Wednesday, April 22, 2015

More photos of Adam Lambert from 104.3 and 1027KIISFM interview!


  1. It is so disappointing to hear how degrading he is when he talks about his past relationships.

  2. I don't think he's sounds degrading, just wistful. Many people have ups and downs in their personal lives. He's being honest, pretty much what you get from Adam.

  3. 11:07 AM

    Maybe you should go and listen to the interview one more time. Surely you can be honest is a more respectful way, too.

  4. I heard part of the KIIS radio interview this morning with Seacrest as I was in the car on the way to a doctor's appt. here in northern NJ. They played a bit of Ghost Town and that was it. I thought I would hear the entire song, but not so. If it was played later, I don't know. It was the same on another area station...a brief mention of Adam's new single, but it was not played. I hope that Ghost Town gets radio play here in the NYC/NJ area, but so far I have not heard it. I don't think he was degrading in talking about past relationships. Like most of us, Adam is looking for that special someone;that may happen some day, but in the meantime he is having fun at this time in his life. From all the interviews Adam has given in the past, I sometimes think I know more about him than I do some of my own family members. I hope that this single and the new album bring him all the recognition and success that he so deserves.

  5. He did not mention any names but his tone and wording was derogatory towards all those guys he's been dating or been out with in the past.

  6. Where did you people hear the Seacrest interview?? I've been trying to find it to no avail. Thx for any help you can give -

  7. WHY aren't US radio stations playing Adam's INCREDIBLE song but annoying us day in day out with crappy songs? WHY?WHY?WHY? I REALLY don't get it, really don't. I KNOW that European stations play his songs. WHY can't his own country support this amazing artist? I thought that the release date of a song was so that radio stations could play the song at least every hour for at least 1 or 2 straight days. NO WONDER people don't know about Adam's terrific music. It's NOT played.

    Ryan, you say you support Adam but WHY don't you play his songs every hour. WHO does one have to .... to get Adam's music heard on radio???

  8. Hi 11:36 :)......

    I heard it happened this AM so I decided to google it and found the link for the interview on his website. I think it may also be on Ryan Seacrest's YouTube channel. There is a shorter video segment and a longer audio offered on his site....

    Im pretty sure admins here will post it pretty soon, too! :)

  9. 11:43 :)..... I hear you. And I feel your pain....
    (have many times!)

    ... Thinking perhaps air play may officially begin on the 28th?

  10. It sounded to me like Sauli broke Adam's heart.

  11. I wouldn't read too much into the derogatory thing. He was speaking off the cuff, very casually. It didn't strike me as rude. I agree that "wistful" might be a better word.

  12. 11:43 AM, calm down. The push to radio comes at the end of the month.

  13. Thanks, Yada! I googled the Seacrest interview and was able to listen to it. I assume there is video too of the interview, so will wait for that. Thanks again!

  14. 11:43, The actual official radio "play" day is April 28, so we'll probably hear lots more spins next week. I know some stations are playing it now, but next week is the official push. Than between now and June 16, Adam says some other songs from TOH will be "introduced" or teased in some way. Lots happening between now and then!

  15. 11:43 here. Thx for your replies. Let's see how often it's played after April 28th. It seems that other artists' songs are played often right away upon release date. Maybe I'm mistaking. Come on April 28th then!!

  16. @11:54 AM
    What makes you think so?
    He says he likes being single ("Yeah! Having a good time with that."), he thinks grass is always greener on the other side ("When you've been single certain amount of time, you start like ooh, wouldn't it be nice and then in a relationship, when you are TOO LONG, you are like blaaah....", he says he could see himself in commited relationship for the rest of his life ("If I met the RIGHT PERSON, I would consider it. I think it's so easy to get stuck on these plans that you make for your life. In actuality in my experience is I take it as it comes, you know...You meet people in your life and you see what kind of a relationship depelops and YOU TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME. I think, right?".

    That is almost all he said about dating. What above makes you think Sauli broke his heart?

