Saturday, January 19, 2013


Via ArtisanNewsService:

While Adam Lambert has been singing with Queen, there has been a groundswell of support for Marc Martel, who fronts the Queen Extravaganza and is a dead ringer vocally to the late Freddie Mercury, to take the mantle of fronting the band, and Martel says he'd love to if asked. Who would you choose?


  1. give it to Marc Adam has his own thing going on.

  2. Respect Freddie's talent and memory and don't copy. To do a dead ringer imitation only turns queen into its on cover band. Where is the chance to grow and reach a new audience.

  3. He does have an uncanny, almost eerie, likeness to the man. He's probably the closest thing on the planet to Freddie both physically and vocally. I can't even argue with what's very evident. It's just a matter of what Brian and Roger want. Who's better is really a matter of their purposes. Personally, I don't think people really want a mimic, they just want someone to carry on the spirit. If they can convey that, convey the music, then it wont matter how much the person sounds like Freddie, people will accept it.

  4. Brian May has said in an interview that Queen saw a theatricality in Adam that fits their music and besides Adam's "one in a million voice" per Roger, that 's why Adam is such a good choice to sing with them

    Marc Martel is certainly very good and does sound a lot like Freddie but they chose him for the Tribute Band not to sing with them. Maybe they will one day, who knows. IMO, Marc doesn't have the electrifying stage presence of Adam....doesn't come close. No one can take their eyes off of Adam when he's performing. I'm sure Brian and Roger could see the audience's response to Adam on stage.

    My vote will always be Queen and Adam Lambert. It's a no brainer for me.


  5. If I'm not mistaken, it would take more than Marc Martel to do what Adam did in his collaboration, the reason being that he cannot reach the vocal range required. A second problem for Marc might be the vocal stamina required to tackle a tour. Besides the technical limitations, the final problem might be the artistic lack in Marc's performance. It's painful to compare him to Adam in this area, as Adam has years of training and experience in musical theater and concerts, which is readily apparent as a challenge for Marc. Many who want Marc have seen Adam perform only from YT, and not in person, as they may have Marc, so the bias is understandable. On its face, the choice of an imitation or faithful copy of Freddie versus a fresh interpretation with the charisma, vocal brilliance, and stage presence of the original, is a no brainer. In this contest Marc suffers unfairly by comparison, as Adam matches Freddie as an singer/entertainer on so many levels that in the here and now it seems only Adam can do Freddie justice. Besides, Adam is so much more fun to watch. atm

    1. marc's got the much better rock-voice and as i've seen him live i recognised he indeed has a great range to do all the queen songs.
      as for me adam has to much vibrato on spots where it isn't needed...simply too much whereas marc's the better control over it.
      sorry, but i find adam sounds too kind of "boygroupish"

    2. Adam sounds nothing like freddy and his voice is not that good he did not even win American idol Marc sounds just like Freddie you can close your eyes its him but I dont think that's what queen wants so they will pick Adam he has last talent but his the better frontman but voice forget Marc martel nails eat you dont know what your talking about...

  6. Best choice , in my opinion, Marc . I agree with anon 10:21PM Adam has his own thing happening .

  7. Ultimately, I think public demand and Adam's and May/Taylor's interests will determine who the preferred Queen frontman will be. IMO both men are fine singers but Adam is the more exciting and original performer and therefore more entertaining TO ME. I have read that some like Marc because his voice and renditions are closer to Freddie's. Adam has taken his own vocal ownership of the QUEEN music he has sung. It is a very difficult and demanding (on a singer's voice) catalog. Don't know if Adam would want to dedicate his entire voice and time to JUST the QUEEN works. But I sure would be happy if he does SOME performances, recordings and a few of his own works with QUEEN; they are magic together. Beverly

  8. OMG-there is no comparison of Marc Matel to the magic of Adam Lambert on the stage. Marc Matel does sound a lot like Freddie, but he is not a total package. There is nothing SEXY about him. Adam is the TOTAL PACKAGE. I saw the Queen Extravaganza show last summer, but I would never sit and watch a video of that concert over and over-BUT, I have viewed the Kiev concert with Queen and Adam probably 50 times. All of my music club members agree that Adam brought Queen to a new higher ladder and Queen knew what they were doing. Just watch Adam Lambert sing, "Who Wants To Live Forever", and you will be spoiled for life. Adam Lambert is the BOMB, and Brian and Roger know it!

