Thursday, April 23, 2015

From gigwise: Adam Lambert recruits Brian May for forthcoming album

Adam Lambert has recruited the legendary Queen guitarist Brian May to feature on  a track from Lambert's forthcoming album The Original High.

Read full article here:


  1. Brian, must only have co-written 'Lucy', because how could he go on tour with Adam, if he played or sang the song. I would have loved it, if he had played his guitar with Adam, but that would not work out, when Adam goes on his tour.

  2. I'm looking forward to hearing this track. Whatever input Brian May has on Adam's album will give it a boost.

  3. CazGlambrit
    I absolutely agree with you. It might be a remake of a song Brian wrote back in the 70's called Lucy. Adams fans are excited to see Brian's name on the album.

  4. Anne Marie. Yes I think Brian May being on board will definitely give the album a boost. As we know from the recent tour Queen are incredibly loved all over the world and very experienced musicians. There is great mutual respect between Adam and Brian. I think they've helped each other's careers.

  5. It's amazing to think that Adam has helped the icons Queen in their career, but I believe that to be a true statement. Queen has been able to tour full force, all guns blazing, since Adam joined them as their front man.
    Who would have thought that this could happen, Adam least of all, but he is a powerful singer, and the first one who is able to sing ALL of their songs. It's a win win situation.

  6. Anne Marie, the song says featuring Brian May which most likely means his guitar playing. It will be just like Shady featuring Nile Rodgers. Some other guitar player will play that part when Adam is on tour.

  7. I think that Adam has gained the respect of many Queen fans who will hopefully want to hear his new music. I am certainly a convert to Queen and my husband who has always been a massive fan was blown away by Adam's talent seeing him live.

  8. Adam doesn't seem to cope alone, so he needs Brian to boost his album.

  9. 1:56 pm
    What would Adam do without your brilliant wisdom. Thank you; you are absolutely WRONG, as USUAL! Remember for future reference; truth wins over ignorance and negativity! Have a nice day!

  10. Why rush to react to obvious BS?!?
    Please ignore @1:56

  11. I don't know for sure; but, I think that it is one of the songs written by Adam or Adam and his team! I think that he needed someone to play a strong guitar as a big part of the song, and what better person than Brian. Who knows who Lucy might; it sure will be exciting to find out.

    Adam and Brian as a team, wow! I sure hope this is a great collaboration; but, how can it not be; it is also a very smart move for Adam; personal and businesswise. Hopefully Adam and Brian's fans will love!

    There are so many songs on TOH that I am aching to hear! Adam said in an interview, that he will be releasing a few more songs before the June 16th debut of the album, can't wait. This is so exciting! So thrilled for our man!!

  12. @2:50 PM - Poster #1

    Don't you have better things to do then trying to police the threads to tell other posters how and when to respond to certain comments? Not your call, or your business!

  13. 2:50pm #2
    Great post; I totally agree with your summation; makes a lot of good sense for Adam, from a personal, artistic and business position!

  14. I don't see Brian's name as a
    co-writer on the song, Lucy, as someone stated that he was above. Am I missing something?

  15. We all benefit with a little help from friends in life. Good luck to Adam. If anyone deserves success he does. He has worked hard for a long time. I'm very excited to see what the future holds for him.

  16. Wish my name was Lucy about now! I think; better wait to see what it is about first. So thrilled to see these men collaborating together! Song will go down in history in a great way I am sure! Oh, the possibilities for them to do this together; they will be forever tied in the voices of music history.

    I am so happy for this! Just what I have been waiting for from Adam; among many others wonderful things that will be here before June 16th. I have a feeling we will probably have to wait for "Lucy", until the 16th of June; but, hope I am wrong!!

  17. I agree it is so wonderful that Adam and Queen work so well together and it is beautiful that they are all helping each other out; while reaping the enjoyments and benefits of working together. So glad to see this collaboration now with Adam and Brian! Hope there are more to come with the whole band being involved in a recording for Adam!
    Perhaps even a Queen plus Adam recording; one can only hope!

  18. 3.22pm I agree. I would love to see Queen and Adam record together or at the very least a live cd or dvd to round off their spectacular tour would be amazing.

  19. No Queen and Adam album please. I am a fan of Adam's solo career. I'm ready for it to take off with this album!

  20. I would love an album written for Queen + Adam, all new songs. They are a wonderful team. I still like Adam with his solo career. Adam's career will still be going, after Queen finally retires. He should reap all the benefits while they are still performing. Queen has been the best thing to happen to Adam in his entire life so far. He is so grateful also, this last tour really put him on the map for people who have never heard of him.

  21. If Brian is going to be featured as a guitar player for 'Lucy', I have no idea who could fill Brian's shoes, for a tour. Certainly Tommy could not. Might be if Brian plays, it won't be his normal playing, just a background sound. I love his playing between verses of a song.
    There was talk that he might have done the recording when he was over here in November last year.

