Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Picture! Adam Lambert at Former President Bill Clinton's Fundraiser Event last night!

@adamlambert at Bill Clintons speech

President Bill Clinton and Kobe Bryant spoke at the fundraiser for the Step up on Vine and Step Up on Second projects which provide housing to the homeless in LA. Bill say some very nice things about the project and about the great work Kobe and Vanessa Bryant are doing to eradicate homelessness in LA.

Here's the speech:


  1. OMG! Congratulation ,Adam! It's such a great honor for you.

  2. OMG! What a handsome picture!!!

  3. Very nice! Makes me think of how I happily trust Adam to forge his own path in all aspects of his life and career. My trust is totally irrelevant of course, lol, I understand that, I'm just sayin' :).

  4. Fellow glamberts this is OT..but my husband is sick and I had not had a chance to read all the threads in a while...I read the one with Adam's tweets on bullying and thought about this...some of you may not be interested so I apolgoize in adavance...I wrote this a few years at the request of my daughter-in-law she used it in a workshop for bullied teens...I think says what Adam was talking about...So thought I'd share it with all of you.
    Child of Mine
    Child of mine dry your eyes, how can they taunt and tease
    Then spread their harsh and angry words that bring you to your knees.
    Words that rip and tear your heart and hold your strength at bay,
    Words so cruel reach your soul and strip resolve away,
    They say words cannot hurt but oh, their sharpened edge,
    They slice away your self-respect and lead you to the ledge.
    My child, I would take your pain if only that could be,
    I’d drive away the ones who hurt and set your sprit free.
    But my child I cannot, for hate is everywhere,
    In the homes and school yard, in the retched and the fair.
    How cruel the world has become, when children taunt and hate
    And we stand by ideally pondering their fate.
    My child I wish you could who you really are
    Beauty love and brilliance the joy of my heart,
    And last I will tell you that you must rise above
    And surround yourself with armor made of friendship and of love.
    For hate will always be there, like voices in the wind
    But hate cannot hurt, you if you never let it in.
    On topic great picture..great cause...rose petal

  5. great poem rose petal I wish Adam could read it.

    1. Thanks you....wish he could too.....although I might be pretty nervous if I thought Adam was reading something I had written...Lol....rose petal

  6. What a beautiful picture of Adam! Daymn!

  7. @rose petal - Your poem was so very beautiful - thank you for sharing!

    Goes without saying, Adam looked so beautiful as well! My heart started to pound with excitement when I first thought Adam was giving a speech! Our Adam and Bill Clinton - quite a duo don't you think!!!!!!!!

  8. Adam looks so handsome when he wears a suit and tie. Not that he doesn't look great other times, but he just looks especially gorgeous in this classic style. OMG is right.

  9. @nancdruu2
    I agree ...gives a new meaning to dynamic duo.....rose petal

  10. And did you notice that there is no nail polish?

  11. i don't usually get a chance to post here because of my schedule, but today i'm home sick, so here goes.

    Glitzylady -- thanks so much for recommending that travel documentary about iran. i watched it yesterday, and boy were my eyes opened! also, let me say that i LOVE your posts. you are so level-headed and so smart, and that makes what you say an absolute joy to read. thanks for being you.

    Pasha -- i'm so glad you and your lovely friends have become visible because you helped me open my eyes to love instead of hate. i've hated iran for years because of the capture of the u.s. embassy and also because of its stance on israel and jewish people (never recognizing that i was sending out hate, too, in my own way). when i saw the birthday video i was shocked -- those adam fans were wonderful! so i watched the travel documentary and couldn't stop crying because i had been so close-minded for so long. I'M AWAKE! you've done that for me and i am so grateful. thank you. thank you.

    Adam -- you always talk about the power of music. Well, this is an example. Never in a million years would I have guessed that by loving you, I would eventually have my eyes opened to a people I'd hated for so long. It's absolutely incredible. Look how you've helped change me. So now I love you even more than ever! I'm so grateful to be part of your Glamily, Adam.

    Love to you, your fandom and to the power of music,


  12. Aw...Adam so handsome. Wow! Must have been a surreal moment for Adam meeting Bill Clinton.

  13. Rose Petal, Glamma, Thank you for your lovely comments!HH.

  14. What a Lovely morning to all Glamberts!!!
    So happy to read & feel all the Love for Adam & his fans!!!

    Love it ! Love it Love it!

