Monday, January 14, 2013

New TV Clips featuring Adam Lambert at Hennessy Vietnam


  1. Hey Shaley & KRW, a couple of quick shots of Terrance, no Johnny in sight. NON-gayish enough for you? Trying to be respectful, just a question.

  2. 9:37 Stop trying to cause trouble where there is none. Wonderful video. Lots of good energy. Take your negative energy elsewhere. Thanks.

  3. enjoyed this clip alot love the energy too.

  4. @9:52, I am 9:37am. I am about to head offline and to my work, but I respectfully put to you that my question was genuine, not put forth to conjure up false trouble. There is a previous thread which begs my question, and I would submit to you that it is not I who went negative energy but rather my intent is promoting more of a climate of acceptance, tolerance and less judgement of Adam's career decisions. Discussion is interesting, engaging and actually downright fun, yes, opinion sharing is compelling indeed, but tolerance is always key for me, but hey that's just me. (I approach my fandom of Adam with a more optimistic and less critical attitude generally, more of an observer, sit back and observe, hang on tight as I go along for the fun, wild ride, as opposed to an approach where I always want to make suggestions, give advice, be a backseat driver, etc, especially where I am NOT in the biz and feel that Adam and his team are infinitely more qualified and educated in their field than I am, just my point of view :)).

    I do apologize for the brevity of my first post exposing a bit of a curt response on my part, and I regret starting this thread off with anything less than a resounding "AWESOME" exclamation, because, yes, it's an excellent positive video for sure! It's a hugely uplifting video and should be viewed from only that lense and filter I suppose! On that count, I offer you and other readers my apologies. Otherwise, my question was legitimate and not at all designed to manufacture trouble and to the contrary, put forth to promote more positive energy being bandied about here. Thanks.

  5. It was very professional and polished. Altogether enjoyable. JAK

  6. At least Adam has been nothing but up front and honest about being gay, in the long he will win peoples respect for that. Although he may stand out for being different to some, no one can accuse him of misleading the public or his fans, unlike Jodie Foster and so many others who put their careers first then decide to come clean. Adam has shown that he is proud of who he is and in being true to himself sets a wonderful example for other young people and I have nothing but admiration for him because of that.

  7. @ Anon January 14, 2013 at 11:02 AM

    Right On!!!!

  8. There's nothing wrong with Johnny, people keep complaining about him for no good reason, yes he is gay, so what, if you can't handle that then you have a serious problem. If Johnny wasn't a decent person Adam would not want him in the show. I read a couple of Johnny's tweets and he was thanking all the fans for making him feel so loved and accepted, so shame on people for continuing to pick pieces out of someone who is obviously a very sweet guy.

  9. I would like to add to this by saying my opinion that I have no problem with fans pointing out that maybe Johnny and Terrance dance differently and they prefer a more unison approach... or that Johnny is perhaps distracting to some... or that they don't really prefer the interaction with Adam... and that sort of thing, but the way some of the feelings on this topic are expressed and written about here are so offputting, and honestly make me cringe, and maybe just a little sad. Yikes!

    But, on a brighter more important and on-topic note, what a great video, so well done, excellent.

  10. Opinions, opinions, opinions, we all tend to have them, good or bad :(:)
    Just be respectful fans, human, beings.
    Performers work really hard to entertain the fans & we at times r pretty hard JUDGES!!!
    Just saying ,,,,,,,,,

    Have a great day!!!

    PEACE :) & A-L-O-H-A

  11. I didn't realize Adam got so much attention in Vietnam, very good.

  12. 11.02 you are spot on. It been a little or a lot because he chose to be honest and be himself. Ok, I gonna fool everybody, become a big stat and them come out. As he said he could never lI've that way, and people would know anyway, just like everyone pretty well new with Jodi, at least I always figured she was!, and I could care less! Everybody will pay her on the back for it , because she already made it big before she came out! Adam had a harder time because of it in US mainly! In Asia they respect Adam for it and have heard them say, they do not judge on someone's sexuality, they judge on their accomplishment's! They said in some of the birthday video's to him last year, Adam is a very gracious accomplished man! So I have so much respect for him, he will win out in the end, in US! But he winning out one country at a time, just about already one out in Asia, and some of key countries! Oh and I thought Kelly Osbourne looked really pretty in dress, Adam said her dress was pretty, Someone made a mean remark, that was on a earlier post! Those two damcer's I'm Adam's shows are Adam's friends and they are excellent dancer's. Every concert calls out how good the Dancer's and back up singer's are some people here were awful about them at Bali concert, then when great reviews cam down, they backed off! It proves these video's we get or wonderful we love them, but are in no way a measure of how good it is on that stage! Everybody had a right to their opinion but not a right to be mean. Both the back up Dancer's are nice people are doing their job, and most people at these concert's like them a lot. We get mad at People nudging Adam unfairly and we should. Some people here do same thing with these back up simger's and Dancer's mostly Johnny, he gay so is Adam, so he more feminine acting than Adam, that how he was born,important thing is he a good friend and dancer, tours can be tough without friends around you! Know most people here love him, but love means excepting people as they are, not trying to make them someone else, I think good things are up for Adam this year and next! Sue

