Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dreams can come true... Joseph meeting Adam!!!

Picture via DREAM on Facebook: Joseph is a bullied teen victim and he gets to meet Adam Lambert!

Joseph's story on being bullied


  1. omg this is so great they finally got to meet each other.

  2. I'm moved to tears. Everyone has a place in this world. Being a teenager is difficult enough w/o prejudice. He is very brave.


  3. What a touching story of this poor boy. But he found strength in himself and fought on. That he gets to meet his idol, Adam, is simply so wonderful. Adam is doing so much good in helping these poor kids to be proud of who they are - like he is. I am so incredibly proud to be a fan of Adam. He is a shining example to so many and has given strength to so many. This young boy's story is just one of many I've read about how Adam has helped them be strong and proud. Adam is such an amazing man and I'm so proud of him. L

  4. This is heartbreaking and it's really hard not to judge the bully's cruelty and ignorance. These people that spout the bible are so misguided, brainwashed and biologically and genetically ignorant. Guess they missed the part in the bible that says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" and "Love your neighbor as thy self."There are also parts that condone stoning and not eating any shellfish. People are free to their beliefs, but they don't have the right to harrass or inhibit their freedom. What a dark world it would be without Adam and the other many LBGT people that contribute so much to beauty and brilliance for everyone to savor and enjoy. The most vocal haters are usually the most hypocritical with their own dark secrets.

  5. Beautiful Joseph, I am hugging you thru the screen. I am so happy you are here to grow up and go after the kind of life you want. The world is getting better and because statements like yours, you have become part of the solution to overcome the problem. You are a brave young man. Go grab the world and all it has to offer.

    Sending lots of love your way.
    xo laura

  6. Joseph, I remember writing a comment and a short message to you, not so long ago, after watching your moving video. Wow! You got to meet Adam and you look so much happier, braver and stronger now! Go go go Joseph, you are inspiring in your own way and indirectly like Adam, you too will save lives, you may or may not know. Joseph, I've said this to you before and I'm going to say it again because it's very important...God loves you! no matter what and He has proven it, hasn't He!! When my strength wanes, I pray to Jesus and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. Mmm, Joseph you sure look handsome, no problem about being a husband and father...good ambition I must say! Best regards to your Mom and Sister; they in fact saved your life, with God's love through them. I too get a lot of strength from my two grown-up children. Yes I've said it so many times, Adam inspires people specifically to let people know it's okay to be not the same as most or most would like them to be. :)


  7. I wish I could write beautiful things like alot of the fans on here. Funbun40 also wrote an inspiring comment on YouTube a short while ago.

  8. Adam is truly an inspiration to many, both straight and gay. So glad Adam took the time to meet Joseph and give him hope and strength.It had to deeply touch Adam. It sure touched me..

  9. Joseph haiku

    Brave handsome Joseph
    His inspiring Mom and Sister
    Snatched him from the brink!


  10. What a touching story. I had tears streaming down my face. Adam is helping so many by being just who he is. So proud to be Adam's fan. Very happy Joseph got to meet Adam,what a thrill.I hope Joseph has a wonderful life and that someday no one will get bullied that is different in any way. We are all God's children.

  11. What a great kid. It's so sad he had to go through such emotional turmoil and reach the depths of thinking suicide was the answer. Thank goodness he was sensible enough to think what it would do to his mother and sister and to not want the bullys to win....just as Adam has said that giving in to the bullys are letting them win.

    What a joy for both Adam and Joseph to meet. Adam is all about positivity and exudes love..I'm sure Joseph could feel that love and caring from Adam.


  12. Pplease donate to Donors Choose in hhonor of Adam's birthday if you can


    t thanks!!

  13. God bless you Joseph, you have strength and Adam Lambert is my idol to. It takes a lot of courage to come out and express yourself the way you have done and stand up for what is right, and that is equal rights. You're so right, we're all Gods children, he loves us so matter what. I believe in unconditional love, we need to spread this around.

