Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Greetings to Adam Lambert from 7 year old girl

Via MrsBiggyPig:

It would mean a word to my doughter if Adam Lambert sees this. Now I´m mom with a mission. Please tweet this!! Thank You all, yours @Mrs_Biggy This is how she sound´s while playing.. she often sings while doing things.. http://tinyurl.com/b7h2m9f

This happen a few days after this message was posted..

My 7 years old daughter is laughed at in school because she believes.

She believes in music, she believes that she can say what she likes on do not like. She believes in honesty.

She believes that she can reach her Idol, She believes that her mom can make miracles to happen.. She believes, like only a kid can believe.

Yet she came home today tears in her eyes. She´s been bullied becauce her fait in her mom and her power to make miracles to happen.

This all started when she taped a video for @adamlambert to tell him how she admires him. And childishly believes that she can some day meet him and her mom can help making her dream true. And all of this she proudly says to her classmates and gets laughed at..

Well, I´ll keep posting her video forward, not because she cried, but because she still wants me to do so. And most of all.. because she smiled at me when I was hugging her and then she started to sing..

"I don't need no sympathy.
I won't cry and whine.
Life's my light and liberty
And I shine when I wanna shine..."

"Mom, I believe in you and we will succeed"


  1. Wow. Just wow. I have a feeling her dream will come true.


  2. She has a good voice for a 7 year old. I had complete confidence that my mother could work miracles when I was 7.....sometimes she could! I wish good luck to this mother-daughter team.......JAK

  3. I hope she could meet Adam in Helsinki :)

  4. I so wish her dreams comes true...so sad her classmates laugh at her...it's a shame they don't understand that dreams are the most amazing things...because there's no end to where they can go...guess it's a shame the whole world dosen't realize that...good luck to you and your little girl...peace light and love ...rose petal

  5. I can not believe she drew that picture. Amazing. Hope Adam sees this.


  6. Wiping the tears from my eyes..how precious.


  7. I have tried to sketch Adam with no success. I look at this picture by a 7 year old girl and I'm blown away. She is very gifted and I predict will go far. As far as being laughed at, this will make her stronger and I'm sure she will have the last laugh. She's already won by having a wonderful mother who believes in her. I hope all her dreams come true and somehow Adam sees her video. What a sweet young girl......nancdruuu2

  8. What a talented sweet little girl.Hope her dream comes true!

  9. What a beautiful picture of Adam she drew. I hope this dear little girl gets her wish and meets Adam at the Helsinki concert.

  10. Finland is special for Adam, too. He may make this little girl, and her mother, very happy.

  11. How incredible! How he has touched the lives of so many people..all ages, genders, orientation, and literally people all over the world. I hope Adam will see this message and have a chance to meet this very devoted young fan and her mother.


  12. WOW - this world needs more 7 yr olds like this young lady. May her dreams come true !!!

  13. Bless you, beautiful little Finnish girl. May your dreams come true, plus, what a wonderful mommy you have. I pray that Adam sees your picture of him. You are quite the artist, and, myself, being an English teacher, may I add that your ability to speak English is excellent and with the perfect enunciation of each word. Scottsdale, AZ

  14. That little girl is amaizing. The picture so good. She has got talent alright! Honestly how can kids, and it is. It just kids grown up's like we have witnessed last 2 weeks and many years, now are horrible imature bullies, as they have been to Adam and other's! She wonderful I hope Adam see's this and she get's her dream, he does love kid's! Correction it is not just kids that bully, grown up are awful bad too, as we have witness towards Adam last two weeks! She a wonderful child and lovely mom! Hope it comes true, for her, with out dreams what do we have really! Sue

  15. What a precious little angel:)

    If there's a will there's a way dear.....

    I hope you meet him when he goes to your country indeed:)


  16. Little one, I hope your dream to meet Adam comes true. He deserves to see your sweet face and your brave heart.
    I have a little granddaughter who will be 7 years old in February. She would never bully you or anyone else because she is kind and loving-just like you.And, she has a wise and loving mommy,just like yours, who teaches her how to be tolerant and accepting of others.Good luck on seeing Adam. I'm rooting for you.XOXO

  17. Love stories that have beautiful endings. Adam must get to meet this little girl and her mother.

    I would like to see this.

  18. Vote for Adam as Best Reality TV Star


  19. Can anyone explain what Sue is doing that she has such long blank spaces after her comment? I'm not being critical, just curious. I've never had that happen.

  20. @anon 7.33pm
    I've long wondered that too. Can't see how it happens.

  21. Sweet Finnish girl, may your dream come true the soonest.

  22. Blank spaces after a post could mean accidentally hitting enter rather than 'publish your comment".

  23. I hope your dream come true in Helsinki, sweetheart! M
