Saturday, June 4, 2022

VIDEO: Queen + Adam Lambert, "These Are The Days Of Our Lives," Adam Duets With Roger, Manchester, May 31, Rhapsody UK Tour 2022

If you haven't been perusing through all the fan-made videos of Queen + Adam Lambert's 2022 Rhapsody Tour of the UK these past few days, or if even if you have but may have not seen everything, you may have missed something new and special that has been added to this tour.  All these years, Brian & Roger have been performing "These Are The Days Of Our Lives," which has them on the small, intimate stage, down front & center, with Roger on vocals and Brian on guitar, sans Adam. Well, for this tour, they have decided to bring Adam in earlier than usual at which time he now duets with Roger for the final minute of the song.  It is so lovely — and this particular video, from the second night in Manchester, was shot very close-up and with good sound.  (Oh, and, don't miss Roger having some fun with Adam's kilt!)

BONUS!: Gelly posted a video she created from another video shot by Instagram user monalee6277 who was sitting in one of the opera boxes at the June 2nd Glasgow show and was able to catch the moment when Adam walks up the stairs to his initial mark onstage — and we get to see his thrilling reveal!

AND: Here are two more thrilling reveals from the last Rhapsody tour that occurred prior to the pandemic.  The first is from Melbourne, AU in February 2020.

And, remember this? We posted this vid more than once on AL24/7: Adam getting ready backstage just prior to the start of the show — ending with yet another incredible reveal.  This was in Chicago, August 2019 (since deleted from Adam's IG). 

Nice to see reveals in three different costumes — and we get electricity down our spines every time the spotlight hits Adam!


  1. I was at this show! So cool to see what Adam was doing before he emerged on the stage. I've seen QAL three times. I feel very lucky!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love that video from Aug. 2019th....Adam's coolness and perfect timing backstage with the roar of the crowd he is about to encounter is so impressive...such a pro! I had the great luck to see that QAL performance in Pittsburgh, so it was especially interesting to see this behind-the-scenes vignette to explain that sleight-of-hand...or, more appropriately, sleight-of-man, heh heh.

    Dee R Gee, I've also been VERY LUCKY to see QAL three times. It's never enough, is it?
