Wednesday, January 23, 2013

AfterElton: Adam Lambert's Version of the National Anthem is Underrated

AfterElton did a list of the most underrated National Anthem and they put Adam's version at #4.

4. Adam Lambert

"It is my deeply unpopular opinion that Kris Allen played a better game on American Idol than Adam Lambert, even if Adam's voice is the winged, mythological, thundering rhinestone valkyrie wail that it is. Though his best moment will always be his bonkers performance of "A Change is Gonna Come," you can learn all you need to know about Adam from this casually amazing version of the national anthem. He's not even trying to have that much control. He just does." - AfterElton


Check out Beyonce's version which was performed at Inaugural Ceremony: Inauguration 2013 for President Obama.


  1. Adam sings the National Anthem with intense depth and feel and takes the high notes with such "full-throated ease"...he's the best I've heard so far. His best version for me would have to be the one he sang for Steven Spielberg at an award ceremony to honour the producer/director. This version (AI stint) is excellent.


  2. No one is going to say too much about Beyonce lip sinching the National Anthem beyond their sense of disappointment. Her and hubby seem to be very tight with the President. She will get s pass that most artists wouldn't. I find it rather an embarrassment.

  3. I don't mind the prerecorded but was it also autotuned? I thought it was very good and I like to hear a good SSB once in awhile like Adam's.AfterElton is so passive agressive toward Adam.

  4. OT. Running is next on Radio Energy! Tune in to listen!

  5. No one can beat Adam, of course, even in this somewhat casual setting. He just nails it. Beyonce did a great job. I think pre-recording it is a good idea in that circumstance. The weather, temperature, wind, etc., can affect a lot of things. It's a very formal occasion, so it should be done well, however it's done.

  6. VOTE for ADAM for ROCK in RIO 2013:

    VOTE for ADAM for ROCK in RIO 2014:

  7. Hopefully some time in the future when someone is needed to sing the National Anthem at an important event, Adam will be asked to perform it. He would not have to pre-record it and then lip sync the song. But the weather conditions, sound control, etc. probably all were issues that needed to be considered even though Kelly Clarkson did perform her song live. Go figure.

  8. Singing the NA at the presidential inauguration should be LIVE.
    If you can't or won't sing it live then don't do it.
    It's fine in other venues if you want to lip synch the NA but not on a world wide TV coverage of an inauguration for the US president.
    And the Marine Band has played live for so long every inauguration.
    No one has lip synch before on this occasion.


  9. Adam Lambert doesn't lip sync. That is frankly cheating and I am so glad there is a scandal about Beyonce. Shame on them for having two AIs - Jennifer and Kelly but not the man who made history last year and who has the best voice in music today. Yes, he is from AI too so he should one day be given the chance at a huge event. Beyonce is a phony.

  10. Adam Lambert doesn't lip sync. That is frankly cheating and I am so glad there is a scandal about Beyonce. Shame on them for having two AIs - Jennifer and Kelly but not the man who made history last year and who has the best voice in music today. Yes, he is from AI too so he should one day be given the chance at a huge event. Beyonce is a phony.

  11. Please, vote for Adam.We started to lose and it seems that teen angels will win this poll:(

  12. This is the link

  13. Lam-my, I agree with you that possibly Adam's best version of the National Anthem was when he sang it for Steven Spielberg, even tho this version is wonderful. I remember Steven Spielberg saying, after Adam's performance, that his kids wouldn't care about the award he was receiving but would be so thrilled that Adam performed for him. Coming from Steven Spielberg, that's something!

  14. Sorry, my mistake. This is the link

  15. Adam's version of the NA was great!!I bet that was last min,& he didn't have much,if any, rehersal either.I didn't hear the version he sang honoring Steven Speilburg-wish I had.Is it on you tube??

