Thursday, March 31, 2022

Adam was live for 46 Minutes - LIve Video: Tour Dates!!


  1. Lots of great info in this one! Looks like Adam had COVID very early, before the vaccine came out. Pretty scary. Looks like he got through it with no lasting effects.

  2. I agree Dee R Gee that he gave info for his upcoming activities. I know poor thing he got that COVID before the vaccines but thank God he’s alright! You know I have early dinners and almost after have my cup of coffee with something sweet, well again I went on Twitter about 2 hours ago and to my surprise Adam had a Twitter party a few hours prior! I had missed it and I was home! Aaarrrrg This time it was from his Tik Tok not Instagram. I’m not on Tik Tok (doesn’t interest me) and I didn’t get a notification. Then to stick it to me more he stopped, said he will be back and he did come back, so I missed him again! Grrrrr. How am I suppose to meet Adam in person when I keep missing his “lives”? Sometimes I feel like a sore loser when it comes to Adam! :( Lol

  3. Was reading all these comments on Adam and that’s how I found out he was on this Twitter party! God knows when it will happen again and watch I’ll miss it again because my luck is that way. Ugh
