Wednesday, February 11, 2015

via annamirandadipasquale!

Real groupie.

A photo posted by annamirandadipasquale (@annamirandadipasquale) on


  1. Yea good to see Adam back in action; Adam needs to continue his rest/sleep which will help him recover fully. These sort of ailments though not as serious on the surface can be prone to relapses. Queen is indeed a well-oiled machinery; they must have gone through much such experiences with taking care of their front guy Freddie.
    Spike may be in the background but I just watched WWTLF/Youtube and Spike's organ intro is the stuff of real pro, so controlled, with deep feeling. The same goes with the other Queen Band members, like Rufus' bass drums give a lot of depth to the music. It's in times of need, in this case for Adam, that we can see the galvanising force of Queen in the capable hands of Brian and Roger.

  2. Also in times of need, people bond closer with one another; and I think Adam has got his Queen baptism by fire into the Queen family. I saw some anxiety on Brian's and Roger's faces as Adam sings; giving him side glances. These two stage veterans usually don't bother so much as they know Adam is quite capable of running all over the place and conducting the audience as well; that must be so satisfying.

  3. Do you like fan art? I LOVE this one!

  4. That Milan audience just blew up in their love and support of Adam!! Like they were doing everything in their power to support him in everyway. They sounded pretty good too. So heartwarming!!

  5. She has a fab KQ pic of Adam on her insta account!

    Adam's face & smile, the eyes in that concert pic - true to the role of KQ!
