Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Glee’s Blaine Anderson Channels Adam Lambert in New GLEE Episode!


Spoiler Alert! Is Glee’s Blaine Anderson destined to succeed VH1 Divas Host Adam Lambert? He’s definitely channeling his inner Adam in an image from an upcoming episode, conveniently titled DIVA….

Source: VH1


  1. I like that pic of Adam :) he is so handsome as always! Love Elmo jacket <3

  2. Adam is such a fun person it's hard not to channel him.

  3. good luck with that Blaine. Imitation is flattery. Adam is gorgeous.

  4. ha ha that will be a fun episode I'll be watching.


  5. VOTE NOW! Help Decide Reality TV’s Greatest Music Star of All-Time!

    The Song: If I Had You

    The Star: Adam Lambert

    Why It's So Great: Adam Lambert's electrifying, Freddie Mercury-esque performances on Season Six of "American Idol" catapulted him to stardom, and last year he became the first openly gay artist to have an album hit #1 on the charts.



  6. Wish Glee would mention Adam in their episode!


  7. The 'glee imitation jacket' is SO far from the wonderful The Blonds red one. But, like people said, imitation is a sure sign of success.

  8. @Anonymous 16 jan 10:21.... Glee will mention Adam indirectly....the new love interest of Kurt is called ... Adam..

  9. This is fascinating to me. I hope Ryan Murphy will soon take the plunge and have Adam do a guest spot. Many Adam Fans never talk about this and I don't think they know about it, but several years ago Adam, I think not understanding fully what Glee was about at it's core, spoke about Glee in a manner in which he expressed concern about Glee's perpetuating stereotypes... I have always had this feeling that Murphy has held a bit of a grudge. I am not in the industry, know nothing, just a gut feeling. Does anybody else know what I am talking about, Adam's comments a few years back. It was very brief and I think only in print, but I know I am correct. Perhaps it was in the same time frame where Leah Michelle spoke about wanting to sing with Adam Lambert because he was the best. In any event, I really wish Ryan would have Adam on now, I think a great idea could be worked out and executed. This Blaine/Elmo coat thing is absolutely fascinating to me. Perhaps the larger United States viewership won't catch the reference, but many in the industry will, and that's so great. Let's hope they mention his name on the episode. I loved when they indirectly mentioned Adam once when the Rachel character made some comment on an episode about the ridiculousness or shock (or something) of the Kris Allen American Idol win! :). Fingers crossed for Adam on Glee in near future! (And/or "Smash" :)).

  10. wow how cool is this? pretty darn cool if you ask me. The jacket ain't too bad either.

  11. Adam on SMASH would be great. He worked side by side with Megan Hilty on Wicked. She is an incredibly beautiful and talented singer and so is Adam!

  12. I voted on the Reality Show Star poll, but I don't really know how. I clicked on Adam's name, but it gave no indication that I actually voted. Anyone know??? There's something I don't like about this poll, but I can't put my finger on it.

    As for the Glee episode, I think it's cool that THE JACKET has been given homage on Glee. I wish wish wish they'd give an actual reference to Adam on the show. AND it would be so cool if he actually got to be ON the show. SMASH, too, of course! What are these TV shows waiting for???


  13. @DRG
    Wishing for an Adsm reference most of us r... I know I've got it bad for Adam I don't even watch Glee any more time ...but I being watching Diva night hoPong just to hear is name...rose petal

  14. Wow on UK energy radio they played NCOE then congratulated Adam on his GLAAD Award,wishing him success and supporting him. They gave a shout out to all the Glamberts listening. I started to cry with emotion! Right after that they played Runnin,2 Adam songs in a row! What a great station,they also played Trespassing about an hour ago.The website is on first page of Adamtopia and on their home page of the radio station there is a request form also click on contact and you can tweet,text or email the station!

  15. @10:55
    I remember what u r talking about .... seems like someone ask him what he thought ...and of course he was honest... thats been a while back time to move on ...and have him on the show .... maybe this is the first step....rose petal

  16. The UK ENERGY radio website is Please request and send the station some love. It is a worldwide online radio station and they really love Adam!

  17. WWFM is now playing on energymusicradio! It brings joy to my heart! How can we advertise so that more people are listening to this station and get to know Adam's music???