  16. This version of Adam's at Miramar is my favorite. The Spielberg version was a little too embellished for my taste. Adam's acapella, simply sung without too many vocal acrobatics kept the essence of the song, updating it just enough to be powerful and meaningful and not an artist's ego trip with so many riffs to make it unrecognizable. Xtina tends to overdo it. My choir teacher years ago would have loved Adam. He correctly sang the word banner(before yet wave)without putting in the eextra note(ba-aner)which was her biggest pet peeve.Beyonce made that mistake, altho' she did a beautiful job, lip synching or not. We all know she doesn't need auto tune and she can sing. In this case it makes sense. This is a monumental occasion and a voice, like string instruments can be adversely affected by frigid weather and this was the Presidential inaugeration, after all. It's not the same as an indoor concert of an artist that doesn't have the vocal power to sing live. I keep coming back to this Adam version every holiday.It's our national anthem and very meaningful. Adam's last words, the brave was strong, powerful and effective. Beyonce has nothing to apologize for. If her throat closed up everyone would be trashing her. Sometimes you just can't win.

  17. Adam's version of the US National Anthem is GORGEOUS!!! Really, really beautiful. Haven't listened to Beyonce nor the others yet but will do some time down the track.

  18. omg what is the big freakin deal about that poll ? What did I miss?

  19. Adam's conviction and commitment to himself and his singing will say no to lip-synching on any live occasion, against wind, cold, hot etc. He'd probably want to experience how he sounds like in these supposedly adverse conditions, just to know and probably learn from them. Yes I too think Adam would be the more powerful voice to sing/grace the Inauguration.

    8:35.....That version was really very special, touching, even to me. Hmm, Mr Spielberg, how about casting Adam on 'Smash'. I'll start to watch it if you do!

    8:47.....Try Google, you might be able to find it. Spielberg was presented an Honorary Award and Adam sang his heart out for him.


  20. Whoever turned me onto Energy radio, thank you!

    It is so wonderderful to hear Adam's music on the radio! Even if it is on the net.They play him so often. I listen in all the time now.

  21. I thought Beyonce's version was beautiful and I personally don't care one way or the other that it was prerecorded. I watched it on TV as it happened and I had no clue it wasn't live. (She's a great lip-sync-er, that's for sure!) I don't understand what all the fuss is about or why the media felt it was necessary to create an issue (oh, wait..that's what they do...and no one is immune. Remember what happened when Christina Aquilera sang live and forgot the words..she was slammed as well. Perhaps Beyonce didn't want to suffer her fate, so took that precaution..) . Perhaps she just really wanted to be sure she did the best job she could do for the occasion and the President. I can see that perhaps with the band playing in the background it might be hard to hear herself and so she took the precaution of recording it beforehand. Just my opinion.

    As for Adam's acapella rendition of The Star Spangled Banner at Miramar NAS in San Diego during Idol. I loved not only his perfect live performance, but his reasons for being there: He personally asked to visit Miramar to perform for the troops and their families. He may not be particularly "political" but he certainly honors and appreciates the military and their families. And has done so on more than one occasion, often with no publicity or media recognition. Such a kind and generous man. I too hope that one day soon, we'll see Adam performing in front of millions at an Inauguration or similar event. He would undoubtedly sing live. And would be superb.

    From the Village Voice:

    11. Lee DeWyze 

    10. Scotty McCreery. 

    9. Kris Allen. 

    8. Ruben Studdard.
7. Fantasia.

    6. Jordin Sparks.

    5. Taylor Hicks. 

    4. Carrie Underwood.

    3. David Cook. 

    2. Phillip Phillips. 

    1. Kelly Clarkson.

    Read of descriptions of each here:

  23. What bothers me is not whether Beyonce lip synch or sang live.
    But why has she not come up to say anything if she did or not.

  24. Mmm...this list looks suspect to me! lol! Maybe it's time.....(complete as desired). Okay on a positive note because I always believe the flip-side of failure is success or bad luck turns out to be good luck...who knows. Many doors were closed to Adam when he started out as an unknown, but AI opened its door really wide to let him in...yes for that Adam will always be kind of indebted to AI and indirectly, us too. But still can't quite get over the fact that "he didn't win..." so wittily exhorted by NeNe on Divas. lol! Loved that NeNe moment; sort of digs right into the bones. lol!


  25. Nile Rodgers ‏@nilerodgers
@adamlambert Your infectious laughter on the phone instanly had me cracking up too. I'm thankful for this wonderful new day. Peace, Nile.

  26. that list looks decent but I would rank CU higher and Scotty maybe somewhat higher.

  27. If Kelly sang live, why can't Beyonce?
    Just proves Idols always sing live, can sing live and will sing live.
    Although Hudson and Sparks lip synched the NA as well at Superbowl.
    But Kelly wil never lip synch because she is on the record stating on January 2010:

    @kelly_clarkson It’s official….the age of lip-sync is over. If P!nk can sing live, upside down, spinning/flying through the air then there are no excuses.

