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Adam Lambert Interview with Novum in The Netherlands

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Anonymous said...

So honest, so charming, so much fun...that's Adam and we love him for it.

Anonymous said...

I want to kiss him. I love his hair like this.

Anonymous said...

This video is not playing.

Anonymous said...

Time to get a new computer. It seems to play for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody have the impression that he looks like a cute chipmunk at the end of the WWFM video?:p His teeth show so cute;)

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is so funny:
I wanna find a! (LOL!)
I loved Germany, it was a lot of fun..What did you do?..Uh don't really remember, it's all a blur (Big LoLZ--this boy can party, that's for sure!)
Loved the interview.
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Freak like me ;)

Anonymous said...

Love him. So down to earth and playful! I like his hair down too, but he likes to change it up.Not crazy about thye pompadour super high and heavy raccoon eyeshadow, only because it overpowers his beauty, rather than enhances. Only my opinion and whatever makes him happy! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I cannot get this video to play.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't play for me either

Anonymous said...

@ 1:28 - 1:35, is Adam high?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't play for me either