  18. @DRG
    Did you scroll down past the listings at the top? There it will be obvious how to vote and they encourage you to vote again and again and again.

  19. Thanks, tea, Now I feel so dumb. I just hadn't scrolled down. This will be one of those cutthroat grid polls that will get eveyone yelling at each other. I don't like these, but I will vote for my Adam, of course.


  20. OT - todays LA Times calendar section long article about AI titled Can it still top the charts? " ........... Idol remains the solo player in star-making department. ......... Considering the success of past CONTESTANTS such as Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Chris daughtry, Fantasia, ADAM LAMBERT and Jennifer Hudson .............". Like how they used the word contestants and not winners since only 3 actually won their season and the other 3 did not. Always very happy to see Adams name mentioned when they write about past AI success stories. . . . Adamluv

  21. Question is, will Blaine be sporting a Melvin?

  22. Thanks for post Adamluv! Yay. I mean, they could just as easily leave Adam out... so yay!!

  23. Blaine couldnt rock a Melvin like BB, so there's that

  24. @10:55 - What I remember is the one just last year when Adam was asked about guesting on Glee. He mentioned something like he did not like it at the beginning but then he kinda understand it some few shows later and then said he would love to be a guest but as himself.
    I am somewhat perplexed what's stopping Ryan Murphy from having Adam on the show.

  25. Ryan Murphy said Just a few momth's ago and this came directly from Adam, that he tried out for Glee. Adam said Ryan Murphy said he had a great voice but he was to old for the part. Also few month's ago RM said he love's Adam lambert, he just so talented. So do not believe he holding a grudge, for any reason against Adam. Adam's worth went up quite a bit with Diva's, hope he on it sometimes but, most people know anything about Adam, should certainly see the comparison to Adam! Hope someone here posts when it is on! Sue

  26. I will have to watch Glee to get a better look at jacket Blaine is wearing.....right now it looks like a pale offspring of an affair between Adam's Elmo and a chicken!
    .....JAK :)

  27. I believe what Adam said about appearing on Glee a year or more ago, was that he wouldn't want to play a character written as a sterotype gay, but he would like to appear as himself. That's not such an alarming statement.....JAK

  28. Me again...I remember at the time the Glamberts were clamoring (sp?)
    for Adam to be on SNL. I was not sure I liked the idea, because I was afraid how he would be presented, would it be all gay gay gay? However now, Adam's charm and wit and personality is more widely known and I think a script could be written that would be funny and not in any way disrespectful. Attitudes are changing......good sign....JAK

  29. @JAK HAHAA! gotta watch out for those 'alarming statements" :)

  30. I think we heard that Adam was “too old” at some point for Glee. But I think that was if they were considering him to be a student at the high school. Gwyneth Paltrow is ten years older than Adam, and she was on the show more than once. I remember that Adam was being really careful about the stereotyping thing. He stayed away from SNL. There were skits that had a lot of males kissing that for some reason may not have been his idea of moving forward. ..or it may have had something to do with his record contract. He doesn’t have to worry about that and I am glad!! Speaking of GLAAD...Way to Go Adam. You deserve to win this. As a lot of you know, Leila and Adam were honored in 2011 by PFLAG. I noticed that in the new PFLAG POLE (our newsletter) in celebrating 45 years, they decided to put Adam’s picture with Leila again. Wouldn’t mind if they just did that every year….;)
    Also, does anyone watch Red Eye on Fox News? I don’t, but I happened to be changing channels the other night and they were talking about Les Miserables being nominated. The panel didn’t think the singing was all that great…so someone said “Adam Lambert was right”…and they all nodded. Adam, the great connector!


  31. Oh cool lmb about the News bit.

    Guys, I know about all of the Glee related mentions you guys are bring up, all of them mostly accurate I think. But what I am referring to, and probably Rose Petal too, is something that was well over a year ago, maybe as much as two, or even closer to 2009 maybe, because Glee hadn't been on all that long I don't think. It's all no big deal, don't get me wrong, but I am sure of what I am talking about because it always stuck with me. Again, he wasn't an ass or anything, but it wasn't NOT STRONG either (lol). He just didn't seem to know at that time what Murphy was going for, because again, maybe Glee had only been on a few season. Oh gee, I gotta go, RL calling, anyway, not important, I just really hope Murphy gets Adam on there soon!! Adam deserves a guest spot on Glee. :)

  32. @lmb January 16 at 2:44

    Rachel Maddow did a wonderful segment on Jeanne Manford (to those who may not know, she was founder of PFLAG, very interesting story there, google it :)) the other day soon after her passing. In the Maddow segment was a wonderful clip of Obama speaking about Manford as well (not a recent clip). If you didn't see it you should google it at your convenience, it was nice.