  14. http://www.donorschoose.org/donors/viewChallenge.html?utm_campaign=twitter&id=276504&utm_source=dc&utm_medium=givingpage

  15. I said this earlier, Adam has been bullied himself so
    Much, it is ignorance and hatred and plain stupidity. The things they say about him, just making him into a character of their sick imagination, having nothing to do with the real man, Adam.he has an opinion they make it into a totally different thing,they constantly attack is career, his voice, his boyfriend, his hair, his looks his everything, have also spewed fake religion to him. Joseph nothing is worth taking your life over, those kids throwing bible's at you are misguided and certainly not Christian's. If you are a good person and live a good life with whoever you choose, you will be closer to God than those people ever will be if they do not change their way's, cruelty will never be Christ like , it is not religion! So proud of you your mom and your sister! So glad you look up to Adam and met him, nobody better, he been through it all. Both of you have great parents and everything will be ok, things are changing. The bullies will alway's be there you have to pity and ignore them hard as it is. as Adam said just rise above it dear, things will get better! Sue


  16. GOD loves you and knows your heavy cross, Joseph.
    I know He has something better for you.
    Just look up to HIm for He is looking after you.
    GOD bless!

  17. In connection with how great ADAM is to his fans, I will post here how Joe Jonas broke the heart of some fans why he was trending in twitter about this:

    “The minute he (Joe Jonas) saw us walking closer he threw (his cigarette) down.
    After we approached him, he shook his head no. It was late, which we understood, but my friend asked for a picture anyway.
    That’s when Joe flipped out on us he said, ‘We do so much for you. We do everything and you want a picture? Get out of here.’
    “He didn’t even stop or look in our direction. The entire thing completely broke my heart.”

    ADAM is such a sweetheart and truly loves us his fans.

  18. Crying. I just want to do two things. Hold this young man in my arms and throttle ANY IGNORANT person who gives him a hard time.

  19. You just keep your dreams alive Joseph. Id be willing to bet those dreams will come true. The U.S. is coming around slowly but surely. Not everyone will be accepting but it will get better and already has and quite noticeably in just the 4 years I have followed Adam. Much love is being sent your way. God bless you!

  20. I feel bad for Joe J something else must have been going on in his life at that time.

  21. I've already given to donorschoose on behalf of Adam's b-day. Felt good to do it.

    And re: gay rights -- how awesome is it that President Obama mentioned the gay brothers and sisters who have a right to love who they choose to love and be equal like everyone else. Love this President and Love Adam!

  22. 10:26 I gave already too and felt very good about it too. kate

  23. Any star can have something else going on that would make them not want to talk to fans at that moment, even Adam. Fans of any star need to respect boundries and privacy.

  24. Bullying is a mean and sick thing but some people simply enjoy it to satisfy or allay their own inadequacies or fears. I think the higher-up people such as relevant authorities need to step in and prevent young defenceless people from suffering till there's no place to turn to other than end their lives. These are young precious lives; just imagine if Adam had reached that stage, anything could happen. But in Adam's case the strength instilled in him stems from the love from his parents, brother and close friends; which would definitely have helped him a lot not to despair. Also, his talents are a huge factor in restoring his self-belief and confidence. Still, I'd say he would have felt much rejection as sensed from his constant reminders of being an outsider and a misfit as a teenager and even the younger part of his life. Bullying is a preventable social ill and yes, this kind of encouragement and visibility in these Adam / Joseph videos will open minds and hearts to the plights of these vulnerable teenagers who need some hand-holding and words of positivity and kindness before it's too late.


  25. Joseph...you are loved!

  26. Even Adam couldn't imagine that the world needed him!!!:)

    We just love him for being who he is folks....


