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Adam Lambert on Extra 2.11.10

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 11, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 11, 2010


Anonymous said...

What a waste of Adam's time. Lopez needs to pick up the pace and get a real interviewing job. This was all hype and no substance.

Anonymous said...

Has Adam ever dated a woman ?? Geezuz, get over the gay questions already. SO LAME. Adam, tell him to pound salt next interview request.

Anonymous said...

Women just aren't ever going to be on the menu for Adam, regardless of how much we would like to be part of the buffet. So let's all accept it and just enjoy the view, the moves, the music and ever so delightful and witty personality. :) That in itself can be VERY fufilling. aaaaaaah.

Anonymous said...

I waited in anticipation for this interview. What a disappointment. No meat to this interview. Really, what a shame. Adam has so many interesting things to share.

Anonymous said...

What a dissapointment, I mean I always like seeing Adam on TV but seriously? It was kinda pointless, but any exporsure is good exposure right? Still has he ever dated a woman? Can't people just accept that he's gay? And that comment about him 'never knowing' sounded so forced to my ears. Anyone elses? I really think he just says those things to be funny and tease his female fanbase but people should just accept the FACT that he's gay. Period.

Anonymous said...

I’d love it if the next time they had on a Jonas brother or whatever they bring on a gay male fan and ask if *he’d* ever consider dating a guy….

Anonymous said...

I want to know if Mario has ever dated a girl.

Anonymous said...

Stupid. But I guess publicity is publicity. Go figure. I think straight men are fascinated with Adam because of his attractiveness to women and to men. They just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Anon 1:25. Straight men don't get it.