  33. This is one of two onscreen mentions of Adam by Leah Michelle. There is an earlier one also

  34. Here's the first onscreen mention of Adam by Leah, Adam interviewing her actually, I had forgotten that was how it went down

  35. Oh, and here's one from Yahoo, I think that's Lyndsey Parker asking the questions, so that explains a lot.

    Sheesh, Mr. Murphy, get Adam on already!!

  36. It does not matter what Adam said about Glee I do believe it would be up to him to handle that & should not be brought up years later.

  37. With all due civility 4:27, there was some wondering why R Murphy hadnt made this happen yet. I love a little backstory info myself, so if you're speaking for yourself have at it but please dont speak for me! I always find backround info and context interesting!

  38. @GaleChester
    54 Internet Links About ADAM LAMBERT's GLAAD Nomination for Outstanding Music Artist! Tweet by @adamlambert:...

  39. Yes he is certainly not to old to be a guest star! Sue

  40. Out of subject. Promise myself do not watch AI. Just broke this promise. And I'll never ever watch this FUCKIND show again! There is the boy. He used to be the dancer, had cancer,lost his leg. He is 21 years old, play gutiair and have great voice. Guess what what? Everybody likes him. Mariah said that the boy is very nice as Keith. After all this bitching Nicki Minaj said that the boy has to try harder to be better performer! And fucking Randy agree with this b... And everybody said "NO"!!!!!!!!

  41. Out of subject. Just read the article " How to make Justin Bebier song". It was public he'd in one of the NZ Internet newspapers. I'm not suprised. So, as far as puberty started JB lost his voice. Brother Usher gave permission (hahaha) to use dwarf's voice .

  42. And use it for latest songs as Misletow and all songs in album. They mention the name of the producer and whole team who is taking care about this famous AMA's awarded songs! Where are we going in this world. Be honest, I started to cry. Because nobody never ever will publish this information in US magazines as People or US Today or put it on E! Channel!

  43. Keep voting for us as best fanbase of BB's on Seacrest's poll..same url,but pix changed.We are leading,but have lost some ground to Miley's fanbase.same url..only some pix were changed,so keep voting,ok?(I didn't like what I saw of Idol tonight,& AGREE with anom 6:50pm 100%!The guy that lost his leg to cancer had a good voice, and deserved to go thu.I think I'm finished watching,at least for now!)

  44. Just saw the new pix of the Fiasco shoot. Lucky girl. My son told me about Adam being on the cover. I suspect a crush!

    MGF, Thanks so much for mentioning the founder of PFLAG who passed on recently. I saw the clip on Rachel's show and I'm honoring Jeanne tomorrow night at our monthly meeting.
    Jeanne was an elementary school teacher who made a sign supporting her son and carried it proudly down the street. That was 1972 and now the organization she began without the internet, or cell phones has grown to over 200,000 members. It was done powerfully though....out of unconditional love.
    Here's a quote from another brave person...a very young woman.
    "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
    Anne Frank

    I am hoping Adam gets on Glee, and SNL...hell, it would be ok by me if he does the weather report every day between songs. I just like to see and hear him!

    Glamberts rule!


  45. JAK here......returning to Glee and Adam......Adam auditioned to play Finn. Yes, he did not get the part because he looked too old to be a high school student. The actor they hired to play Finn, Cory Monteith is only 3 months younger than Adam! They were both born in 1982! But I agree, Cory had a younger slightly goofy kid look about him, which Adam definitely did that left Adam free to strut his stuff on the Idol stage! And, boy, did he!!!

  46. Am not getting involved with AI. Going to put all energies into suppoting Adam. Sure there will always be good new singers out there. But no one compares to him and his MANY talents.


  47. Voted over and over but don't know whether the votes were accepted.

  48. @6.50pm
    I was very surprised that they didn't put that boy through. He had the looks, he had the story, and he played guitar......his voice wasn't amazing but certainly a lot better than many of the singers they put through.
