonderful career. I wish I'd be around to witness it all. I predict Adam will flourish in the media and be very classy and respected. We have just seen the tip of his potential. He has the respect of so many already. We agonize over record sales right now, but I think his career will take many paths. If Sauli is truly his life partner, I wish them love and happiness. Maybe children WILL be in their future. Just read this morning that Elton John and his partner have a second son now, via surrogate. Neverthelesss, Adam and Sauli are a love story unfolding before our eyes.

    As for the drawing, I think it is lovely. His classic good looks will endure, even in old age. I wonder if he'll ever want to get "work" done?

    Love the props Adam is getting connected with Idol. Although I am done with the show, I'm grateful for it, just as Adam is. Hope he can move well beyond it, though. This is just the beginningn of a legend in the making.


  32. @Anon 9:00PM - Depending on your age, of course, if you want to know what you will look like when you are "old", take a look at your mom or dad. I'm at the age when I sometimes look in the mirror and see my mom. I'm not complaining at all, at least I'm HERE!...nancdruuu2

  33. adam lambert i thin he age gracefully fully.hope also adam lambert has his own biological babay his own flesh and bloood-someone has to get pregant for adam and have his own baby. perhaps look like him and has adams good voice as well.adam think about it. u and sauli togehter but u have to have ur own biological baby.

  34. @ 9:41 P.M.Jan 16

    I hate to burst your bubble but President Reagan had a full head of orangey brown hair....every comedian of the time took a shot at his dye job! He was a favorite of mine in films and though not my choice for President, gave lovely homey chats on TV..........JAK

  35. DRG
    His accomplishments do not all come at 80, lol! I think we might be able to see some of them unfold as early as 50 and he will build on them till maturity like some of the big names we know. If Adam can get into some sort of influential partnership, this scenario of his future accomplishments will play out even earlier. We should be able to witness some of them at their budding stages. lol! An Adam pioneered project I envision will be his own film production, directing and starring in his own movie...huge finance backing. He has said he wants to act on big screen and that will kick start it. We have a sneak peek of his creative flair in this field in his videos NCOE and BTIKM, like mini movies; and the latest bit of acting he did on PLL and the Divas sketch is really refreshing. Wonderful news about Elton John and his partner having a second son.


  36. Hey Timeslot...that's a Bingo! lol!


  37. @Anon 7:48AM, Adam and Sauli could have their own biological baby through a surrogate. I think that would be cool! Even when it's your own "flesh and blood", inherited talents and looks are never guaranteed. WAY OFF TOPIC: I have an adopted grandchild who is a true blessing from above. No different from my "blood" relations - all joys to behold! I frequently am told by strangers that the "adopted" one looks exactly like me! I couldn't be prouder!..............nancdruuu2

  38. I'm glad I didn't watch American Idol last night I heard it was bad

  39. ....Age...Friend or Foe....?

    What happened to my body
    It was there not long ago.
    Everything was in it's place
    It was quite a show!
    I dressed it up for all occasions
    Like a child at play
    The wilder the better
    I would always say.
    On some days, simplicity
    Stark black and white...a nun.
    With a definite goal in mind
    Here I come, my ambition is to stun
    It was a game I played for years
    Till a window reflection glimpse
    Startled me into reality
    I stared in wonder with a wince.
    What happened to the perkiness?
    What happened to the sass?
    Where is my waistline?
    Honestly, is that really my a**?
    How long has this been going on?
    Did it happen overnight?
    When did my body begin to blur?
    When did my hair turn white?
    I asked my husband, how do I look?
    "Beautiful, let's go out to dinner"
    I didn't make a mistake 58 yrs. ago
    He turned out to be a winner.

    dedicated to "women of a certain age"...............from JAK

  40. @7:44 That is true my Mom is well into her 80's and looks amazing. I look quite a bit younger than my true age,so I was kind of kidding. But as for Ring of Fire that song made me really fall in love with Adam. I thought it was so brave and sexy. It showed his creative risky side which I love!I hope Adam goes on as a mentor on AI this year.

  41. @JAK - Beautiful!..and so true on all counts! nancdruuu2

  42. I'd say 80 minus about 30 years.

  43. @JAK

    Thank you for summing up my thoughts in Age....Friend or Foe. This one is a keeper for me. I'm 63 and I'm always told I look younger..... I certainly know that I feel younger. I think if you are young at heart, have a postive attitude and if you take care of yourself it will show in your physical appearance.

    I also agree with a couple of the posts here that if you look at Eber you will get an idea of how Adam will age.


  44. JAK, Once again, you said it perfectly. This is why Adam statement about beind beautiful inside and out is so true. My mother-in-law died at age ninety. She was witty, smart and lucid till her death. She and I were great friends. She would say, "My body may be getting old, but I don't feel old at all up here." And she would point to her head. She was a young as can be in her attitude and outlook and enthusiasm for life.

    JAK, I'm with you all the way!


  45. Thank you JAK! Lovely poem. I can totally relate to it. I only hope I got my mother's 80 most people assumed she was about 60! She was a pretty, charming intelligent lady. She lived until 101 and was lucid until the very end. We were so blessed to have her as long as we did.


  46. Why I believe in God:

    Because as you age and begin to wrinkle here and there, your husband's eyesight becomes less sharp as it once was and he sees the lovely young woman you were at 20 when you wed.

  47. JAK here....I'm glad you liked my musing......My mother was 83 when she died, a few days before we had celebrated my Grandson's birthday and at his party he went into her room and brought out her guitar.
    Never needing to be coaxed she sang for almost an hour, country songs, Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra, hymns, Jerry Lee Lewis, Dinah Shore, Ella Fitzgerald, sultry torch songs from the 40's and finished up with Puff the Magic Dragon. I often wondered just how many songs she knew....thousands I'm sure. Her voice was as strong and beautiful as when I would watch her on stage at USO shows on military bases as a child.

    It's a blessing when someone can be "full of life" right up to the time they leave us. I still see her green eyes and hear her voice in my dreams. I had asked her awhile before she died, "Mom, how old do you feel inside?" She thought a minute and then said "33"
    That sounds good to me!
