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Adam Lambert signing autographs at Wango Tango

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, May 15, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, May 15, 2010

More pictures HERE


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful smile and man.

Anonymous said...

Lucky people! He is so Adorable. Looks like body-guards in #7, hum? Is that really necessary?

Anonymous said...

In today's world I think that body guards are necessary. There are too many extremist/crazy people in this world. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing those big, burly, sharp-eyed professional body guards surrounding him. Get nervouse when I DON't see them. It's those one or two misfiring brain-elements in the world who, Yah, make it necessary. Do you need examples??

Anonymous said...

I'm all for the body guards. Keep our boy safe at all times. I don't want to imagine a world without Adam. And we know there are people who don't care for his performances. What better excuse for an idiot to get his 15 minutes of fame by doing aomething crazy while his synapses are misfiring? KAS is my motto. Keep
Adam Safe.