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Dixie's Worst Impressions featuring Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 1, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 01, 2010

Adam appears towards the end of the clip!


Anonymous said...

it was great seeing Adam creeping up a the end,
good ole UK,
they are all plugging Adam around the UK,
Adams uk trip has seen masses of new fans discovering what a wonderful Human Being he is
Adam is returning again at the end of April for Live gigs 1 at G*A*Y in London where they will love him
also lots of TV apperances which will without doubt win Adam even more Fans
no news what TV shows Adam will be on,
could be Jonathan Ross TV that will be Huge one for Adam,
Alan Carr is also Gay so that should be a Scream and maybe Channel 4 T4 thats will be a Young Fun Time, but no news as too what tv if i find out i will of course let everyone know
keep spreading the Love for Adam

Anonymous said...

You can see Adam's reflection in the glass as he waits outside the door...then part of his jacket. Ha. Cute. Adam is such a good sport.

Anonymous said...

That was really fun, thanks for the clip. Loved it, as usual!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT !!! This is LOTs of FUN !!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how everyone refrains from just kissing him--even the men! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes Anon @ 5:57am April 2... if I was that close to him I don't think I could refrain from trying my damndest to more than touch him... crazy, right?!

Anonymous said...

you can see him in the clear door