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New Discovered picture of Adam in "Wicked"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 27, 2009

Posted at : Sunday, December 27, 2009


Anonymous said...

so excited! i always love seeing undiscovered pics of adam from his theater days. i know there must be many more.

Anonymous said...

Don't hit me, but I really like the color of his hair here. It must be a huge hassle to dye his hair and keep it touched up all the time. Plus he has to do his eyebrows, eyelashes, chest hair (?) and.... It was interesting that the Rolling Stones cover showed that midnight black chest hair. Made me wonder...hummmmmmmmm. That too...

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I want to see it so bad.

Anonymous said...

awww!! looks like he is dancing?

lola said...

adam suits brown hair, looks stunning!

Anonymous said...

Adams eyebrows were very dark before he started Dying his hair- so was his chest hair. Havn't you noticed that his mom has dark brown hair? He does noy dye his chest hair!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

There's a video of ADAM with auburn/brown hair on Ytube singing CRAZY at the Viceroy Hotel in Feb. 2008. He's dressed in brown too ... really looks good ... short hair too ... check it out.

Anonymous said...

that sure is a lot of costume!