    1. Its alot harder to sing like Freddie mercury then to learn how to dance around like queen sorry but it's TRUE Marc martel sounds just like Freddie he also plays piano professional just like Freddie so train him a couple of months to dance and prance and he will blow Adam off the stage hands down .....

  9. Marc Martel is indeed a terrific opera singer; like Adam, Marc's singing technique is right where the money is though he couldn't take the high notes as well as Adam. I just watched Marc's breathtaking singing of Bohemian Rhapsody. But not sure if he could perform, I Want To Break Free, with such sexy exuberance like Adam did. I think his fashion sense may not match up to Adam's and height, physic and good looks as well. And Adam singing with Brian tripping after him, with the haunting strains of his special sexy guitar (EMA)...that scenario of a father running after his adorable son chemistry is really really hard to beat! lol! I think Brian and Roger love Adam; he made Brian cry in, We Will Rock You; yes Brian wiped tears in front of the audience who cheered for him.


    1. i've seen marc live and he indeed could reach the higher notes very well but i have to admit adam's the more flamboyant type.

  10. Marc Martel - he sounds sooooooooo like Freddie and has an uncanny resemblance to him. Furthermore, Queen/Freddie fans LOVE HIM ..... and I'm a HUGE ADAM FAN.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Why are they doing this?? Do they want to cause trouble between Freddie's fans and Adam's fans again?? Adam has his own thing to do and Marc is incredibly like Freddie.


    Adam just tweeted a keek of him exercising!

  14. daydreamin
    That's really funny. lol! Not just exercising his body, his voice as well! Thanks. :)


  15. That new geek video w/BB on the treadmill is SO funny.I hope he kept on walking on that treadmill for a while.As far as this subject about subject about Mark Martel or Adam,Adam would always win for me.Marc does a good immitation of Freddie,but that's not what Queen wanted,or he would have been chosen instead of BB.

  16. As long as the Queen extravaganza is touring in North America, there is no way that Queen+Adam Lambert will be performing in North America... I think Marc Martel already performed with Queen on American Idol !!! He looks and sounds good but how to beat the range and the theatricality of Adam ?

  17. Sorry,I meant keek,not geek-LOL! LOL!on that video!Adam can be soooooo funny!


    Just saw the video from American Idol... Brian May and Roger Taylor only came out at the end of the act and were surrounded by other singers who were singing the higher notes... Marc Martel was back behind the piano during the whole ending of the song.

  19. @January 20, 2013 at 1:06 AM
    Don't you mean the Queen Extravaganza? Marc Martel wasn't in American Idol.

  20. Brian and Roger will decide who is the best fit IF they want to tour.

  21. Of course most, if not all Glamberts will say Adam. That's a no brainer but the decision rests with Roger and Brian. Wonderful praise of Adam by Marc, and Marc himself is a very likeable singer.

  22. I'm going to straddle the fence and say if Adam fronts Queen, I would absolutely love it and if I had the opportunity to see Marc with Queen, I'd do my best to see it too. I love Marc's praise of Adam. :)

  23. I knew Queen Extravaganza was on AI but didn't follow it so closely after S8 so didn't watch it till now. I knew I wouldn't be missing that much. Exactly, what I said he couldn't do the Adam high notes and the whole performance sort of fell flat except for Brian and Roger coming in to the rescue. The 'missing link' is Adam! And Queen knew they had found him. Compare this with Queen and Adam, S8 finale...QE pretty messy and a lot of shouting from Marc Martel. Thanks 1:06.


    1. I hope you do realize that Adam hits high notes that Freddie Mercury never did in songs. Adam is a great singer and I love him but Marc is who needs to sing with Queen but even they said it best when they explained that the Queen Extravaganza is meant to bring fans the experience of old queen ....which they can't do anymore

    2. I hope you do realize that Adam hits high notes that Freddie Mercury never did in songs. Adam is a great singer and I love him but Marc is who needs to sing with Queen but even they said it best when they explained that the Queen Extravaganza is meant to bring fans the experience of old queen ....which they can't do anymore

  24. Respect all due but really is there any question here??????

  25. @January 20, 2013 at 1:22 AM

    @January 20, 2013 at 1:06 AM
    Don't you mean the Queen Extravaganza? Marc Martel wasn't in American Idol.
    The video I posted was taken from American Idol 2012 where the Queen Extravaganza +Brian May+Roger Taylor were present as guest performers.