    Yes, I admire Pink for that.

  28. just left the PopDust poll When I first got there Adam was 55% and when I left an hour later he was 53%. I'll vote some tomorrow, too many of these polls for me lately.

  29. I would put P2 about #9.

  30. awww I love Nile, wish I could see them live. Lam-my now you got me laughing about that skit with Adam and NeNe.

  31. the jury is still out about PP I still haven't figured him out yet.

  32. 10:47
    NeNe said: There's only that much I can do, it's all up to him (Adam). He was from American Idol, maybe we can do something...
    Someone said: He didn't win.
    NeNe: He didn't win?...oh ff..! lol!
    That was so rubbing it in! lol! Helped me let out some years of pent-up steam. lol! Very good acting from NeNe and Adam.


  33. Adam's laughter really is infectious.

  34. Adam's rendition of the National Anthem should be #1 underrated.

  35. @10:04 PM
    Phillip Phillips shouldn't be on the list - he has such an ordinary voice - and Adam should be on it .... up there with Kelly!!

  36. Taylor Hicks is on that list - GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!! o_o

  37. The only ones I like on that list are Kelly and Jordin.

  38. Adam's national anthem is stunning.

  39. I think Phillip Phillip's voice should be 10th. He's WAY overrated, imo.

  40. Re that list - Lee DeWyze isn't the best Idol winner ever but he's a lot better than Px2.

    Adam should be on that list!!!

  41. Adam was second to none in
    Season 8. He was the star of Season 8 from beginning to end.

  42. Make that PP should be last, #11.

  43. Lip-syncing the NA spoiled Beyonce's performance. It's the National Anthem, for goodness sake!

  44. I prefer Adams Anthem at Miramar, sung straight as it should be. Whilst the vocals were perfect on the ADL performance, the runs on the end were a bit too long. Christinas NA last year was way too much. Its the NA and shouldn't be sung as a pop song. More isn't always better.

    As to Beyonce,I don't really mind if she lipsynched, she certainly sang to her backing track at the very least. I care that she's not owned up to it,and is trying to pass it off as live, a simple message saying she was nervous, didn't want to mess up such an important event etc would be sufficient. But I've read several reports that she didn't turn up to rehearsal on the saturday and very late on the sunday so if she didn't sing live just because she couldn't be bothered to rehearse thats it bit different.

  45. #1 special league: Adam Lambert...(placed right at the top) with footnote: not rankable. lol!


    RUSSELL CROWE Proves He CAN Sing As He Posts Studio Version Of LES MISERABLES Song Online!

    He took the criticism with surprisingly good grace.
    But it appears Russell Crowe was determined to have the last laugh on his critic ADAM LAMBERT after he posted a studio recording of his showpiece Les Miserables song online.

    The actor, who plays villain Javert in the hit musical, even went to the trouble of hiring a pianist to play along so he could play a mulligan and cut a fresh version of Stars.

    And posting the new version on YouTube seems to have paid off with the admittedly partisan listeners, who lathered the notoriously bad tempered actor with praise.
    One listener called Crispy Unicorn said: 'This was absolutely stunning. His voice is so rich and lush - a total pleasure to listen to.'

    It remains to be seen whether the low key tune, which featured just the 48-year-old's voice and a piano, will be enough to convince American Idol loser ADAM that he had it wrong.

    He was not keen on the fact Tom Hooper’s film version of the award-winning musical by Claude-Michel Schonberg, Alain Boublil and Herbert Kretzmer features 'live performances' of all the songs, with the tracks not dubbed over.

  47. Oh! Please!!!:)

    There is always an excuse for why Beyonce chose the pre-recorded track....

    If the weather is the problem and they know it's winter time why don't they do it during summer time then ha!ha!....

    Sing without the instrument and much better than faking it.....

    Just full of BSSSSSSSS!!!:)

    With Russell Crowe just pathetic indeed for trying he!he!