  17. I'm trying to find the KISS FM interview too. After these posts speaking about Adam possibly sounding degrading I really want to hear it for myself. I've never heard Adam say negative things about anyone in the past....not his I'll give a listen.

    I'm hoping and praying the single gets radio play this time around....this song is very radio friendly and catchy. Yes, we were told that April 28 th we might begin to hear it played. Some people have reported randomly hearing it on the radio already. I'm keeping my ears open!

  18. @CT 12:22 PM
    There is YT-vid. You can google Ryan Seacrest and Adam Lambert.

    Here is a link:

  19. 12:18 PM, when he said people will just keep crapping on his heart.

  20. It was something like I date people who crap on my heart.

  21. @12:37 and 12:42 PM
    Was it on RS-interview? I totally missed that. How do you think he means Sauli? He has dated other guys before him and after their split. He surely has not been alone all the time after Sauli.

  22. I think the only people that may be devastated by Adam's honest and sincere conversation in answering the questions that he was ASKED by Ryan and his
    co-host; are the people that are always speculating that Adam is in some kind of secret relationship with someone and hiding it! This interview should put speculations to bed once and for all(but I bet it won't)!!!!
    Just don't hate on this wonderful man for being honest; if you are HIS fan without an agenda; you won't!!

    He is single and sees his close male friends whenever time permits for it! He also said he was not in lovem in no uncertain terms! He said, when asked, that would consider marriage someday; if he met that certain someone! Also, said that at this point he enjoys being single! This was at least, my interpretation of what I heard!

    It was a great fun interview;
    He sounds just like most single people now and when we were all growing up and finding that one and only. What a great guy Adam is; I hope someday he will find that special love that last a lifetime! Meanwhile he has a great life; with friends and family and multitude of fans all over the world who love him unconditionally!!!!!

    Sounds like the normal single person through the ages up until now!

  23. Adam is so honest; I guess that is the best way to be; so it will be clear to all concerned. I was a little surprised at how frank he really was; saying that he is not seeing anyone and is not in love! Sounds as though he gets the word from somewhere of the fans constant speculations!

    Loved the interview!

  24. Yes, he said he is single and would consider marriage if he found the right person. So obviously Sauli is not that person.

    Saying people he dates crap on his heart was also very telling. I'm surprised he is able to stay friends with them.

  25. I guess some fans are disappointed that he said he never wanted or got even close to marrying anyone. Some fans are so obsessed with his past relationship and just cannot let go.
    But I did notice his face light up when talking about enjoying his single status and recent photos show that. Good for you Adam enjoy your life.

  26. I come on here on a "high" because my SF radio station gave GT another noon time spin today (thanked them!) and I read mostly drama :(

    So, okay, may be Adam is truly happy being single for now - the transitional phase to get there may have been part of the "personal stuff" he's mentioning - so I decided to just let it go...

    About radio play. I thought we all have learned by now that DJs don't decide on radio play. It's radio program directors who decide that (based on label "feedback", I assume). Official add day for GT has been posted for 4/28, but some radio stations may decide to give it some early spins. I think GT will get its' chance to be heard and then it's up to the public to decide if they like the song. I'm not going to whine anymore about this. Adam will see if his artistic decisions are to the public's liking .

  27. Sexy sexy sexy sexy he is so damn sexy i just want to eat him up

  28. They were laughing and joking. :)

  29. I left a comment on another thread that Adam is going to be on more TV shows and there is also a post about TOH is the #1mover and shaker at Amazon and neither of these things are getting comments. Instead people are here arguing about Adam's past personal life. You people need to get your priorities straight.

  30. I guess it is all good if those boys he's been going out with take relationships as lightly as Adam does and do not mind being just another pastime activity for Adam.

  31. Thank you your honesty, Adam.

    Saulbert is dead.

  32. Thanks Anon 12:30

    I watched and listened....nothing degrading at all. I didn't hear anything in this particular clip about "crapping on his heart", must be on another part of the clip.