  26. I adore Adam's theatricality especially in the Glam Nation tour but theatriciality isn't necessary for me to enjoy a concert. It's all about the songs and the voice for me.

  27. Interesting interview of Marc Martel about singing Queen songs, about taking liberties with the melodies etc...

  28. I know it's taken from the article, but when you pose a question like that on an Adam Lambert fan site, it kind of starts to answer itself, doesn't it? lol. Marc seems like a nice talented guy but... objectivity is not my strong suit in this case... :)

  29. Adam is the only man on the planet who re-ignites the spirit of Queen. Who in the world didn't see the union of Brian and Roger with Adam in their minds eye 4 years ago?

    When Brian and Roger came out on the stage on idol with Marc Martel. Marc evaporated. Adam not only holds his own with Brian and Roger on stage, he energizes them. Brian and said that Adam is a strong enough presence for his to make the wall of sound with his guitar. Adam is just a natural born performer and his voice is just electrifying.

  30. omg just watched the Keek Adam posted lol

  31. argued over this enough last year, not going there anymore.

  32. Not a question for this site . . .LOL

  33. This is the only snippet I've ever heard of Marc Martel, he sounds very good. But if the question is would I want Adam to be frontman for Queen, I would say NO. Do I listen to and watch my dvd of the Kiev performance practically weekly, yes. He was superb, but I don't want him to be a permanent (as long as Queen performs) member of Queen. Great as they are, they are yesterday and Adam is now and tomorrow. I hope they will perform together on special occasions but not with Adam as a substitute for Freddie, instead as a special guest star with Queen.
    Adam has a job......being Adam!...JAK

  34. @2:18 AM - thanks for the link to the interview. <3

  35. That keek clip .... lol I hope he's not working out when he's on the juice regime.

  36. I prefer the interpretation of Adam as opposed to the imitation of Marc. Adam has the physical stage presence that you cannot take your eyes off of him.

  37. Ladies!
    I don't have enough words to express my admiration and pride for how the Glamberts are commenting on Marc Martel's possibility to front Queen!
    Politely, intelligently... .
    During Queen&Adam tour in Europe I posted for a couple of months on a Queen forum, I thought it was fair to defend a project I strongly believed in ( me and another lady).
    I had to give up posting there , I was appalled with the intolerant, aggressive, even irrational comments ,with a few exceptions, most of them being incapable to appreciate Brian and Roger's spectacular come back. Even Brian and his activism were ridiculed only to minimize the importance of the event.
    Hello, Lam-my,I missed your comments, yours and glitzylady's and Jak's and.... , the sexiest surgeon in Rumania decided it was time I had my thyroid gland operated, so we spent a whole week together! lol

  38. The one comment on youtube that I have to agree with 100% called out the news agency for showing clips of Marc singing and showing clips of Adam shopping instead of singing. OH SNAP!

  39. There's no denying Marc Martel is good but this topic has been done to death over and over ad nauseam. Lovely Adam praise from Marc.

  40. I wonder if Queen fans are being asked exactly the same question.

  41. Adam DUH! No question there. Imo it would be disrespectful towards Freddie to have a mimic on stage.

    It's not like Queen will ever do massive world wide tours again so I don't get why people feel like Adam and Queen collar would somehow be too time-consuming for Adam. They will most likely do few massive audience gigs in different large cities around the world.

  42. USA seems to favor male singers from outside the USA. They accept female singers as long time popular, KPerry, Taylor Swift, Beyonce. If Queen were to have a new tour here in USA they would pick a lead that would be most popular here, that would be ???? Glamberts are prejudice so who would make the determination.

  43. Nice comments from Marc and I wish him well.

  44. As some here have already said, this question is rather silly. Marc's talents are apparently what Brian and Roger were looking for for the Extravaganza Tour. When they saw Adam, I think they were completely FLOORED. I remember the interview the three of them did on that couch, where, after singing Adam's praises for a while, Brian said, "And he's pretty, too!" LOL. I'm sure that Roger, Brian and Adam all agree that Adam should not be a permanent member of Queen.

    Adam should be that special, special treat we get with Queen on those infrequent but oh so royal occasions when they decide to do it. Brian and Roger will not be around forever. They're old guys, remember. They are awed by Adam's voice, stage presence, attitude, humility, looks and soul. I think they wish they'd discovreed him earlier. Marc fits the bill for the Extravaganza tour, but I don't feel the awe for Marc from Roger and Brian that I feel they have for Adam. There's really no point to this "Marc or Adam" thing. It's just way to stir the pot a little.

