Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Adam's IG: Adam Hears "GT" First Time on Radio!

Hearing #GhostTown on the radio for the very first time!!!!

A video posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on


  1. He is adorable! I'm so happy for him! He is listening to 102.7. It IS happening Adam! Huge Congrats!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He sounds so excited, so happy for him.

  4. Is this song playing anywhere else?

    I'm in NYC and I haven't heard it. Do we have to request it to be played on our stations?

  5. He looks so genuinely boyishly excited and happyyyy!!!

    Yeah Adam, Huge Gongrats!!!!!!


    Go Adam go...... :)))))

  7. Hi Broddy! (Or glitzy or Admin Fan) do we have any updated info about radio play, and anything we do (or not do) to help get it on our stations? Didn't know if Shosh gave any info out or anywhere else and I missed it...?

    Echoing 4:10PM's question. It's a good one, I think!

  8. Four radio stations added GT today and two last week for a total of six. More on the way. Radio push is 4/28. Expect more radios by end of next week.

  9. Very cool, 4:25PM -- thank you!

    If I may.... Where might I find the info you've mentioned (stations that have added GT)? I definitely don't question the validity of your info.... I'd just like to add them to my iHeart app stations so I can hear them :))

  10. @yada, I saw it on my Twitter feed. I don't remember who tweeted it.

  11. I just heard Mario Lopez say Adam's new song is coming up. Im listening in Corpus Christi, TX.

  12. Just want to squeeze him, he is so darn cute!! Dang, what a personality he has..

  13. Aw; Adam is just to precious for words. He seems so happy. Hope he never loses the joy of the child in him. He is such a down to earth wonderful man; not a pretend bone in his beautiful body! Some people might pretend to be so cool, like no big thing! But, not Adam; he exudes excitement and joy. Those are the people I love being around, and I love supporting this man to the hilt. Love, love, love Ghost Town; becoming addicted to it!

    I must say; I have never in all the 6 years I have been supporting Adam as a devoted fan; I have noticed that I have never seen so many men posting, on You Tube and other places, saying how much they love Ghost Town. So many saying how much they love Adam. I was quite surprised; it is usually a lot more women. I was reading great comments after comments of men stating how much this record is the one; etc. I think this is a very good thing; bringing more people together. Also, a lot of young people from their posted pictures!

    Wow, wait until we hear "THE ORIGINAL HIGH", there will be something for everyone! This is going to be one killer album. "GHOST TOWN", is bringing them in and TOH will rope them!!!

    Off to order; and pre-order now! So thrilled to hear that Adam will be on Ellen on the 30th of April! Has anyone from Adam's camp verified this? I read it from one of the reviewers. I hope
    it is the case; and just the beginning of shows he will be on!

  14. Is Mario Lopez on the Insider, if not, what show does he host? If anyone know, please let me know and I will DVR it, those entertainment shows come on very early in the AM here! THANKS!

  15. So, cute! It sure is HAPPENING Adam; and this is just the beginning! CONGRATULATIONS!

  16. Great reflections about the men chiming in and being attracted to Adam's music, 6:58PM..... Thanks for your post! :))

  17. I have just had a permanent smile on my face all day reading all the reviews and playing GHOST TOWN over again. But, when I saw this, my eyes became misty and I felt so happy for Adam. My grin is so big now, it is ridiculous!

  18. @yada

    @6:56PM HERE! You are very welcome! I was very glad to see all the accolades that Adam is receiving from so many new people!
    Quoting Adam, "It's Happening"!! Ha, ha!

  19. Great video. So cute! So proud of Adam!

    Is everyone getting food groups now to prove we are not robots? I am getting very hungry; not helping my calorie intake. Lol!!

  20. Anon 5:28, Mario Lopez is on EXTRA

  21. Love Adam's reaction, can't image hearing your song on the radio.
    Dreams do come true Adam. We love you.

  22. @daydreamin,
    7:02 pm here: Thank you so much for the information. Going right now to DVR Extra! Hope they play the whole song! But, I will take anything at this point! All exposure of GT is good!

  23. 7:02 PM, Mario also has a radio show. I think that is where he was going to talk about GT.

    Try here to see what radio station etc:

  24. 8:02, thank you, I didn't know that!

  25. @7:02 and @8:02 I found this on twitter (thanks to @8:02)

    Click HERE/?m=0

  26. Adam is so adorable & excited! So glad he shared that special moment with us! He sure has a great set of teeth too! What a sweetie pie!

  27. It's about TIME we hear Adam on the radio!!! I am betting that we'll hear more TOH songs on the radio, too. GT is getting lots of attention, so that's a good lead-in to more TOH singles. GT is such an adaptable song to other scenarios. TV, film, ads, intros, etc. etc. I think Adam should do a skit on SNL based on Ghost Town. Now THAT would be fun!

  28. I love Adam's Joiedevie. He gets so excited and in turn we follow that Joy. Lookin good too...

  29. He's adorable beyond belief. Love him so much <333

    I really do believe it's happening for him now :)

  30. About the demographics attracted to the song. I read through a lot of comments on the lyrics video and noticed lots of guys and young folks. Very good :)

  31. He's so excited and he just can't hide it!! :-D

  32. watch the road adam