  33. Omg the trolls working overtime trying to make a big deal out of something. Getting my popcorn.

  34. 2:03 any hints of the programs besides Ellen?

  35. I think he is unable to commit to relationship, cause he may be too immature for that. But time will tell.

  36. "I'll just keep dating people that crap on me" is a bit odd to say when you finally have the attention of the new fans and especially the radio media. Presents Adam in a bad light, and it may have been more mature to just say I'm single and dating, without any negativity. Should make the people he's been partying with feel good to know they are well thought of. I don't automatically attribute this statement as being negative towards Sauli, as that was a few years ago now. The thing is not to do or say anything that takes away from focus on the music. Just hope rest of the cd are not "heartbreak hotel" types of songs.

  37. @2:52 PM
    No, not too immature! He sounds very mature; just have not found that equally mature person that he wants to make a lifetime commitment to as a life partner.
    I think that Adam is very smart not to jump in to a lifetime relationship with someone he is not sure of, just for the sake of not being alone!

    Maybe some of the men he meets are too immature for him! Time does not need to tell anything! His personal life is none of our business. Ryan just asked him the questions and he answered them honestly. Don't hate on him because he says he is happy being single; at least right now! I say enjoy your single life Adam, you have the rest of your life to find that special someone; he is probably out there somewhere waiting for you too! When the time and circumstances are right you will meet!

    He seems very happy and right now and it seems mostly about his musical career; so let's help him get to that seemingly elusive top! Just love this sweet kind intelligent, sexy man!

  38. 3:20PM

    Oh please, take a chill pill! Ryan plays around with everyone that comes on there; people always says silly things about dating, etc. No one takes that stuff seriously, except maybe over invested fans into an entertainers personal life!

    It was all in good fun; and everyone was laughing and kidding around! For heavens sake, get a life!! This is getting ridculous!!

  39. 3:27 PM HERE/correction

    My post was MEANT for the POSTER at 3:19 PM, NOT for the POSTER at
    3:20 PM; sorry about that!

  40. I really hesitate to comment on this thread, but here goes... :/

    Adam may be speaking in general terms about what it's like to be a single celebrity. (And he has spoken about some disappointments in past relationships: it's no big secret). There are most likely people out there who may want to date him because he's famous and use him for their own personal status gain, which is sad but it happens. I think I recall him speaking about the people who come out of the woodwork because he's famous and suddenly want to be his bff..

    I TRULY doubt he would include Sauli in that category. They're still close friends from what they've both shared.. And Sauli is a sweetheart as is Adam.. It just didn't work out for them apparently.. It happens. Better to discover it now than 10 years from now..

    I would think Adam will someday find Mr. Right.. And he'll be the same for some very lucky man.

    Adam is a very special human being (IMHO)and I wish him true love and great happiness always.. And someday, someone to share it with.

    So, back to the NEW MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. He's not including Sauli in the gold digger category but in the crapped on my heart and not the right person to marry category.

  42. Hi 3:19PM :).....
    Based upon my watching of the video/audio.... I believe Adam's answer wasn't intended to truly make a defining statement about his former relationship partners, or to even actually reference his real-life..... It appears highly likely to me that it was an answer made in jest to Ryan asking him what he would use for aong-writing inspiration in the future if he doesn't have angst, insecurity, heartache, etc? To me, Adam's answer to this was intended as a "well, I'll just get into bad relationships then, date heart-breakers, people that will make me miserable and I'll stay miserable so that I'll be able to write!" type thing when he began his statement with "people who crap on my heart".....

    Sure, as Glitzy was saying.... He's likely had some heartache in his years from folks....

    I just personally think he wasn't actually trying to speak of his real relationships at that moment. It hasn't been Adam's MO in all these years of interviews, to put people down - even his former partners - or even speak negatively about his prior relationships in publicized interviews like that; even when asked.