    LOVE Adam's little vid on the treadmill. Just walkin' and singin'. He even sounds good sweaty and out of breath. Werk it, boy!


  45. Holy Damn!!!

    I don't think that Marc Martel can handle the whole concert by himself like what Adam did with Queen and I'm sure of that!!:)

    Marc is of course has the voice of mimic but he doesn't have the style....

    He can do only Freddie then what??? Brian and Roger confirmed to millions of fans that no one like Freddie to mimic and enough said!!!:)

    That's why they chose Adam to performed with them and Adam pulled it out with honour indeed!!!


  46. What does Adam`s latest tweet means? From what is he liberationing?? Today?? Is he breaking up with Sauli because in the lyrics it`s says sometimes lovers have to give in.. I am a bit worried eventhoug I have thought that everythin is good for them.. I am not a troll or troublemaker just a little too interesting in their lives kind of woman. But with a good heart!

  47. My observations:

    Queen fans (including Brian and Roger) prefer Adam- hands down.

    Freddy fans prefer Marc Martel hands down because they feel he's not as much a threat to Freddy's legacy as Adam, since he's just a copy. Adam is original and not a copy of Freddy at all, has Brian and Roger mesmerized, is ultra talented, many find him at least equally as entertaining as Freddy, and is the first performer ever to me overwhelmingly called a natural fit for Queen.

  48. Edit: to BE overwhelmingly called a natural fit for Queen.

  49. Since it seems like everyone is on this site today...can i ask a question?
    Does anyone know if there is a video of Adam and Queen's London concert anywhere out there?
    I'm dying for one..... (an actual CD)


  51. Tweets from Adam:

    @adamlambert: #liberationday

    @adamlambert: #fitness

  52. Imo Queen should retire and take other avenues to make their music heard by younger generation. Adam should create his own music and find other collaboration in current music scene.

  53. 7:56 am...why always look at the negative side of things?? maybe he feels more liberated to love Sauli or maybe it has nothing to do with them at all...a good song!

  54. In my live there is so much pain, disapointing and bad things it`s hard to be positive I am afraid. I try. And Adam and SAuli has give me hope and reason to smile. Mayby thats why I`m so committed to their lives. It`s not my business I know. Mayby I just need someone say don`t think like that everything it`s propably all right. Childish I know...

  55. IMO Adam is just supporting Ferras with his tweet.

  56. Yep...Adam is a friend of Ferras:) so supporting a friend. Over analyzing sucks the life out of you, so stop and try to be happy:)

  57. @8:35 AM, retire, RETIRE, R-E-T-I-R-E!!! No Way!!! Why retire all that talent?! Freddie performed until he couldn't anymore, so why would anyone wish to deny Brian and Roger one of their many joys in life, bringing Queen's music to
    the masses. I am a long time Queen fan and want to see Brian, Roger, and Adam in concert. Retirement is a state of mind not AGE!

  58. 9:22 am...nicely said...agree on this one:)

  59. Is Obama's Inaguration today? Maybe Ferras' song fits this event! I love this song. Ferrsas is another great talent who is under-rated.

  60. 7:56 I say this with all the love I can muster. Cool your tits. It aint that deep Honey Boo Boo.

  61. I would also like to have an official copy of the Queenbert concerts. I wonder if someone is putting this together to sell as a cd and/or dvd. It probably would do well as both with the fans of Queen and those of Adam Lambert. I don't think Adam ever had it in mind to replace Freddy Mercury. He never had the intention to become a permanent member of Queen, but just do these several concerts.

  62. Queen demographic age is over 60. They want to hear someone who sounds exactly like Freddie. They don't care about looks as you notice Roger and Brian aren't on cover magazines anymore. Apparently QE was very successful and most Queen fans want to see Martel with Roger and Brian. Adam is young and he should collaborate with current artists with new music to expand his fanbase. His summer performances with Queen were epic but it didn't bring young fans to listen to Queen or Adam being able to expand his fanbase.

  63. I thought the point was to front Queen with a singer that didn't imitate but complemented the band and Freddie's songs? A tribute band is one thing; trying to recreate Freddie is something else entirely, and the fact is nobody can recreate Freddie. He was one of a kind. Adam was Adam, singing and paying homage to what Queen with Freddie began. I don't think Queen is looking for a Mark. What I'd love to see in the future is a Lambert/Queen collaboration with new music.

  64. I have the Queenbert concert c/d but have no idea where the link went. Maybe daydreamin will be here shortly and she will have it, very glad I have it.

  65. Anonymous 10:08 AM
    Do you really think that Brian and Roger should be on magazines and tabloids covers to be remembered? You seem to forget that for music lovers, real music lovers , age 20-70 Queen belong to the pantheon of rock. Did you so easily forget the recent Kiev, Moscow, London... concerts, 6, only because Brian and Roger did have other projects, too.
    Don't you remember that all serious DJs with solid musical knowledge, Byron Cooke is one of them, were ecstatic about Adam touring with Queen?
    Possible future collaborations with Queen won't exclude possible future collaborations with current artists.
    Things are not as simple as they seem to be, let me simplify them: the Canadians want MM to front Queen, most of the English can't forget Paul Rodgers and George Michael, Queen lovers without preferences accept Adam and the Talibans without frontier don't want Freddie to be replaced by anybody.

  66. Marc was chosen because he fits the needs of the Extravaganza band. He's very good at it. But Brian and Roger chose ADAM because he is much much more. He fills the stage with a huge, skilled voice, with mega-presence and with killer looks. Brian and Roger knew what a gem they found in Adam. He's superior to anyone they've had except Freddie. There are reasons why they chose Marc for the EXTR tour. But there is also a reason why they chose ADAM to sing personally with THEM (Roger and Brian.) I'm not dissing Marc and all, but Adam is in a league of his own.


  67. Make the donation to celebrate Adam's 31st b-day!

  68. I am Canadian and if Queen tours with him instaed of Adam I will freak out with grief. NO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I saw WWRY with Yvan Pedrault and I loved it. I may see Queen Spectacular with Yvan and Marc but I will NEVER see Queen with either of them. I will picket.

    Adam is more popular and charts better in Canada than the US. Make no mistake - no one is talking about Marc and Queen here. They are talking about Marc and Queen Spectacular. Period.

  69. 7:56 I say this will all due respect: you may have a good heart but if you are deconstructing Adam's tweets for info about his private life, you need to get one.

    If you are have an obsessive need to experience Adam vicariously through a real (Sauli) or an imaginary (Tommy) relationship, you need to get out more.

    The need to see Adam happy with Sauli is only slightly less nutty than the need to see him with Tommy. A pox on the twitter shitters in both of those houses.

  70. Queen will play with whoever they want. They seem to want Adam at the moment. No worries about Adam giving up his own music and/or career. A couple of months - 3 maximum - wouldn't cut into his recording time. He's not touring so it's a perfect time to do it.

  71. I loved Marc Martel's compliments about Adam. I'm sure Adam would be complimentary to Marc as well. they're both very talented men...

    As for the questions about "who should front Queen?" (sigh...)

    Moot point for the most part. The surviving members of Queen would quite rightly make that decision themselves, if indeed there was a "decision" to be made. I cannot imagine they would put it up to a vote of the fans. As others pointed out, any Queen "tour" would most likely be limited to a few concert dates here and there, as voiced by Brian and Roger themselves a while back, before they did the 6 concert European mini-tour. They said they would not be up to a full tour. Too stressful, too tiring. They have also not ruled out future concerts with Adam (please, please..please). Brian May hinted about that possibility quite recently. Adam hasn't ruled it out either. They obviously LOVED the concerts they did with Adam.. and he had a wonderful time with them.. I really do not think they're looking for "a new lead singer..." but someone to share the stage and honor the music. No one can take the place of Freddie Mercury obviously and I somehow think (just my opinion..) it would be a little weird to have a Freddie sound-alike and look-alike fronting Queen, but whatever works for the band. That's why I personally feel that Adam works so well with Queen: He has the range, the power, the stage presence, the obvious "connection" with the band..but is not an impersonator.

