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"For Your Entertainment" 3rd week sales: 45,825

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Posted at : Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The third week sales figures are out and Adam is doing well! "FYE" barely dropped from last weeks' sales. It sold about 46k this week which brings its total sales to about 285,000 copies! He is half way to GOLD! Next week's sales should be good because Adam's been promoting a lot on TV so let's hope the sales increase next week!



Anonymous said...

Are you all finding the CD in your local stores? I was in Meijer today. No Adam - lots of Susan - a few Kris. Sales could be higher if available!

Anonymous said...

Same for me was in Target had to ask salesperson who went in the back and brought some out. Some people won't bother to ask and will leave store without buying, what is going on???????

Anonymous said...

Yep, HUGE posters of SuBO but no Adam. In Target, Borders (bookstore), Costco.

lola said...

everyone go a get adam's cd or download from itune, let's make it happen for adam.

AsiaFan said...

Here in Singapore he has sold out of the big chain CD store twice. I was there yesterday and they only had 5, of a stack of around 30, left. Borders had a bunch of everyone. FYE is 4 on the top 40 play list and they are now listing WWFM. In the Philipines WWFM, FYE, and TFM are on the top 20 list.

Anonymous said...

Again...It is up to US to PROMOTE him! Please make it a point to turn one person on to his album a day! Word of mouth is powerful! We are his promotion TEAM! Let's MAKE IT HAPPEN!
P.S. Go to the store and DEMAND they have his CD OUT,STOCKED and CENTER! WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Anonymous said...

The major stores in my city do not advertize Adam's CD and I have not seen it at Sam's Club, but they do have it at Walmart. What's Going On!!!

Anonymous said...

My local music stores don't promote Adam at all. I don't knwo what's going on. They promote Susan Boyle and Lady Gaga. I don't even see any Adam CDs. is this normal or is it because they are boycotting Adam? I heard Wal mart is boycotting Chris Brown. I hope they don't boycott Adam for being so unique and glam.

Anonymous said...

I bought 5 more today at Target for small Christmas gifts. I've already given two for birthday gifts. I typed out a really catchy bio and review of the album and put it in the bag with the cd. I tell people much I love Adam and his cd, and I hope they feel the same way. Then I ask them, once they're hooked, to do the same for five or six of their own friends. Have gotten good feedback so far.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think that most of the 'establishment' stores such as Walmart, Target, etc. ARE secretly boycotting him by putting his ads and music in an out-of-way section of the store/department or even keeping in the stockroom. At least, that is what's happening at the Walmart where I work. Homophobes.........One store asst. manager even tried to TALK ME OUT OF BUYING his album by telling me how much better Susan Boyle's is. Don't ppl realize there is NO basis for comparison? Adam's songs are all originals and Susan's are cover tunes that we already know well. I like her songs as beautiful renditions of songs I already know and love, but I love Adam's songs for their own NEW AND ORIGINAL beauty (and HIS unique voice and delivery).

lulu said...

people go and get adam's cd, you will not regret, it is an amazing music. never mind about his gender, we should concentrate on good music, pleasant to the ears and unbelievable vocal.

Anonymous said...

i would like to know why adam's cd is not available in australia yet. i ordered mine from amazon but originated from new zealand. i plan to buy more for christmas to give away as presents. can anybody tell me why australia is so late in promoting adam's cd?

Anonymous said...

i just bought adams' cd on sunday at walmart, they had it displayed front and center. when the lady scanned it she snarled and said "oh you like him?" i said "yes!! i love him!," she said " well he has a nice voice but i dont like him" isn't it about his voice? ppl are rediculous, just wait til hes as big as elvis or micheal, then we will see what they have to say!!

Anonymous said...

I had to request his cd at Wall Mart. I an SO upset, SB is all over the place but not Adam. What's going on? PLEASE PLEASE get it as gifts fot Christmas and B_Days. IT's AMAZING.

Anonymous said...

I predict that Adam's sales would have already been Gold if he hadn't deliberately pissed off much of the hetero community. I was so looking forward to enjoying his music. As soon as he threw his sexuality in my face he became too much to bear. Disappointing.