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HallamFM Posted a picture of Adam

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hallam FM

So here’s Bert the Lamb. Glammed up by Adam Lambert himself!! Check the eye liner!!

Heres me looking all shy and overcome with Adam Lambert



Anonymous said...

Wow! Did Adam decorate that lamb himself? If so, there's another thing he's awesome at! Looks like he's having the time. of. his. life. I'm so happy for him!

Anonymous said...

He is an amzing artist overall. He gave the lame the special eye. I love it. I have tha same tattoo on my back. Mine is almost 20 years old. And here I am head over heals in love with Adam.
I felt connection to him the first time I saw him on idol.
I can't stop thinking of him ever since.
I am not too worried cuz I know I am one of thousands crazy like me.
What a beautiful thing/ person to love. If anything, I fell very lucky to know Adam.
He is an icon and will change history.

Anonymous said...

It's the glam eye of the horus! Adam is a creative devil. Luv him so much!

Anonymous said...

Adam has had such an Amazing International Tour
He has stolen our Hearts with his Charm,Voice and Stunning Looks and Hot Sex Appeal,
Adam has Pulled us in with the Power of his AURU
and were Loving It
Adam loving that Rockin Kilt Look,

Anonymous said...

Thanx for posting, 'me'. very cool

lola said...

hi guys, it is obvious that adam is being loved by everyone especially the glamberts, lambrits and lately i found out that there is a group called glambertinaes and two of the members are juneau and xena who wrote the book "ON THE MEANING OF ADAM LAMBERT' available now at amazon. please visit their website WWW.juneau and xena juneau also wrote an article called adam "ADAM LAMBERT AS A TRANSFORMATIVE BEING" WWW.on the meaning of adam lambert-as-a-transformative-being/#comments. enjoy!

Administradora Chicas HOT said...

wooaah u are so lucky ahah yeeap u look so shy but great (:
aaaww adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) i like ur news :) u help me sometimes w my blog... :D

thanks 4that..
take care...and keep oing that

Anonymous said...

thanks for the above info. adam is conquering the world. glambertgirlz and glamberworld also exist and have their own site.

Anonymous said...

Love it!
PLEASE VOTE Vh1. adam is Num. 3 now. PLEASE put WWFM on Num 1 spot and the UNPPLUGGED in num. 2.

We can do it. He SHOULD BE ON THE TOP.
WWFM has to go GOLD.

Anonymous said...

WWFM is already Gold - I think last week, it surpassed 700,000? But I will vote :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hehe so kool I love it :)!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a sharp Glam Lamb :-)

Anonymous said...

Since WWFM is already GOLD ... Let's make it PLATINUM ... VOTE ADAM WWFM at VH1 & FUSE TV ... WWFM #1 .. 3 weeks at FUSE TV ... keep him there! VOTE ADAM fans!