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Adam Lambert Interview with The Shaun Proulx Show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 13, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, May 13, 2010


Anonymous said...

The interview itself is actually old. I saw some stuff, written word I think it actually was, back when Lambert did it - maybe video, can't quite remember, but pretty sure I read some stuff from this guy from interview w/ Lambert. Anyway...seems interesting, albeit outdated (unless I'm wrong).

Anonymous said...

I thought they were going to air this next week with Betty??

So they recorded this a few months ago and they're airing it NOW?

But love Adam's looks here.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:46 PM--This is my favorite look for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to prefer the 'up' hair these days, but ditto to 12:46 and 2:55 above about the preferred look. He looks younger with the hair down (teenagers -- who buy a lot of CDs by the way -- also prefer the above look). The absolute best look that I have seen for Adam is the one on QTV's interview (on youtube now). I have never seen anyone who could wear a headset like he can!!

Anonymous said...

I love all his looks! Sigh* weak on the knees..

Anonymous said...

That's such a cool interview - can't wait for the continues. You are SO great, 24/7!!

Anonymous said...

This "sneak peek" was filmed during the Canadian promo tour, so yes it's old, but I'm thrilled to know there is more to come. To me Adam always seems (if this is even possible) even more relaxed and open with members of the gay press and I'm eager to hear the rest of the interview. And I'm with you all above, I ADORE this look as well. Right when I think he is looking his sexiest seems to be his cue to get a haircut and it's never just a trim -- I always think too much is cut off! I love him no matter what, but the "up" do is my least favorite -- it does age him imo. So thx a bunch for flashback of the pretty!

Anonymous said...

I love this look as well. The last Ellen show he looked soooo good too. Sometimes the makeup gets a little too thick and heavy and does age him. Like the boyish look on him.Makes him look more accessable to hug. funbunn 40

Anonymous said...

This has always been my favorite look. Having his hair "down" accentuates his eyes, makes him look more edgey and younger, and even makes his face look thinner.

But I love me some Adam in any way, shape or form!!

Anonymous said...

I too love his 'down' hair. Especially in the "Time for Miracles" video...woot woot! Smoldering and on fiya!

Anonymous said...

Yup, hair down is my favourite look as well.. but Adam does his thing and hopefully his hair will grow back and I can fall deeply in love again...On my part, I'll just say that though I adore Adam, his short-up-hair do it resembles Elvis a bit too much, perphaps that's his goal, to promote If I Had You??? food for thought...
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