  48. On what's happening live, they were talking about that damn movie thing, did mention Adam name but talking about Crowe and Jackman, comedian more or less making fun of them! A broadway singer said she never seen it kind of afraid to, with controversy! Russell Crowe is now showing he is the ass that everybody thought he was. He showed a bit of class, but screwed it up! I know we should ignore it, they just trying to start trouble again. There is one good comment about Adam, one normal kind comment and a few of the normal bullies, that flag down every article of Adam, to trash him. He a was a looser and he still looser, something like that he awful singer and has never done nothing! I know I am gonna get some lecture about not paying attention to that T word but I cannot stand them saying these awful things about Adam without his fans having his back,. There is one really good comment taking up for him, but please post more! I tried to leave one not doing it right! Is has on there report abuse, and nearly all comments are just that! Shame on Crowe for starting this over again, i did not listen to what is probably a doctored tape, if he was so good why was he do bad in the movie? That was the time to shine! I am asking you again to defend Adam please! I do not think we should ignore this another form of bulling Adam! Yes they are trying to get hits on there rag blog, but we cannot let them all be bad to Adam, there one good one please add more, I know I'll get hate but I just cannot let this pass, please write a good comment on that article that someone posted here, Daily mail, whatever! Please Sue

  49. Another thing just Elton or whatever you are nuts, KA, could not shine Adam Lamberts shoes on that season! Nevet forget Gloria Alreds sp? Daughter saying kA cute but could not hold a candle to Adam Lambert, many other's said that too! She wanted the entire thing done over, with just one vote a person! Of corse she questioned the KA home town voting, nonsense! He did not play the game better than Adam, he just had some major cheating in his hometown helping him win! So many articles saying Adam best contestant ever, cannot be wrong! He certainly did an incredable job on change is gonna come, that was only one of them! Again please write a good comment on the article posted above, letting it slide does not show support for Adam, thanks! Sue

  50. I so agree with you Canadian, he just blew his taking the high road thing, Adam Never called him out no one can get that in their head, because they want an excuse to pull Adam down! Sue

  51. After Elton is an idiot. I certainly have nothing against Kris Allen as he was and is Adam's friend. But Kris was nowhere near Adam in the talent department. In fact, many times Adam played down his voice as to not embarrass Kris. Anyone with eyes and ears could see Adam made the competition on Season 8 look like a preschool class. Adam was always very humble and kind to everyone on the show and they all knew it. As far as talent, no one could come near Adam. If you don't think that, then you don't know talent period....nancdruuu2

  52. Sue RC took it back to the studio and sweetened it up. Seems like they are milking this for more publicity.

  53. Sue sometimes you have to let things die and this is one of them.IMO

  54. 12:01 it is the list for winning idols.

  55. Rc is having a little fun now and he is entitled to that. He can't help the comments people write. I just came from the PopDust poll Adam 52% I thought it was going to be much lower, he went down 3% real fast last night.

  56. There is an article on Yahoo! home page about a high school student receiving an award for best actor and in his speech he came out he was gay. It was interesting but of course the comments were mostly pitiful, the usual

  57. Regarding that ranking from the Village Voice, someone obviously does not like Adam and it has nothing to do with his voice. Adam should be number 1 and Kelly number 2. The others I don't really care about. Very annoying ranking really....nancdruuu2
    PS.I have nothing against P2, but he's just a one note to me. Don't get him at all. Why is he great????

  58. Just to clarify, The Village Voice article listed at 10:04 PM ranks the actual Winners of each season of American Idol, and doesn't include any other contestants, those who came in second..or fifth or whatever. Adam didn't technically "win" Season 8, so was not included in the list. Otherwise I'm pretty sure he'd be at the top of the list....If it was a list of actual "best contestants" etc., again Adam would be right up there at the top...And of course the list of winners and their "ranking" is one person's opinion I suppose..and could be argued forever.....

  59. P2 shouldn't be on the list.

  60. Obviously the list is subjective - just one person's opinion but imho, Kelly was definitely the best winner.

    OT .... a guy auditioned on Idol last week who looked very much like Px2 and Nicky was all over him (figuratively speaking). He didn't have a good voice but he went through to Hollywood. Nicki said words to the effect that girls will love him. Wondering if he's another WGWG. o_o

  61. There's no point stressing about the Les Mis thing. What will be will be. It will eventually be yesterday's news if it isn't already.

  62. glitzlady, thanks for clarifying that about the VV list. I couldn't believe Adam wasn't on the list at all, but now I know it's just a list of winners. I really don't care about the list.

