Skinpress Demo Rss

Randy Jackson just tweeted this picture of him and Adam

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 29, 2010

Posted at : Friday, January 29, 2010

Credit: PurplePassion


Anonymous said...

Calling all Glamberts, Lamb Shanks, and Adam fans. Adam needs you right now to vote for WWFM as best music video at This is for the 3rd round - he is getting serious competition from Tokio Hotel. When you see the list of winners for the second round, you must click on the word "here", where it says "Third Round has started, click here to vote"

Anonymous said...

randy knew talent "from day one when he first say Adam" and has said AI will never find another AL. Hope a girl wins this year on the show.....and by the way---love adam's hot thighs--yep i'm a thigh girl!

pls said...

I vote everyday on count!! Everyone keep voting vh1, musiqtone,fuse!! pls