Monday, January 14, 2013

Another Press Conference Video in HCMcity

Press Conference in HCMcity Jan 3, 2013 with Adam Lambert, NS Yoon G and Auera


  1. whoa I'll be back when I have about an hour to enjoy.

  2. This was such a cute press conference. I thought everyone there was in such awe of Adam but with the transition bouncing back and forth it was also kind of comical. I think Adam and the other two performers had a hard time keeping a straight face.


  3. That was quite good and humorous!

  4. He is so gorgeous and fresh looking here.

  5. I love seeing Adam Lambert in these press conferences, hosting shows, singing in TV shows like PLL, etc. I find that him attending those types of events are a lot more effective than going to award shows. There's something that happens when people 'miss' someone from the red carpet. It creates a demand and a sense of mystery around that artist. People always want what they don't have.

  6. I think Adam's name was mentioned the most number of times; he does have a much stronger hold as an outstanding artist in the East. And they regard him totally as who he is in a nonchalant way rather than at times, elsewhere, a more probing way. I sort of dislike probing; deal with the music and his more informative, creative, happier; and also if people ask more enlightening questions, we can learn a little more of one another in a fun way. Now I understand what Adam meant when he said some time ago, that people took him too seriously.


  7. I too will be back when I have an hour to spare. Voting for Adam takes precedence now.