  15. Nice birthday gift for Adam.. January 29th


  16. @rose petal - I forgot to say - Hope your husband gets better real soon.
    Take care,

  17. @nancdruuu2
    Thank you ....but he will not be better he has heart failure...diabetes...and all the nerve and breathing problems that go along with those...he has good times but is in a lot of pain...lately he's been having areally hard time...but he has a great doctor and many people who love him....sadly he is only 59...peace light and love to all...rose petal

  18. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your husband and family. You will have many Glamberts praying for you all over the world. Stay strong. nancdruuu2

  19. @ rose petal........JAK here

    Your poem has now been copied into my current journal and will be read many times over the years to come. My youngest daughter is eager to keep my journals safe, she is the child of my spirit. I've been scribbling down poems, bits of prose, quotes and quips since I was 15.....that's quite a library. This wonderful piece of your heart will be in good company with pages that make me sad, make me happy, but mostly make me think.
    I believe it will resonate especially with the teachers on our site since we come in contact with so many young people who touch our hearts.

    I am sorry to hear your wonderful, funny husband is ill. But you know that all of us who read your words will be sending prayers heavenward for him . We are a wide community so I am sure there will be a deluge of Christian, Muslim, Jewish,
    Hindu and numerous others all speaking on his behalf....<3


  20. Handsome picture..


  21. @JAK
    Thank you so much... I have great deal of respect for u.... Your heart an intelligence are evident in all post.... I have also written poetry all my life... My son is the poetry lover in our family.... he is an amazing writer himself.... he will take care of my work ... I'm so honored to have my poem in your collection.....rose petal

  22. I'm sure none of us are surprised at Adam supporting a local charity. A great cause.

  23. If you are interested in more info on the charity:

  24. Why aren't any media coverage for this great event? Oh I know cause it's not controversial enough for the news media to report it. So sad!

    So proud of Adam to support all these different great charities. He looks fabulous in this picture.

  25. rose petal, Like JAK, I am also saving your incredible poem. Someone near and dear to me went through a difficult period of being treated badly by his peers. It really hits home with me. Thank you.


  26. You are all so sweet with one another. It truly is a Glamily where we can share and be concerned for one another. Adam always mentions that this is one of his favorite things about the Glamily is that they know each other, have become friends, that there is support and it's not just about him. Well, it really is but.....
    No nail polish, very little makeup and only one ring.
    GOD does he clean up beautifully!
    That SUIT!!! Love him in all of his looks! but this one. Wow oh WOW!!!!! You just get to see Adam without the bells and whistles. GORGEOUS!!!!!

  27. Not only is Adam glowing but the camera or the lighting has caught the rainbow that surrounds him.

    Rose petal - You and your husband will be in my prayers. I know how hard it is to take care of the one who has always taken care of you. My soul mate, lover, friend and husband went to be with our God 11 years ago. I have missed him every day since then. My best advice for you is to be strong for him now. Sending you love -

  28. Adam looks gorgeously handsome & Fresh!!!
    Nice haicut!, over jet lag, rest & juice:)

    He's very good looking & charming no doubt, but this pic shows he's GLOWING & very HAPPY!!!

  29. @rosepetal

    Love your poem and rest assured my prayers cover you, your family and your husband, and may he get well and much better the soonest.
    Take care yourself, my dear.


  30. @Rosepetal... Thank you for still coming to this blog despite the hard times you are going through...

    It is hard for those who suffer from chronic, painful illness but sometimes it is even harder for the relatives to see a love one going through tough times.

    Hope you are also surrounded by an armor of friendship and love.. and may the best outcome happen to your husband, to you and your family...

  31. Rose Pedal just came here tonight, have not had time to look much today, just saw one about little girl. Sweetheart I wish you and tour husband all good things, I am so sooty he is sick, god bless you! You are a very warm talented lady! My husband is not well right now, he had u shot still got a form of it! He 72 8 years older than me been married nearly 41 years. He has diabetes and had open heart surgery, 10 years ago. Any infection not good, he seems to be a bit better, you never know with that stuff! God bless you and certainly your husband. I will pray tonight and every. Ifht for you! Yes Afam looks sizing he looks so handsome, and as usual doing good things that the news outlets could care less about, that does not sale! Anyway Rose Pedal, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayer's, keep strong sweet heart! Sue

  32. rose Petal
    beautiful poem.
    Sending positive thought and virtual hugs to you and your husband x

  33. @Glamma
    Thank you for your generous and kind words. We're all here for Adam. He inspires through his example. I had no clue when I sat stunned in front of my TV almost 4 years ago, watching Adam for the first time on Idol, singing Black or White, literally unable to speak or barely able to breathe....that I'd be here, chatting with people from all over the world who all share my fascination and respect for that fabulous and talented human being. We all wish the very best for him.

    About the Iran documentary: I had the same reaction when I first saw the Rick Steves' Iran travel documentary. So eye opening. And it put a very human face on Iran. We sometimes forget what a rich history this ancient culture and people have. And its truly wonderful to know that Adam has touched so many there as well.

    Hugs :)))

  34. @rose petal
    My thoughts and prayers for you and your husband. And thank you so much for sharing your poem...Beautiful and poignant.

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