  22. Tommy couldn't fill Nile's shoes either. I doubt many guitarists could fill either of their shoes. But hopefully Adam will have an excellent guitarist this tour.

  23. Anne Marie, how dare you say Queen is the best thing to ever happen in Adam's life. You don't know what he thinks is the best thing. You also totally discounted Adam's own accomplishments like making it to the final two of Idol, releasing his first album, having his second album debut at number one, releasing a third album, etc etc etc.

  24. @5:22 PM

    Thank you so much for your right on point response to Anne Marie! I will just say, there are some people that never want to give Adam credit for his own success!
    If a person wanted to be just as cynical; they could also say that Adam is the best thing to happen to Queen since Freddie's passing. That statement would just as obviously as false as the statement made by Anne Marie; in my opinion!

    I think it is wonderful that both the members of Queen and Adam Lambert are collaborating together, and have become dear friends; but none of them are responsible for the others great successes! Queen has brought Adam lots of recognition from the Queen Fans. Adam has brought Queen members many of their current fans and also many younger fans! So it is a win, win for everyone! Adam has said that being with Brian and Roger has taught him a lot; a great experience for him, out of his young lifetime of experiences, as you so elegantly mentioned in your very informative post!

  25. When was April declared "pick apart everything Anne Marie says month?"

    Pick on someone else during May, give us and Anne Marie a break.

  26. Anne Marie gets a break once she stops talking like she knows everything and speaks for Adam.

  27. Anne Marie, Adam hasn't helped Queen in their career. Their career is just fine with or without Adam but with Adam as their frontman, they took the opportunity to perform live again, and it's been a huge success. Queen's career success happened decades ago and continues to succeed.

  28. Queen is the best thing that has happened in putting Adam in the bigger world map.

  29. Anne Marie
    We've heard nothing at all about Brian May co-writing "Lucy", only that he does guitar work on the song.

  30. I'm sick of Queen.

  31. Here's a list of the songs and the songwriters on Adam's The Original High album .....

    The Original High (Deluxe Version) (all songwriters are listed in alphabetical order)

    1 Ghost Town – Adam Lambert (Explicit) (Tobias Karlsson / Adam Lambert / Brandon Lowry / Max Martin / Al Payami)
    2 The Original High – Adam Lambert
    3 Another Lonely Night – Adam Lambert (Explicit) (Adam Lambert / Brandon Lowry / Max Martin / Al Payami)
    4 Underground – Adam Lambert (Joe Janiak / Adam Lambert)
    5 There I Said It (Grownass Man) – Adam Lambert (Joe Janiak / Adam Lambert / Ali Payami)*
    6 Rumors – (feat. Tove Lo) Adam Lambert
    7 Evil In the Night – Adam Lambert
    8 Lucy – (feat. Brian May) Adam Lambert (Freja Blomberg / Adam Lambert / Ali Payami / Fredrik Samsson)
    9 Things I Didn’t Say – Adam Lambert (James Alan / Oscar Holter / Savan Kotecha / Adam Lambert / Ilya Salmanzadeh)
    10 The Light – Adam Lambert
    11 Heavy Fire – Adam Lambert
    12 After Hours – Adam Lambert (Bonus Track)
    13 Shame – Adam Lambert (Bonus Track)
    14 These Boys – Adam Lambert (Bonus Track)

    * Adam is not listed as a writer on this song in 1 database, but is on another.

    It says Brian is featured on the song 'Lucy' but doesn't include him as co-writing it.

  32. Anon 10:39 PM
    Well, they're connected with Adam and have been for several years. QAL isn't going away any time soon.

  33. Anne Marie. Absolutely agree with you. Queen have given Adam a little nudge in the right direction and we as fans are benefiting from that. Goods times to come.

  34. Why be so BLACK & WHITE on everything?!?
    This goes to Anne-Marie and all of you jumping on her posts.

    Try a little SUBTLENESS and at least 50 shades of GREY when posting on matters where truth is absent and opinions vary.

    There have been, there are and there will be so many positively great things for both parties, Queen and Adam of their Organic Collaboration, and the same goes for all fans of these unique performing artists, if they care to listen with their hearts, look a bit further than the end of their noses and see the pic picture!

    QAL and the years of "organically grown" (lol) collabo between Queen guys and Adam has been one of the most beautiful and joy bringing things to witness in HARSH & FICKLE music world today. Not to mention generations binding and bonding celebration of TRUE iconic music presented LIVE & LOUD!

    You don't have to be a Queen fan to appreciate and see all this! And all this does not take anything away from Adam's career, it adds to it, it enables him to walk further on the path of his own choosing.