    Adam and Russell Crowe should sing a live duet together on a major show somewhere. They'd end of friends and this Les Miz topic would end well.


  63. are we going to be able to see Adam,Nile,&Sam sing shady the 31st.That is what I have wanted from the first time I heard Shady.

  64. @glitzylady - Thanks for clarifying the "ranking" - now I feel better. I forgot that Adam didn't actually "win".haha nancdruuu2

  65. I also hope we get video of Adam and Nile and Sam doing Shady!!!

    I just read on AO that Adam will NOT be performing in Estonia on June 29. That's the show with Elton John. Apparently, it looks like Adam was never really booked on it to begin with. Oh, well. Maybe we'll get more details about what happened.


  66. Sigh! Love me some Adam ♥

    This is my favorite version of Adam singing the National Anthem.

  68. i know that people were excited to see Adam at that event, but is it too much to ask that they for once respect the song he is singing and the way he is singing it and stop the cat calls during it? I am sure I'll get blasted for this, but it IS the national anthem.

  69. I have admit P2 home song is fantastic- but his he a one hit wonder? time will tell. I like him better than scotty. kelly clarkson and carrie are by far the best Winners. Adam is the best singer/performer of any idol contestant ever.

  70. @sue ... I tried to comment on that article about Russell Crowe but I didn't see it when I left there. Maybe it was just late in showing up. Don't know. I can only type with one hand so I just let it go. But I did try! Sorry ...

    tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

  71. so much garbage on twitter we should take things with a grain of salt until official. No harm done though I don't think anyone booked any flights yet.

  72. We saw this live on TV, I think she was singing live...
    This week on the radio FYE, IIHY, TP, WWFM : )
    Also Energy Radio rules!!
    M (from Finland)

  73. Tess4Adam thank you I tried too, there are some good ones on there now, did not see it go on there! One idiot said RC voice failed like Adam Lbert's face! Has anyone at all bothered to look At Adam face lately, even a few that have come on here, not referring to the regular's that think he gorgeous and he is! Adam by his own admission gets facials every couple weeks, sure times on the road he does not get too! I know something about exfoliation and that sort of thing, I just exfoliate with a gentle one do important, so at least my face does not feel as crappy as my body does, only thing held up a bit! Adam is oviiously taking great care of his face now, he had money to get care and was educated in what to do! Think he may have had some micro deem abrasion, some sort of facial peel! I really do not notice the scared anymore, think his make up is mineral or air brush and not heavy like he used, when he had less knowledge, his face looks smooth and very good, I do think he looks more handsome without the beard, but it is not scruffy like some men, it's well groomed so he looks good alway's to me! His face looks damn good! If they bother to look at him lately! He Nevet did look bad!! They were talking about that crap movie on Andy Cohen's show last nigh, about controversy did not come out and Manitoba Adam, comedians were making fun of r. and HJ even mention of other's! Any body call h down no just Adam! Yes this should die, but it's hard to stand by and let people say awful things about someone you car about! Looks like one if comments was removed or was hidden, about him being a looser and always will be! There are some good ones on there now, few! Sorry if made lots of mistakes really do not feel good today! Think people these magazine always gonna be on the side of the big deal actor! I heard plenty people saying things not as nicely as Adam, and no one cares, Adam must be a really big deal to cause all this and not the nobody they would like to say he is! Someone on that mail site called them down for that at pointed out just a few of his accomplishment's , good for them! Sue

  74. That was I do not notice the scares anymore not scared anymore! The acne scares on Adam face I do not notice and it looks quit smooth now! Also I did not spell microdermabrasion correctly, sure there are more mistakes on above article I wrote! That is it looks Very smooth now not quit smooth! Sue

  75. Love you Fenland, you rock!! Sue

  76. @8:03

    I prefer the Miramar's Star Spangled Banner vocals than the ADL's version.
    At Miramar, it was basic, simple but absolutely beautiful and stunning.


  77. Sue, Why do you read crap criticisms of Adam? Stay off of those sites, a simple solution to living in a state of continual agitation. Your defense of Adam is as over the top as the criticism of him. Neither of which do any good at all. You are among friends here, just chill out
    and try to enjoy it.

  78. geesh this is too much let's bring up Adam's acne now.
