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Adam Lambert on Entertainment Wise in UK

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 23, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 23, 2010


Anonymous said...

so adorable, talented and well spoken.

Anonymous said...

beautiful man

Anonymous said...

As always, Adam is articulate, intelligent and charming in these interviews. But most of all he is extremely talented and seems to be on the verge of rock super stardom both in the US and very soon internationally. Can't wait to see his video for "If I Had You" the next release from his album.

Anonymous said...

His record company and management really need to make a DVD of Adam recording his album. That would be so cool, I know I would buy it and I guarantee that all you guys would buy it too. They need to be making DVDs of all his concerts too because I can tell you that I would buy every single one because Adam changes his songs each time he sings them, I know I would never get bored watching him.
Dianne, New Zealand

Anonymous said...

this man is perfection in every way

Anonymous said...

8:33 You are so right. I listen to every concert online and enjoy each and every one because of the way Adam changes them up and makes them new and exciting to watch. I never tire of the interviews either. What a talented beautiful glamourous man!!!!

Anonymous said...

adam does not look like he has a jetlag, he looks fresh as ever.

Anonymous said...

I adore that striped tee-shirt! Adam wore it for the myspace chat that same day. I agree that an Adam rockumentary "The Making of an American Idol" needs to happen.

Anonymous said...

I agree too . I can already see: True Hollywood Story happening.
Wow! I am loving him more every day . His personality is soooo attractive. And , of course, his talent is Immense!!!!
BTW. I, too, watch his live performances and love them more and more each time. As if every time you notice something new. So you watch it again so to not miss anything else.

Anonymous said...

Count me in, I would also buy any and all dvd's of Adam's concerts and interviews. I watch them every day on line, can't get enough of Adam. "Once he's in he owns our hearts". I especially love his acoustic WLL from the Fantasy Springs concert, he is so mesmerizing and addictive.

Anonymous said...

I would buy DVD's of every concert as well. It's probably good promotion though, right now, while his brilliant star is still at the beginning of its rise to keep the concerts available on youtube. I've heard of people coming to know him and be his fan through watching his concerts. If they were sold on DVD, they'd no longer be available on youtube, it seems to me. I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I would have signed Adam to my label!
Whoops, that's right I don't have one! Well I can dream!

Anonymous said...

ADAM is always on total fire! Be prepared for
glitter to fall all over London because you guys are in for the biggest treat of all time! ADAM
is spectacular!

Anonymous said...

I would not only buy all the DVDs mentioned above, but one of every single moment that they have him on film during the entire Idol process...all the behind the scenes stuff we didn't see, the clips that got edited out, etc. etc. You know they must have hours of him on tape that we haven't seen!

Anonymous said...

hello people, adam is no. 6 at vh1 countdown what happened? maybe we were fighting against each other by the way we voted WWFM and WWFM unplugged.

Anonymous said...

should we make a compromise by voting WWFM unplugged as no. 1 and WWFM as no. 2 or else adam will miss out again next week.

Anonymous said...

I'd like 19 to sell his AI performances because itunes no longer sells them. I had them but a virus killed my hard-drive so, they are gone. I know a DVD would sell well all over the world--because it's been mentioned so many times across the web!

Anonymous said...

The WWFM that is Number 1 now is NOT the unpllaged. So I thing we should vote for the ORIGINAL WWFM and NOT the UNPLAGGED.
NUMBER 6 is Not wherr Adam should be.
Let's all vote for the ORIGINAL NOR the unplagged. The WWFM on NUMBER 6 is the ORIGINAL> Let's vote for it only. It's FASTER ands not confussing.

Anonymous said...

Would buy all AI performances on DVD (I do have them on VHS cuz I actually took the time to tape them the old fashioned way, VHS - no dvr, when Fox Reality Channell rebroadcast AISeason8 a while back so happy to have those), I would buy any and all conccert footage on dvd... I would buy interviews assembled... etc. I have a great life, I'm not a crazy nutjob fan, but I do love me some Adam Lambert and would totally buy his performances on other media forms so didn't have to rely on You Tube! Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

it takes time to get rid of the jetlag-adam has to drink tomato juice to keep him awakeget rid of his jetlag.he needs good sleep and more rest at night.

Anonymous said...

to anon 9:59 yes, i agree, we should all vote for WWFM original and make adam no. 1 again. being no. 6 was a big dropped.