    As for the concerns re "Adam has his own music and career...": Very true, but a few gigs with Queen here and there isn't going to disrupt the process. His gigs in 2012, including rehearsals, took up only a few weeks. And I suspect he made some serious $$$$$, which is in reality not a bad thing at all :)))

    Lastly, the demographic for Queen fans is not necessarily "only 60+".. Watch the vids for the concerts in Europe: MANY younger faces. 20's on up. Perhaps not a lot of teens, but definitely a wide range of ages. (A "telling" example: I just found and bought a "Queen, Greatest Hits II" t-shirt in Nordstrom in one of the younger, hipper, trendier departments..and the shirts were apparently flying out the door, according to the salesperson)...The hardcore Queen/Freddy fans started out being more than skeptical of Adam fronting Queen, but many ended up chanting his name "Adam, Adam....". I count that as a success, acceptance, and validation...

    I adore Adam (obviously..), and can also appreciate Marc Martel's skill at impersonating Freddie. He's great.. As to whether Marc would ultimately be accepted/successful fronting Queen: who knows. I leave the decision up to Brian May and Roger Taylor.

  72. @7.56am
    maybe the tweet out of the Liberation day song, is to do with the actual day his contract with 19R ended??

    @anon 8.23am
    There is no official Lon CD, but all the concert is available on youtube, you could make your own. And I'm sure if you look on the internet someone is selling ones they've made, if you feel OK about buying fanmade things. There are also fans out there who will make you copies for free if you can find them.

    @anon 10.08am
    I was at 2 of the London concerts which were made up of 80% Queen fans, maybe more. And while the majority were in their 40s to 50's there was a fair few in their late teens upwards. And listening to the cheers and screams for Adam coming from those same diehard Queen fans, and feeling the atmosphere, they seemed quite Happy with the choice of Adam as the singer, and with the fact that he wasn't a copycat. Several fans I spoke to had seen other singers perform with Queen, and by half way through the concert they were all won over by Adam.

  73. Exactly glitzy lady. Teens and twenties are into "vintage" rock big time. I went to the UK to see Queenbert and was surprised at the reaction when I got home. My brother told me one of the best concerts of his life was Queen about 30 years ago. If they come to my city, we are all going and taking the kids. A bit of history and some great music.

  74. When Queen was honored at the EMA's Roger and Brian asked Adam to sing with them..... I think that pretty well answers who they want to perform with. I think Marc is wonderful fronting the tribute band but I also hope that Queen and Adam will continue to do the occasional concert together. As Roger said at the Kiev concert.....Adam lambert is some kind of magic!


  75. Pan
    Whoa, thyroid gland surgery...well at least you had the sexiest surgeon in Rumania to spend time with. Is he! If you watch AI, a certain cute judge loves this question. lol! Okay serious, get well soon; with love. :)


  76. I think Marc is a sweetie and certainly can sing like Freddie. But I think the Queen extravaganza is better for newer fans who didn't have a chance to see/hear Freddie live - Marc gives them a wonderful Re-creation. Adam with Brian and Roger represents Queen today - reminiscent of the old band, honouring Freddie but bringing a new vibe.
    But it would be so great if Marc could do a concert sometime with Queen -

  77. Marc is really great. But he is a Freddie impersonator. Adam is an original artist.. completely different thing. Leave Marc in tribute band and Adam putting his own spin on it for Queen,

  78. Adam holds his own presence; he dominates the stage together with Brian and Roger. And the way, he flirts with them in a theatrical way, like bowing and kneeling to Brian, and Roger banging extra hard on the drums at the end of I Want To Break Free, just after the high note... it's such a joy to watch them. The best singer+band combination I can think of for the present time...Queen+Adam...a post-Freddie legacy, creative, stylish, truthful honour to Freddie.


  79. Brian and Roger can do what they want but if they do a small US tour with Adam ...I WILL BE THERE!!.. If they have someone else front the band.. I will watch on YouTube.

  80. Here is the site where I bought the Queen and Adam Dvd from. (I also downloaded the mp3 off a link Glitzylady gave me then made a Cd from that for my car and work.

