Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Massive Adam Lambert Photo Featured on Australia Newspaper


  1. Memories light the corners of my mind.....sigh

  2. is this still about the Les Miz twitter comments?

  3. love the picture but adam has left that kind of theatrical glam ... they could have used another more recent one.

  4. But the caption next to the picture isn't very nice.... :(

  5. Australian Glambert here - I haven't seen this article so I'll have to find it so I can actually read what it says. I hope it's not a negative article. Adam needs all the support possible Down Under. The photo they've used is so old!

  6. P.S.
    I was able to enlargen the article enough to read that the comment beside the pic of Adam is 'Classy comments' - nothing derogatory. I also saw the word 'bullying' so hopefully, the article shows Adam in a positive light.

  7. The writing beside Adam's picture reads, "Adam Lambert can eat Hugh Jackmans Golden Globe dust." It is also about bullying but too hard to make out the print size. This is pretty disappointing, coming from Australia myself, I thought the media new Adam better it would seem more promotional work needs to be done down under to hopefully allow people to get to know Adam. This whole thing upsets me it seems to have been so blown out of proportion.

  8. @10:58 PM
    Agree. Adam definitely needs more visibility & more promotion in Australia.

  9. Do any Aussies reading this blog know in which paper this article appeared? I'd really like to read it, and other fans may wish to read it too.

  10. He friggin never mentioned Huge jackman's name, he just did not complement him. Never called one ne out! They had anothe caption in magazine, how Adam just hated huge Jackman performance he never said that at all. What happened to adopted Ozzie! HJ. Is Austraian and do believe he won that for his acting more than his singing. On acess Hollywood they said RC was worst offender!, on singing. Adam did not mention any one name he did just did not call them out as being good!ook like RC, is being left out of nominations, or did not win , he was not there. What nationality is he? Did not mention he was damn right with him. but, he did not single put either one, both Men or good actor's Crowe is a great actor, but neither singers! Did. It see the movie, but from what I hear AH, was the best of them all and she got most of awards, HJ one RC no where in site. This week u saw this it was they did at box office, saw today 0.1 million third week. They can talk all they want box offic receipts suck! 106 million first week, second week 6 million, this week 0.1 mlion what I saw on E I believe. Not because Adam but because people went to see it and the singing was so distracting, they told other people not to bother! If HJ was not Australian they could care less what Adam said, I think the singing was ignored and he got for acting I did hear he was Better than Crowe at it, sure Crowe acting was good he sure getting ignored! good bad or ugly it still publicity,it junk and he never said that crap! critic's said all the same stuff but much harsher, they can have an opinion but not Adam and does not give them a pass because they are press reporter's either. Time to stop using Adam for HJ publicity, and let this go away! Important thing the viewing public are not buying those ticket's to see the movie, maybe GG will help!

  11. Adam is a fighter especially he knows that he has millions fans backing him up!!!! Oops clarify a bit, even some people who doesn't like Adam. The people who watched it agreed with him!!!

    Only first week in the box office and that's it folks, sales down quickly indeed!!!


  12. Settle, folks. Getting our knickers in a twist doesn't solve anything. We have no control over what is printed in the media, and eventually, this "issue" will pass, with or without our ranting.

  13. Hugh Jackman won the Golden Globe for best ACTOR in a musical or comedy .... actor NOT singer.

  14. All this hoo haa won't prevent me from seeing Les Miserables. I'm not a sheep, I like to form my own opinion/s.

  15. @January 16, 2013 at 3:16 AM

    Who is GG??

  16. Adams words have been completely taken out of context, I think Adam is smart to ignore the media on this one to avoid it continuing. Australians place Crowe and Jackman on pedestals and not many know who Adam Lambert is, so it makes it easy for the media to blow this out and place blame on Adam. I do believe that the truth has a way of winning out in the end, I'd also like to give Adam my congratulations on his nomination for the Glaad Awards.

  17. Les Miserables (1935) movie was on TV on Sunday & I tried to watch but I couldn't get interested ... if anything ... it was brutal. Frederick March played the part of the thief & Charles Laughton played the uncaring horrible policeman. Really a cruel person. Changed the channel ... I saw no redeeming story line in it. NOT my type of movie ... musical or not! Just a waste of my valuable time ... JMO

    tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

  18. Reluctant to go back to the Les Mis. thing but after seeing the movie my opinion is this.
    As a musical I hated it (and it is my fav musical) as a movie it was very very good.
    I fell in love with the stage show because of the music, this didnt happen with the movie.
    For obvious reasons a person dying could not sing well, whereas in a real musical it is all about the music and they would sing perfectly anyway. To me that was the difference.
    So all in all I agree with Adams comments.

  19. 8:32 AM
    Australians put Hugh Jackman & Russell Crowe on pedestals? What a sweeping statement and on what do you base your assumption? I don't place people on pedestals whether they're or not Australian or whether or not they live in another country. Furthermore, has anyone actually read this article or are people just assuming what is in the article?

    I suggest getting your facts straight would be in order before you make sweeping statements as per the one you've made.

  20. 'Actors PRETENDING to be singers' was a low blow. If Adam hadn't posted that, there wouldn't be all this prolonged, needless dialogue.

  21. My son, who is about the same age as Adam, a theater geek, and who has also, like Adam, been a serious fan of "Les Miserables", the musical, since he was a young teen. He's seen 3 Broadway-quality productions of it. He was really worried about seeing the movie because he was afraid that he would be disappointed. He went last weekend, and he said although the singing wasn't always up to a Broadway musical standard, he was actually relieved to say that he did like the movie. He felt the acting was good and the movie didn't disappoint him. But he did agree with Adam that the singing was a bit distracting at times...but he forgave them anyway..

  22. Agree he should not have said "PRETENDING to be singers" just like he should not have answered the question asked him at the red carpet on who is the worst dressed, "Miranda Lambert" why Blake blurted something homophobic slight about him.
