Thursday, February 23, 2023

Adam Lambert New Music Video: "Getting Older"


  1. This video is such a trip! What a concept! I hope Adam lives to be a very old, very happy man.

  2. I love it! Seeing him as a young boy and growing into adulthood was so much fun! As an older man, wow what a remarkable job with this transformation! I read it took 4 hours but Adam was happy with the result. I really love Adam’s “Growing Older” version better than the original. I should get my High Drama cd copy soon, I was emailed about it a couple of days ago. :))

  3. Of course, I've always considered Adam a very attractive man.....but I have to admit his representation of an older self is ALSO very attractive to an older me. In spite of all that makeup, his humor still shows in his face, along with a rare kindness and gentleness that is so delightful in an older man....who is very much at ease with himself. Great makeup job!

    Seeing a fast-frame session of some of Adam's make-up was a real treat! I had the opportunity to take a theatrical make-up course in college that was a hoot! It's an amazing art/craft. We often worked on ourselves, and I wish I could still find the photo of myself in a full beard that someone took....such fun!
