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Adam Lambert Performances at Wango Tango!

Filed Under (,,,, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 15, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, May 15, 2010

If I Had You





Anonymous said...

I hate that he shaved his hair short on the sides. He's such a natural masterpiece, I wish he wouldn't chisel away at it.
He's a good singer though.

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice was strong and he was in great form. What a hunk! Hope he loses the droopy drawers before he gets to Charlotte, tho.Love his long, lean legs struting all over the stage. He always likes to surprise,but sometimes you can't win them all and these pants did absolutely nothing for him.Think he's spoiled us with the tight pants! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Another set of fantastic performances from Adam and the glam band! I'm kinda digging the stripes shaved in his head- you know he had to have planned it to go with his makeup tonight! He's gorgeous and amazing even in the baggy drawers :)
Can't wait to see him in Norfolk!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's how I feel about Adam oh so short hair on the sides with the stripes shaved into it.

Come on! Really?

Anonymous said...

I love it. I hate it. I want it. I don't want it. It's good. It's bad. It's cute. It's ugly. He should. He shouldn't. I'm for it. I'm against it. I like it up. I like it down. I like it short. I like it long. I love the pants. I hate the pants.

With this group, at least Adam pleases 50% of you 50% of the time.

Sad. Just sayin...


Anonymous said...

Adam is rockin the full-on 80's: vanilla ice shaved hair stripes w/Mike Tyson tribal "tattoo" around his eye, and MC Hammer pants. Ha, ha! Love Adam - he is not afraid to experiment with fashion. This isn't my favorite look, but then again, I like looking at Adam no matter it's all good. He is fierce, voice sounded great - band is getting all crazy-glam...Monty now has a mowahk and glitter guitar. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love the hair, and I think the outfit is pretty good too, looks amazing as usual.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED EVERYTHING...ADAM IS a CHAMALEON AND EVERYTIME HE CHANGES HE JUST LOOKS HOTTER!!!! OMG I love the new style and the touch of the earrings(so good!!) and I want one of those pants...
Plus he can sing, and sorry to the 1st comment above but he is not good(that's what you could call to Bieber or Kelly Rowland or whoever sang at wango tango apart from Kesha), HE IS GREAT, perfect vocals, no scrambled notes no high-pitched gone-rogue notes, honestly the ppl who bought the ticket did well because Adam was the best of the yummy.. oh and by the way I saw men dancing to his songs as well, Adam may not please all but he pleases most(and will continue to do so..)

Take Care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

He rocked it!!! Kind of like a Genie from the space bottle.
Just rub the bottle and our wishes come true. Woo Hooo ! That's our Adam .

staygold said...

Adam is a visual Masterpiece! He is incredibly beautiful WHATEVER he wears. I love how the clothes move when he dances (if you know what I mean) kinda like Fantasy Springs blousy thing he wore ( loved that look too). His singing is amazing- good and edgy too. I cannot wait to see him on tour with the dancers and the band and the different costume changes! I pretty much spent my summer vacation money to go see him twice. Money well spent - it's gonna be GREAT FUN!

MiMi said...

Adam said he would surprise us when he first auditioned for AI and he sure does. He makes me laugh in a good way, always pushing the envelope, and always joyful. I start everyday with some Adam music. I love him to pieces. I can't wait to see him live. Go Adam.

Anonymous said...

I have these pants. In Europe it's been the style for the last couple of years. It's hot and freash. Adam likes it different. He looks amazing and can pull anything.
He is soooo unique. That's one of the sooo many reasons we love him. Don't forget that vthe hair is fierce and hot!
Adam IS a masterpiece.
Great preformance. Love me some Adam. Lol

Anonymous said...

This hair style and the matching eye make up is so cool, so hot, so sexy! I love that he changes his looks. It is exciting.

Anonymous said...

I agree with o.w. at 1:23 a.m.

I love that he keeps it fresh and interesting, regardless, if I "always" like it or not...versatility is the name of the game.

