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New Old Picture of Adam and his ex

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 1, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 01, 2010



Anonymous said...

I realize this is another side of Adam, but I really don't think these pictures are helpful to his career at this time. Just my opinion ..

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the exact same thing. I have no problem with any of it but if this site is supposed to help him, well, many people.... Think they should be removed. Are at least 3 years old anyway.

Anonymous said...

Soooooo awesome, I love Bradam. Lololol, the comments on ontd_ai on these were so adorable and hilarious.

Above: who cares? He and Brad look gorgeous and amazing.

Anonymous said...

He is who he is...exactly! An amazingly talented and beautiful individual. The U.S. is soooooo uptight!

Miranda!!!!!! said...

HAHA the two people on the top of the comments needs to shut the fuck up!!! haha!!! i think it helps his career, hes sooo hot even if he looks like a complete tranny HAHA!!! theyre so sexy in a way that you just cant explain :Di love ya adam!!!! my favorite is the ass fuck pic HAHA

Anonymous said...

I'd die for those lovely long legs!! Pity he can't show them off more often, maybe he could start a new fashion craze : satin hotpants with tuxedo jacket for red carpet chic.;P These are obviously private pics & I think they're lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

The third one is AMAZINGLY sexy.

Anonymous said...

Nope...shouldn't be on here.

Anonymous said...

LOL what are some of you talking about? These are NOTHING compared to the kissing ones released before "Satisfaction".

Not to mention Adam is not on American Idol anymore!

These pictures are gorgeous. Don't take them down!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are from the burning man festival right? Then they were just dressing up like Adam says he likes to do.

I love the third one.

Anonymous said...

It's who he is, or part of his past. STOP being judgmental. You can't lOVE Adam and JUDGE him.
one of the rerasons
I love Adam is because he is NOT ashamed of who he is. He lets his TRUE COLORS SHINE.
Some of you should try it, I mean, be TRUE to yourselves. Don't give a F about what others are saying. Only then you will TRULLY be FREE. Adam is FREE!! and it shows. LOVE HIM!!!

Anonymous said...

If you REALLY love Adam, you would consider a larger picture than your own personal feelings about these pics. His goal now is to be accepted and respected as a musician by a wide demographic, not JUST those who are accepting, free-thinking, and true to themselves. Not everyone who likes his music would have a clue how to respond to these except to be freaked out. Adam's team is trying to figure out how to bring him to the masses - the concert this month isn' even sold out yet and it's only about 3000 seats. I think he will be a huge star, forever, but probably more admired and successful in Europe, initially, with the US coming along afterward. This is a bigoted and narrow-minded country you know, and it's not just his devotees, who accept him 100%, like I do, that he needs to win over. Let's ask Adam if he wants this posted - I bet he'd say he's not ashamed, and he isn't (why should he be), but it won't HELP HIM. THAT is what the issue is.

Anonymous said...

^^^ I don't think these pictures are worst than what's out there. There are drag pictures of Adam everywhere.

These pictures are fun to look at because it shows us a completely different side to Adam. This is a dress up.

Adam himself has said that he's not a Drag Queen but he dresses up as them sometimes for fun.

These pictures are fine. Stop being so judgemental. People who are close minded already left the train when Adam came out.

Anonymous said...

"People who are close minded already left the train when Adam came out."

I agree. The people who are Adam fans now already know about Adam's interests and gayness. People who had a problem with him had left months ago. The ones remaining are the true fans and they don't care about these pictures.

These pictures won't damage Adam's career. Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand this site. It should be for people who are Adam fans. Yet, there is so much judgment about who he is. Yes, totally agree with comment that Adam will probably end up in Europe because there are too many ignorant and bigoted Americans who can't see past their notions of what they think is "normal." Europeans and actually people from most other parts of the world are not as hung up about sex as Americans. As Adam frequently says, we take sex too seriously. I thought these pictures were funny and sexy. Either take Adam as he is or get off this website. He doesn't need any more critics. And BTW, the venue in Palm Springs is 3,800, and all the good seats are taken and the hotel is sold out. It's a quicker response than they have every had, and there was no planning time. Trust me--if I had known about it even a week in advance, I would have been there. I found out the day before the tickets went on sale. Lighten up everyone and just enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Please take these pictures off this website. We don't need TMZ or other sleazebags putting this all over TV and/or the Internet. I realize that Adam will 'own up' to these pics, but please, he doesn't need ridicule just as he's starting to recover from the AMAs. Thx -

Anonymous said...

Sorry ,as much as I accept and love Adam for who he is.. as said before, there are others who don't. Im not sure this is the best way to be a fan of I wonder what's the deal? Why bring these old pictures back just when Adam is really gaining so many new people who love him..I wouldn't put this picture fest past those who would like to see Adam less popular...those very religious bigots.. You do know this is an open site...

Lois said...

We have all seen these, I think enough is enough lets move on to the more currant stuff that we like, mostly just Adam, out and about. Just hope he is happy cause we all lv him and his talent he brings to us

Anonymous said...

We fans DO accept Adam as he is! We are NOT being judgmental. But I agree with someone above who said that "His goal now is to be accepted and respected as a musician by a wide demographic. Adam's team is trying to figure out how to bring him to the masses". That's the point!! He IS trying to appeal to the mass audience and these pics won't help that. He doesn't need these old pics brought to the attention of 'the mass audience', who is just learning about him and enjoying his music. Enuf' said-

lola said...

i agree with lois, those pictures were history adam had moved on just like the other comments these old pics will bring memory of the old adam, we love the NEW adam.