  13. Oh I see Sauli also on 0:50...

  14. @11.08am
    I think the biggest complaint against Johnny (its certainly mine), is that he's just not a great dancer, certainly not in the same league as Terrance. He can moves yes, but like someone in a nightclub, he just doesn't look like a professionally trained dancer.

  15. Johnny can obviously dance different styles as seen in the VH1 Divas show.

  16. I thought it was only Terrance that was dancing in the Divas show??

  17. I see no reason why there should be any concern regarding ADAM's backup singers/dancers. They are there only to add to the show & I'm sure that ADAM feels his choices are good otherwise he wouldn't keep them with him. ADAM is the STAR here & I feel that some of the comments here are making him seem (not to me) that he is unable to make those choices. I trust ADAM's ability to know the difference between what is good & what is not. We all should respect ADAM's choices & STOP trying to manage his career ... JMO!!

    BTW ... I really enjoyed ALL the videos + this one & look forward to many more through the kindness of caring & sharing Glamberts Worldwide. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Love 'n Light ...

    tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

  18. 6:11, no, both of them were in the show.

  19. I myself like the entire show, all musician's and damcer's! But you put all these people out there and they are certainly talented every one of them, without Adam I highly doubt anyone would be there to watch! They are all good and Adam certainly needs them to compliment , and back up his fabulous pipes! But, make no mistake Adam is the draw. Adam is the man they are there to see, yes there are some TJR, fans but the man draw is Adam and alway's will be. He is the main man! Sue

  20. I don't care about backup singers or Johnny anymore. However, when they made all of this sh......on the stage in Bali it was discussing! After all we must agree that Johnny looks and moves like gay stripper from low budget nightclub

  21. Aurea is a feisty little minx.

  22. they need the Brooke and Sasha back dancing. sexy choreography from those ladies.

  23. sk should quit hogging the camera.

  24. @8:28PM Guess you haven't been to Lady Gaga's concert cause her dancers are even more gay than Adam's dancers.

  25. They don't need any dancers. They need a band and Adam. Period!

  26. 9:45, but what if Adam wants dancers? Is that OK with you?

  27. I think Johnny adds a bit of fun - very cheeky and a contrast to Terrance. Something for everyone on Adam's stage. Let's just enjoy the music and let it be.

  28. @Anon 11:02 AM
    I have to disagree with your comment about Jody Foster regarding her official coming out last night at the Golden Globes, saying that she and others have been "misleading the public or her fans.." by keeping their sexual orientation hidden, or officially unannounced. You do have to remember that she's been in the public eye since she was a child actor, more than 40 years now (she's now 50).. Its only recently that there has been a climate of acceptance and for many actors, coming out could have been the end of a career, or perhaps reduced opportunities. She has two children to support and was under no obligation to share that information if she chose not to. She has always been a very private person. In reality I honestly had no idea that she had not come out as its been known for quite some time that she had a female partner. And that they separated a couple of years ago, but remain friends. She simply chose to keep her private life private. I also greatly admire Adam for being open about his sexuality from the get go, but I don't think its fair at all to assume that its always been safe and wise to come out as gay or lesbian. So many are doing that now...I don't think we should condemn them for not doing it sooner. I DO think we should be happy for them, that they have that weight of secrecy lifted now. It's each person's right to make the decision of where and when and if they come out as gay or lesbian or bi... I have the utmost respect for Jody Foster as an actress and as a person of integrity. It's not fair, IMO, to compare her or anyone else to Adam. Its a different world out there now.. I think we should be thankful for that. I know I am....

  29. @Choons January 14, 2013 at 10:24

    Cool Point!! Thanks :)