    Whatever the reason.... I get the strong impression that his comment wasn't coming from a bad place at all.... Just an off-the-cuff joking response to a sattirical question intended in humor and requiring a humorous answer while all of them were kidding around.

    Anyway..... Just my thoughts :)))

  43. * also meant my comment for 12:42PM :))

  44. Sheesh! There certainly are a lot of people over-invested in Adam's private/love life, even if they say they're not. Why can't people concentrate on the most important thing of all .... Adam's MUSIC!!!!

  45. lol, if you actually watched the interview, you should also realize they are joking around and laughing.

  46. How do you know about the radio play date, so relieved :D About the degrading interview...WHAT??? Could you allow Adam to simply answer questions & have feelings without putting more into it. Imagine he actually hears you, or more effectively, imagine you are the one being talked about. Let Adam & Sauli, Adam & Drake, Adam & whoever alone; just enjoy what he chooses to give, himself, his smile and his music.

  47. Yes, yes, yes, as I read I was getting more and more upset and then Thank You @yada!!!!!! Anyone who saw the interview should have seen that they were laughing and joking around. I laughed out loud at the idea of purposely making yourself miserable to get additional "hits".

    Thanks yada, you saved me a lot of typing.

  48. Well.... I have a confession to make.

    They say that confession is good for the soul, so here goes.....

    Okay. (deep breath) ...
    There is ONE thing I do find myself VERY interested in about Adam personally besides his music. (*gasp*)

    Yes, that's right.... You heard me correctly.
    I can not deny my problem. In fact, I have no intention of even stopping it. Nope. None. Nada. Don't even want to....

    --- And that, my fellow Glamberts... Just happens to be my gleefull hobby of simply admiring the absolute, total, unalderated, undeniable, sheer HOTNESS and gorgeousness of this man! :DDD

    Yes, indeed... I'll also admit right here, right now - EVEN in these pics.
    .... He looks soooo Amazing!

    So sorry to focus on something other than his music folks!
    (umm...well, not really that sorry.)

    So There. I said it.


    I guess I'm just that shallow.

    (Hey, I think I DO feel better! hehe ;))

  49. Hey there JAK! :)

    .... Glad to be of help! :D

  50. many relationships are hookups that doesn't lead to anything serious in the future. I think Liberace left his longtime lover a crap car after their breakup. Musicians have a hard time finding people who truly care for them and not their possessions. The mo the money the mo the problems.

  51. Yeah, I finally actually HEARD the Ryan Seacrest interview.. My comment above was based on some rather *sour* comments here.. I should know better than that!!!! ...

    Anyway, Adam was just joking around... Sheesh!!!

    He was responding to Ryan's hypothetical question about how to keep the sad tone in the songs that Adam was mentioning in relation to his new music if your life is happy and you're in love.. Adam responded something to the effect "just keep dating people who crap on your heart"...

    It was funny... and that's it..

  52. A few weeks ago people said as soon as Adam's new music is out that will get all the attention and comments; people are just bored right now so that's why posts about Adam's personal relationships get so many comments.

    So here we are with new music just out and getting excellent reviews. But the most comments are still about Adam's personal relationship life.

    You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  53. How about we all relax a bit.... Take a breath.... re-group....
    ... move on and move forward? :-))))

  54. The majority of the comments on the majority of the threads here are about Adam's new music, when they are on the threads that are actually about his music.. I know because I monitor all of them at some point.. Sometimes we go off topic (no big deal), well, just because we get sidetracked or something new happens, or just because.. ..

    This thread took a sideways turn because of some comments about the Ryan Seacrest interview..

    I am positively THRILLED for Adam's new music but I also on occasion discuss and ponder other aspects of his life.. As do others.. It's a "fan" thing...

    It's certainly none of our business to know what his current personal relationships are, any of them, unless he shares that info with the public.. And he choses to keep his personal life very private now.. Which is very wise and necessary for him to have some semblance of "normalcy", some peace and a sense of privacy in his life....