    Dvd is awesome and only US $12:

  81. The people who are for MM are one's that just want to duplicate FM. Queen wanted that for the estravagaza thing the tribute to FM. Not at all what they want on there own concerts, not at all! They do want theatrical whether it does not mean much to some, it brings so much to that kind of music. Adam's range is a thing of beauty, everything about Adam is a thing of beauty. Adam will never try to be FM. He Adam Lambert, he the only person in the music business that has the power and range in his voice today, to match the remaining member's Of Queen's fantastic music and makes it stand out in today's market! He makes young and old love the music again and for young to get interested in it! Queen music is for a man's voice not a woman's plenty song for them to sing, these sound better with a male voice, anyone can sing anything but does not mean sounds good! I would give anything and pay anything if I had it, to see Adam and queen! MM, is very good at wake he was hired at, but they want a younger man, to bring in some younger people, and of course Adam has many older also. Adam has every thing they need and a Bettet range, and he blends great with them, he himself not pretending to be Freddy, he everything they loved about FM, but he still Adam Lambert! For there personal concert's they want a frontman, with range power stage presence ant theatrics, also someone pretty has they said just a plus! MM perfect for tribute, but Adam absolutely the man for the job for the on stage queen concerts, period, he amaizing. Sue

  82. Just wanted to add, that Queen has fans of all ages, as most people like myself who grew up with Queens music played it for their kids who then grew up knowing all the songs. I remember the year my 2 older kids were 8 and 13 we took them to see We will rock you (the musical, and a queen tribute band in concert. They sang along to all the songs and loved both shows.

  83. Glitzylady, can you give again the link for that mp3 so I can ask my son to make a cd for me, please.

  84. @9:53 PM
    At 34 years of age, Marc Martel is hardly old.

  85. I would love to see Marc Martel in concert with Queen, just as I would love to see Adam perform live with Queen.

  86. I've just watched Marc Martel sing Bohemian Rapsody with The Renaissance Church. Wow! I never expected him to be as good as that.

  87. Marc is definitely very talented and a very nice person to acknowledge Adam's amazing voice. The fact is, Adam brings the entire package to Queen. Not only an amazing voice that cannot be duplicated or imitated, but a stage presence that is totally captivating. Adam is Adam and that's why he is a superstar always uping everbody's game with his uncanny singing and stage performance. You experience Adam with your eyes and ears and no one else can do that.......nancdruuu2

  88. Adam breathes new life into Queen. Martel sounds like Freddy but it's not fresh it's stagnate. They may as well play along with an old track of Freddy's voice.

  89. I wouldn't want to see Martel do a concert with Brian and Roger. It's so good to see Brian and Roger re-energized with Adam. I think Brian and Roger might feel uncomfortable playing with someone who is not an original artist with his own magic.

  90. They have been playing with substitute Freddies for years. It didn't seem to bother them.

  91. As good as Adam is, he just ruins the Queen songs for me. His sensibility is totally wrong for the band. He is better on his own, doing his thing, french kissing his boyfriend on stage to create craze. Mark is simple and to the point: he just happens to have awesome pipes, and his voice sounds so similar to Freddie's. Yes, he is still growing into his newly discovered fame, but.. had he had a chance, he would put Adam to shame with his weak and not very well trained for rock voice. I think it should be Mark. Shame on you, Roger and Brian, taking the commercial way. I get why they chose Adam. He is scandalous spectacle, who unfortunately butchers their songs, but.. in the end it's their choice, right?

  92. Marc Martel for sure! He is just right for the job! Adam is great solo.

  93. Any REAL Queen fan (not those who just hear the hits on radio) would choose Marc.. I was DYING to fly to Melbourne with my sister to see Queen in Australia, but Adam's voice doesn't do it for me :( I would have jumped to see Marc with them anyway..

  94. To respect Freddie's talent is to perform his music exactly as it was done, with his flair and vocal performance, to pass on the Freddie Mercury experience to young and allow the old to remember it for the magic it was. The object of any tribute band is to perform the original songs as close to the original performance as possible, not to put in your own stylistic changes because then it's just your version of a great song. Not only does Marc Martel achieve this with every Queen song he sings, he has better tone, pitch, and range for rock than Adam Lambert. If you want to honor the memory of an incredible musician like Freddie Mercury you front the band with vocal talent, not a pop icon.

  95. Marc does play piano very well..where Lambert does not !
    Love both their voices...but think Marc would be the better choice !

    1. I read a comment last night, that supposedly Marc Martel himself said Adam Lambert has the best singing voice of anyone in the world right now and he is much better suited for the queen tours than he is.I was happy to hear that because I certainly agree. When they do comparisons between the two, Adam and Mark, Mark doesn't come close to hitting the notes that Adam can, Adam has a much better stage presence, Brian and Roger have a lot of fun with him on stage, and Mark just seems kind of blah, plus his voice cracks a lot. They did not want to go on tour with a Freddie impersonator. They have Spike Edney to play the piano who has been with Queen since the 70s, they have everything they need.