Anonymous said...

WOW -- even in a stadium environment and captured on what is probably a phone video his vocals are amazing -- fantastic performance. Especially in the WWFM vid he looks sooo tall and commanding -- what a stage presence. And I love how he jumps up and down in some of the songs and also love how the dancers' outfits mimic his own. So cute how Brooke gets the butt slap when she bends down to pick something up at the end of IIHY -- Adam seems so fun and spontaneous. Yet another incredible performance -- I can't wait for June 4!

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking f****n HOT,Love the Hair and Razor Tramlines,and the Baggy PANTS,
Very Futuristic Cosmo Look,
this style of baggy Pants have been in vogue for the last couple of years in UK
Adam could wear a sack and still look the Business!
Great Vocals and Performance from a Rapidly Rising Star
your'e all so darn LUCKY in America to have the Glam Nation Tour about to kick off.Get ready to Rock yer soxs off,
from a jealous Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I don't care what he wears or his hair style he looks fabulous all the time. I am partial to the tight pants/jeans but if he wears Harem pants when I see him in June then so be it! Those Harem's may be more comfortable to dance in.

Things are just warming up and this tour should be exciting for us and for him. I cannot Wait--I just hope I don't have to push my way to the front of the stage but I'm lifting my little weights so, I'll be ready..if I have to! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Dig how he likes to take fashion risks, he's fresh, edgy, unique, he looks soooo hot. Go Adam go! Love u!

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam Darling there is enough room in those pants for a few of us Ladies,PLEASE ADAM

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that he is a genius. He always takes things further. He's getting us to think of him as a real superstar. He´s not more only the candid boy who appeared on AI, he is that and more. He´s a business man, knows where he wants to go and where to lead us to. So contemporary, I love his postmodern way of thinking. No more comparing him to Lady Gaga or any other performer. Finally someone different, unique and extraordinary is emerging. Go Adam!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love his look from head to toe. Not many guys can pull off harem pants, but Adam looks sexy as h**l. He is going to set some fashion trends in the US. He brings everthing to his performances from fashion to hair to make-up to vocal perfection. He taps every emotion of his listener. Who could want more from an entertainer. I cannot wait to go see him next month.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He may not be showing us his desirable physique here but he's showing his BRAIN in this scenario - his intellectual and contemplative power, his forward-thinking prowess, etc. I've blogged many a time before that I personally find Adam's brains as attractive as anything else about him! Just my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he wore the baggy pants so you couldn't tell if he got a boner on stage;p there goes my european sense of humour;p I LOVED how Monty and the dancers were dressed. I LOVED that hair! I didn't like it when he had a pound of gel in his hair and the shaved lines are really cool- so 80'ties! Brings back some memories. Impeccable vocals as always! Jealous of those who got to be there! POLAND LOVES ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's visual diversity! Keeps it fresh. It's Adam's voice and the emotions behind the voice that is core for me, and keeps me coming back for more. Thanks for the vids. Always awesome to watch.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's performances last night....He always look and sing like a Super Star, what he really is.....his voice incredible......

Anonymous said...

Old MaMa here: Thanks anon 1:23am. You set them right for how the theme should go on this topic. Old PaPa's in a cussin mood. I'd a hated to have called him in to calm down the crowd. He thinks Adam walks on water.

Anonymous said...

Old MaMa, go on tell Old PaPa we wanna hear some of them cuss words...

Anonymous said...

anon 2:33

Old MaMa here. It isn't easy to listen to Old PaPa cuss. He can string words together that will make your ears bleed and you won't know half of what he's saying. And the half you do know will make a sailor blush. It's not pretty either, cause his neck veins stick out and he gets all purple in the face. God love him. He loves Adam so much and won't tolerate haters any more than I will.

Anonymous said...

Old MaMa and Old PaPa you ROCK!!
Keep up the Good Work!
we don't wanna see those neck veins or those Cuss Words!
oxoxoxox Glambrit Isle of Wight UK