Anonymous said...

I agree - let's tend to the image right now and respect privacy. (That said, they sure look like they had great sex!!)

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen these pictures before and thanks for putting them up cuz there they are great! I love seeing this side of Adam- I think he's natural, and cute and true to himself and I think that's awesome. We should learn from him. Btw, I'm from Poland and I love him and I think he'll be a hit in Asia and Eastern Europe but Western Europe is just as conservative as the USA. I would've done anything to be at any of his concerts- he's a great performer.

Anonymous said...

Ok personally I think, we the fans, need to stop worrying over Adam's career. It just seems like extra pressure on him he doesn't need. As for the pictures, if people don't accept him now they never will. If the 'masses' run away because of this barely PG rated pictures then they'll never be Adam fans. Hiding them does nothing.

Say, they are taken down and no one but us does see them, doesn't that give other newer fans a false sense of who Adam is? Namely that he's gay and proud? If we hide bits of Adam to keep him 'safe' it WILL give people the wrong impression about him. Which is why I think a lot of fans left after the AMAs. They didn't know the Adam from The Zodiac Show with the flaming hair and thrusting pulvis. If helping his career would be hiding simply pictures such as these where does it stop? Can Adam never be seen in public with another man, cause that would sure alienate people. Or talk about his love-life which would involve men? Cause that would turn some people off.

We can't hide the bits and pieces of Adam we feel would 'scare' people away. How would that be fair to Adam who just wants to be honest and make music? Plus if people are never exposed to things like this (two men) then they'll never get used to it. We'd still be in the 50s. Women didn't just wake up and suddenly have the ability to have jobs that didn't involve basting a turkey. Blacks didn't suddenly have the right to use the same door as whites. People had to get used to it. People had to fight for it. And nothing would have been accomplished if they hide bits and pieces of themselves from the world because they were afraid of being rejected by the 'masses'.

Anonymous said...

The point is we 'fans' are concerned about the image he is trying to portray NOW! We're not bothered by these pics but realize it won't help his career as he's trying to be a "Rock Star" and these pics won't help that image. Please folks (FANS) think about Adam - and the image he currently wants and the audience he is trying to win over.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and the only thing that bothers me about these pictures is the cigarette. Gross!

Anonymous said...

If Adam wanted to be a rock star, he wouldn't have chosen that album cover. Right? The album cover screams GLAM etc...

Anonymous said...

I sure hope Adam doesn't smoke! Look what it did to Bono's voice. It would be a travesty if Adam's vocal cords were damaged, too!

Anonymous said...

GLAM, yes! Androgynous, yes!! But Drag Queen, NO!!! It's the 'image', guys! I just can't believe he wants these OLD pics all over TV and the internet. Let Adam be himself as he wants to portray himself NOW! Puleeeze -

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, please please read (or re-read) the interview (nothing old about it, it’s from Jan 14) in the Brazilian magazine (here on this site) where Adam says: "...just try to be myself. If people like it, then they like it, if they don’t like it, then they don’t like it. (laughs) It’s more important to me to be truthful to who I am than for me to try to please everybody. You can’t please everybody."
The sooner "the masses" accept Adam as he is (not trying to change him or give him advice, badmouth him etc), the better for the whole world, and US especially! The ‘masses’ need to accept & change, not Adam!
Sometimes I can't help but wonder, why there is so much narrowmindedness and intolerance in US - so many of you are of European and Asian origin, so your forefathers and mothers had to be openminded and fearless people to move overseas and explore new possibilities in your vast and beautiful country…
Needless to say, I LOVE AND TOTALLY RESPECT ADAM IN EVERYTHING HE DOES --- I’m in total AWWW by his talent & beauty and just ENJOY the ride he has given and will give us. I adore his voice and love to watch him whatever he sings or speaks, his laughter brings joy to my heart! (and I live in the outskirts of Europe…LOL)

Anonymous said...

Hate private pics expose! terrible! but what I hate the most is his Ex, he is too Cheekie indeed, plus seems with no class.

I am so glad he let that go. Do you smoke Adam! you look sexy with the cig BTW

Anonymous said...

I'm a straight woman but it does not bother me at all that Adam has pictures like this in the net. He is so hot that I love looking at his picks with his other guys - i think he is sexy as hell. He said himself that the lack of privacy comes with the territory of being famous. He doesn't care so why should all of you!? There's NEW or OLD Adam, that's the most ridicouls thing I've ever heard- he's one and the same boy, one and the same.

Anonymous said...

Just took a look and realized that this website removed some of the more 'out there' pics. Thanks!!!! We love Adam, are not being judgmental and just want him to appeal to as many as possible.

Thanks for using better judgement.

Anonymous said...

Stop being worried about Adam - it doesn't help him. It helps him to get love and appreciation - worry just adds bad energy. People who are offended by these aren't ever going to be Adam fans. A lot more fans will come because he is open, honest, and doesn't give a damn. Adam is going to offend people - and those people won't be his fans. He isn't trying to please everyone, he is trying to be a creative artist. Did you hear all the grumping about Gaga at the Grammy's? It won't stop her and it doesn't prevent her from being famous. Those that can accept will be the fans - no need to worry. Adam isn't an everyday kind of guy.