Monday, May 6, 2013

Win a trip for two to Adam Lambert at the #glaadawards in San Francisco on 5/11


  1. I bought my chances and dusting off my suitcases just in case.

  2. Good luck! Wish I could go!

  3. ha!ha! u r so cute anon 8:09PM
    love your positivity!
    Wish u lots of luck, put it out to the universe & u'll never know:)

  4. I hope you win! Good luck - you just never know it could be you!nancdruuu2

  5. Being that 24/7 is where I hang out for Adam the most, I'm hoping a 42/7 fan will win this trip. Lots of good luck to you 8:09
    (I'm not in on competition)

  6. I bought a few "chances" too, but as the saying goes, not holding my breath. The last time I won anything of any consequence was in the second grade. It was a paper mâché sheep..and all the other girls were very jealous :)) I think I must have used up all of my luck then, but still fingers crossed...

  7. I, too, bought some chances with fingers, eyes, toes, legs crossed. I know the money will go to a good cause, 'cause I won't win the chance to see AFL. If I did, after falling to the floor and licking his footwear, the only thing I think I would say would be...Please change your avi on twitter, I only think of you as beautiful, not dorky.

  8. Has anyone heard who won the trip?

  9. Has anyone heard if we are all currently witnessing the demise of Adam Lambert 24/7 News?

  10. Today is a no Adam news day. Nothing to post or report apparently. Although Admin could have opened a thread with Shoshanna's tweet which confirms Adam's presence on AI tonight.

  11. Re 24/7 and the Administrator/Owner of the Blog:

    Not sure what's happened but don't give up. We haven't had a new thread since Monday and at first I wasn't overly worried but now I do have concerns about what might have happened. I talk via email with the administrator late as last week.. and I've tried to contact her several times in the last 3 days but haven't heard back. I even sent her my cell # in the chance that she might be able to call or text just to let us know she's okay...

    I suspect 1. there may be a computer issue (can't get on the internet for one reason or another..), 2. possibly just VERY busy with "Real Life" , or 3. perhaps a family emergency. I'm sending out positive thoughts to her and hope to hear something soon, either via email or even better, here with some new threads. Some here have expressed concern that the administrator has given up on us due to the crazy comments as of late. We know that some people have left because of that.. I seriously do not think that's the issue at all. But perhaps we can behave ourselves anyway!! :))))))

    Fingers crossed that this resolves soon.. And at this point prayers and hugs to the Administrator of 24/7. She's been very good to us for the past few years and I hope nothing serious has befallen her....

    I suggest that we who are able to do so, please continue to post news, links, keep us up on the latest Adam Lambert news.. We've posted quite a few things...for instance the Ali Baba news ie Life Ball in Vienna, the amazingly long thread which was posted last. If you can wade through it..there are some good links, etc. We can also post links to Adam's Idol appearances, both the "Adam Lambert Update" scheduled for Idol tonight..and the Finale tomorrow etc..preferably on one of these shorter threads!

    Hope we're back to normal soon...well, as normal as it ever is here on Adam Lambert 24/7!!! :))))))