  27. Some children in this situation are very good at hiding their despair from their family. They are already conflicted about "Will they love me if they know?" This is where it is so important for teachers who see them on a daily basis to watch for signs of depression or instances of bullying and act to see that the child receives support. This is not just something teens have to deal with, some children are set apart even in elementary school.
    We can all imagine what it's like to be different and not know where to turn for reassurance. Be that person if you can, a neighbor boy, a friend of my girls,could confide in me easier than his parents and for years I was his sounding board.
    These children need someone. I think they feel an obvious connection with someone as proud, warm and compassionate as Adam as
    an example of being able to live a good life without fear or shame.
    I am glad President Obama spoke up while the world was listening this week, this should not be a hidden agenda but something that everyone with a heart should hear.....we are all God's children.......JAK

  28. I am so happy for Joseph that he met Adam proving that dreams do come true. Joseph has come a long way from despair to the sheer joy that I now see in his face. Much love to you Joseph - you are part of the Glamily! Thinking of Adam, it amazes me how his fame has effected others around the world. Adam just wanted to sing and be heard by more people than he could in a club and make a good living. Little did he know he would change peoples lives - in fact save them by his example of courage in believing in himself. It just took one person to stand up. It sounds simple, but it wasn't. Everything was at stake for Adam - his entire career that he had struggled for his entire life. Adam is still standing up for himself, making no apologies. And as before in his early life, he knows he is loved, which makes all the difference in the world. Only now Adam is loved by millions, but it isn't just for his talent, it's for who he is. Many are talented but few are blessed. We always knew that about Adam-now the world knows it as well....nancdruuu2

  29. this is just heartbreaking that at his age acceptance means more than life. he will find love and happiness.

  30. I think Joseph will make a fine husband and father someday. Not only does he have inner strength, but he has people like Adam to give him ongoing inspiration. He may even become an activist. But even if he doesn't, he is showing himself to be a brave, thoughtful, caring human being, and that's saying a lot.

    As for Joe J., maybe he was having a really bad day, BUT, he should be a pro at this sort of thing by now. He proved that one bad incident can blow up in a celebrity's face. Adam has spoken about this, too. When you meet fans, you just have to suck it up and make the best of it. Bad encounters like this one can now go viral in a matter of minutes. He should have smiled and got the job done and quit acting like a baby. This "we do so much for you" crap is pretty childish. Your fans are why you're successful to begin with. Adam repeats this quite often. And don't even get me started on the cigarette...Ah, Joe, being rich and famous is SOOOOO HAAAARRDD.


  31. As an educator I was often involved in bullying situations between students.......and I always did everything I could to resolve it. However, there was little I could do about the bullying going on outside of the school. But the fact that I cared, listened and got many of the students professional help I know meant a lot to these victimized young people. One case that will stay with me always is about a beautiful young man who was disowned by his family members when he came out and in fact as he told me to be gay and black was was the worse thing possible. He was actually beaten up by his cousins and uncles and told they never wanted anything to do with him. His mother was simply ashamed of him so his only support came from school. He told me the best thing that had happened in all his time in high school was the establishment of the Gay Straight Alliance Club. He also told me that he was alive because of the support he received from the members of this club. Most schools in my city now have this club and it has done a lot to promote acceptance and tolerance of the LGBT community. In my 37 years in education I have had many students come out to me and I believe it was because they felt that I truly accepted them for who they are. Whenever, I met with a student who appeared conflicted I was always told them that they could talk about anything and that they could not tell me anything that I had not heard before. I always told them that if they were thinking of hurting themselves or others that I would not keep it confidential but I would make sure that they got help. I was always surprised that after that statement most all students shared with me their deepest and darkest secrets. I'm proud of the fact that I know I have helped many young people. Each of can do this.......never be afraid to reach out and take action when you see an injustice. I am very passionate about this topic because of all the amazing young people who have touched my life by the strength they have shown in very difficult situations.


  32. @GMT - I find you to be very amazing!
    I admire you for reaching out to so many students in need when you didn't have to do it. If each of us in our own small way could stand up against intolerance, think of what could be achieved. Your example will surely inspire others to do the same. nancdruuu2

  33. Proud Obama too
    Love to Joseph

  34. Joseph haiku 2

    Contemplating end
    Turned 360*
    Love was all he had


  35. @GMT Thank you for your beautiful story.
