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Adam Lambert Spills Birthday Secrets!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 29, 2010

Posted at : Friday, January 29, 2010

Adam Lambert turns 28 today and ET is celebrating with the 'American Idol' runner-up and ET's Grammy fashion critic.

Adam, who will join ET at the Grammys on Sunday to count down the best and worst fashions, shared his plans for his birthday and ET's Kevin Frazier gave him some birthday cupcakes.

"I'm throwing my own party for myself and my friends," Adam divulges. "So I have about 170 people that I've met and I'm inviting them."

"I'm spending a pretty penny on this thing, so, buying drinks for everybody, open bar, some food ... DJ," Adam told Kevin, saying that with his busy schedule, he's just really looking forward to catching up with friends he doesn't get to see very often.

The celebration may continue, Adam says: "I might take a little vacation here in a week or so -- I might have some time off and I might go down to a resort or something."

Kevin cautions Adam that he better be ready for Sunday, because Kevin jokes he's sending all the bad outfits to Adam on the Grammys red carpet! Watch the video for more with Adam and Kevin!



Anonymous said...

hey Adam, my invite got lost in the mail!

btw you ARE 28 years young,
have a great b'day....weekend....(long) life.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday ADAM!

Have a great day and enjoy yourself at your party with all of your friends!


Anonymous said...

Akane, there's a video of this...: