Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Latest Pictures!


  1. Tattoos don't go with drag!

  2. In next to last photo is that necklace an AK 47 assault rifle?
    Or am I seeing things?

  3. 5:36, Yeah, it kinda looks like it to me. ADAM looks quite good in these pix, esp. the first one.

  4. I thought the little girl pic with Adam was so sweet! She looked really happy.

  5. I know it goes with the job but it has to be hard to constantly smile or occasionally mug for the cameras!


  6. I often wonder how Adam has time to 'party' when he's constantly being photographed. Has he reached the point where he wouldn't know how to party without stopping for pics every few minutes? lol

  7. Some of the clubs pay Adam $50 to $75 dollars, just to be there. It triples their business. Kris Allen was also being paid to show up. The clubs love it, They can tell people when Adam will be there. I don't think he minds very much, since he usually gets paid for it. It's just business for Him and the club.. If you don't believe it, check on your PC, it is common practice.

  8. The little girl is adorable with the adorable big guy. :-)

  9. @6:20
    I didn't know that. Sounds like a good deal for everyone concerned to me.

  10. Isn't Jeffree Star the one Neil Lambert got into it with in a twitter war because Star was rude to a fan who came up to him and Neil witnessed the whole thing?

  11. 5:33 - who died and made you king?

  12. He loves to party

  13. no one blew me away on Idol tonight I didn't care for most of the song choices. I liked Harry Connick Jr. as a mentor though.

  14. all the girls are good on AI as singers but none of them have really grabbed me this year. I am usually voting like mad by now but I haven't voted once this season.

  15. where's the bedhead photos?

  16. don't be a draaaaag just be a queeeeeeeen.

  17. anon 6:48 your mama

  18. loved the pic with the little girl.

  19. @tea
    it wasn't a 'party' as susch, it was for operation unite,

    and @6.20,
    often 'stars' do get paid to go to clubs, and a lot more than $50-75...I remember one time on the GNT I read that Adam was paid $10,000 to go to a certain club after the show.

  20. I took 6:20's advice and checked my PC which told me to check Google and 6:20 is quoting numbers missing a decimal place. Apparently it is not uncommon for mid level stars to get $1000 for an appearance as well as free food and drink. Snooki, Paris and Kim in just one appearance are getting more than I make in a couple of years. Hate them even more now ;)

  21. Oh lol.adam is out clubbing because he likes it. No one in la is paying him to go out drinking.

  22. I remember reading about Paris Hilton and Kim K being paid thousands to make an appearance at a certain club or event. They are famous for absolutely nothing. Where is Paris Hilton now? If they pay Adam to appear at a certain club, the better for him. At least he is a talented performer and will always have that voice. It's good publicity for him to be seen and it is part of the job to keep his face and his name in the news until his next album comes out.

  23. Last night on AI Amber sang My Funny Valentine and she gave me goose bumps with her beautiful voice. Never got the chills when Adam was on AI. Guessing I was just too excited to see him.


  24. That was the second time Amber sang My Funny Valentine and she hit a foul note this time. The first time was way way better and it was the time she was marked as a contender. it's the reason she cried right after her last note, she knew she blew it.
    But I love her, she's the total package, has the IT Factor and charisma and star quality.
