Thursday, April 23, 2015

104.3 MYfm (Los Angeles): JohnJay&Rich Interview Adam


  1. Really good interview Adam's part starts about 28.

  2. Really fun interview with Adam. He has such a great sense of humour. This made me smile:)

  3. Can't believe he hadn't listened to the song before he interviewed Adam. Didn't show a real interest in Adam's music. Even though they were at the finale of Idol, it just seemed bizarre they didn't know the song yet. IMHO.

  4. Well, it was a funny and entertaining interview....
    Though, IMHO.... I'm not sure how much it really promoted Adam's music. The interviewers seemed more interested in promoting QAL 's tour and reminiscing about old idol memories than anything about the actual reason Adam was there. They didn't even know what Ghost Town even sounds like. Even if they didn't have the download..... There's YouTube and GT all over the Internet?

    Sorry to sound so negative and sensitive .... I'm not usually this touchy, but sheesh. Though very kind to Adam's talent, QAL, Adam's personna and Idol legacy.... IMO, this interview wasn't regarding & respectful to Adam's single and music at all; rather indifferent. They made the game they played pretty fun for themselves ... But, there seemed to be zero interest in the single whatsoever. Maybe I'm missing something... But, what was the point of Adam being there? Just to let people know the old AI contestant and Queen frontman is still around (and, oh yeah, there's some song he's got on ITunes)??

    Perhaps, this wasn't a planned interview and the DJ's weren't aware of something...... Giving benefit of the doubt here. Nice guys, anyway. They seemed to like Adam. And Adam was extremely gracious and good-natured toward them, regardless. That's just Adam..... :))

  5. don't worry too much yada, this scenario isn't unique to Adam. :)

  6. Well, Adam did manage to squeeze in, "Check out the song, you guys, I think you'll love it." The rest was just silly radio fun. I think Adam enjoyed it. Not every radio guy is going to have a deep, serious conversation about the lyrics of Ghost Town. I thought it was fine.

  7. They played Ghost Town after interviewand that is a lot on this point!

  8. I love it when they interview Adam, he is do detailed. Such a nice voice, and easy to talk to.

  9. Haha! That was fun and Adam is always so good-natured and co-operative in interviews. They could've said more about Ghost Town but it was mentioned with one of the DJs singing what he thought it might be like. And they knew Adam well from his American Idol days. Shame the interview couldn't have been longer when hopefully, they would've talked about his new album.