    My personal feeling about that is this: as long as we are respectful of Adam and his friends, family, his ex's, (and each other) there is nothing wrong with it.. Being a long term fan means you know a little bit (or more than a little bit!!!) about his life, both before and after Idol... He's a fascinating (and incredibly talented) man, and its rather hard not to care about him on at least some levels, to care about his well-being, to wish him the best life has to offer, to wish him love.. Adam has openly discussed his life in great detail, in interviews over the years, and it's hard not to pick up on a great deal of that information..

    Just my thoughts.. :)))

    Making up scenarios based on fantasy (and purporting it to be truth) or espousing personal prejudices maybe not so much..

  55. @Glitzylady.

    I agree 100% with everything you said.
    And your line, this truly comes from the core of my heart as well:
    "Adam is a very special human being.
    I wish him true love and great happiness always.
    And someday, someone to share it with."

  56. People would cope with today's world betterer and be so much happier if they stopped believing in the romantic nonsense of the one and only special someone. That is just something marketed and sold to you throughout centuries, meeting the one and only crap.

    Of course there is love at first site (and/or lust!) but what then if something truly horrible happens, when your love has just begun and the other one dies...or more likely just finds someone else they want and love more... Are you suppose to just think well that was my one true love, now it's all over for me... The times have been changing for decades and decades, there can be many special people in your life. You gotta live your life and not believe in what's been fed to you your whole life, these arcaic stories about romantic love.

    Of course there are relationships that can last a lifetime but not all of them are "happy ever after", far from it. Plus more than half of marriages end up in divorce, nowadays sooner than later.

    Adam has traveled and seen the world from a young age. He has certainly seen and lived life outside the straight and narrow mainstream concept of 'love & marriage' - and yet everyone here is pushing him their own jaded ideas and projections of "the one & only".

    So many marry just because it's the proper thing to do at a certain age. Or because everybody else does it. Only to wake up one day (even after 30-40 years of being married or living together) having gone through divorce singing "It must have been love but it's over now..."

    End note:
    Besides his VOICE, talents, music, career and ALL his GORGEOUS outer assets I'm interested in Adam, in his way of thinking and seeing things, in his opinions and his decisions how to live his life. NOT how his very diverse group of Glamberts wish or think he should live his life. That includes his LOVE life (or what he is willing to share of it).

    PS. Since everybody is talking about a part of this interview that is NOT here, please post it HERE so that we all have access to it and can make up our own minds about it. Thank you!

  57. Firstly I wanted to say that I am enjoying Ghost Town, but not quite as much I had hoped. It has a good hook and I don't dislike it, it just fell a bit short for me personally. I think maybe my expectations were too high after waiting for a long time for new material. I do think that it is aimed at a wider audience and that it will achieve that. I am still looking forward to hearing the whole CD in June and hoping to hear some of those soaring vocals that we know and love on there (like "Soaked"), as well more upbeat tracks. Of course Adam has evolved since his earlier material which is a great thing although I'm still sad that Trespassing never got the attention it deserved and tracks like "Kickin In" could have been great singles and club hits for him.

    On the other questions/comments being posed here regarding yesterday's interviews. I agree with an earlier post that some people choose to invest in the person as well as the music - nothing wrong with that. Adam has always been generous in sharing a lot of information about himself and of course that generates even more interest. I listened to the Ryan interview (although still yet to find the "crap on my heart" comment!). It was a fun interview and you can see from the video he was enjoying himself. I'm sure Glitzylady you are right when you say it was a throw away comment, but it could be taken the wrong way. I do hope the "being in a relationship too long" comment was not directed at any past loves, in particular Sauli, given how often he said how he loved him so much on numerous occasions. Also, because they still seem to spend a fair bit of time together and post about it, it would be an unkind and most un-Adam like comment to make. Anyway, if he is happy single - good! I enjoy his frankness and openness, but maybe on this occasion less is more? Just saying!

    Roll on June and The Original High (and some great pure-Adam vocals please!). Back to lurkdom…
