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Boy George talks about Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 24, 2010

Posted at : Monday, May 24, 2010



Anonymous said...

thanks for the reminder boy george, yes, we should our mothers nicely, just like adam does.

Anonymous said...

boy george is a vile piece of shit,adam should steer well clear of him,he is not liked in the UK

Anonymous said...

Adam run far away from this man as possible,he is BAD NEWS!!

Anonymous said...

boy george will use adams name to get some press time for himself..seriously dislike this man
love adam lots

Anonymous said...

Well, 5:05 and 5:10, Adam met the guy in London. As the decent and polite human being that Adam is, he will obviously reply to him if he writes. BG may be viled in the UK now, but at some point in the 80s, the whole of UK revered him. Nowadays, fame in one field is really an ephemereal thing, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

He is considered vile because he locked a young man in his home, drugged him, raped him, etc. Was he found innocent or why is he not in prison? Or was that a rumor?

Anonymous said...

firstly boy george was NOT a Glam God!
Glam was in the early 70s
boy george was a New Romantic in the 80s he sold lots of records but he was not Iconic!
secondly it is true he is not liked at all in the UK! fact!
Loving mr Lambert
Glambrit isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

anon 6.11 no rumour true
Boy George has been jailed for 15 months for falsely imprisoning a male escort in his flat in east London. He had denied the claim, but Judge David Radford told the singer he was guilty of "gratuitous violence".
At the height of his fame in the 1980s Boy George was described as one of the world's most recognisable faces, but how many people recognised the picture painted of him during the trial?
In the dock George O'Dowd came across as a lonely, paranoid man struggling to find his place in the world. His 1980s heyday is a long way behind him, after all.
He was described as an artist by his counsel, but instead the court was given a picture of a life spent trawling the Gaydar social networking site to find men willing to be photographed nude in all night "fashion shoots".
And for someone who won his place in the nation's affections by being an arch performer, it was odd that he chose not to give evidence in his own defence

Anonymous said...

On Monday, however, Boy George was reluctant to discuss his recent travails, preferring to concentrate on the release of his latest single.
"Please don't ask me about it," he told Derbyshire when quizzed about his conviction last year. "I'm not going to get into specifics.

"Why should I (explain)?" he continued. "They (the listeners) don't need to know what I did."

Anonymous said...

the same as glam gary glitter its taboo to mention his name these days as he is a convicted child sex abuser

Anonymous said...

Hey Glambrit isle of Wight UK on 5/24 @ 6:19 - can you or any other Lambrit tell me how "FYE" is doing on the UK charts? I guess I can look it up on the internet too :)... but what's the buzz lately, haven't heard anything in a week or so.

And regarding the Boy George thing - I have to be totally honest, with there being pretty compelling evidence that, at the very least, something "not quite right" went on, I sorta wish Lambert would have stayed away. I try to follow a live-and-let-live type of creed, and there's always room for second chances in life, but there's something rather unseamly to this Boy George business at the very least and I wish Lambert would have not put his own name in any headline alongside BG's.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Boy George.... >.<

I would prefer Adam not hang out with him.

Anonymous said...

they are NOT hanging out.........just met at a London in a pic----and maybe tweet..but Adam is busy----getting ready for his Glam Nation Tour=-----no time for hanging out in London.

Anonymous said...

Never been to London but I think the point is that London was interesting in the 70's Glam and Punkrock eras and now its quite a boring place.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that the UK has now lost its first place as THE country where one as to succeed in music? There are so many new and extremely wide markets out there, including China and India, not to mention Africa. These countries all have great music and often times, artists from the UK went to Africa or other countries for musical inspiration for their albums.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if some of the other Brit music stars had acknowledged Adam when he was in town, he would not have had to focus on Boy George. Where was Tears For Fears and U2 and George Michael and Bowie and some others who could have shown some sort of welcome? That's all - nuf said.

Anonymous said...

Strange no words or news of Bowie. Does he still entertain, or has he retired? Adam has mentioned him so often I would think if he has heard of Adam, he would acknowlege him in some way. George Michael has had his share of unsavory publicity in compromising positions in public restrooms. Tears for Fears and U2 are probably on tour and not in the same locale as Adam. He is quickly becoming a well known performer. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone... the least said about the VILE boy george!!the better
i don,t like the sleazy guy
but Adam is an intelligent wise Guy and no doubt has read about him over the years
Bowie is never heard of in UK these days..he did headline the Isle of Wight Festival a few years ago..i think Bowie is more into counting his money than making music these days..
Adam,s stay in the UK was not for very long over 3 quick visits even though Adam worked his socks off with TV radio and Countless interviews.
i am upset and annoyed as both single and album have slipped out of the top 40..i know ppl were disapointed that they could not go in a record shop and acutualy buy FYE single as it was download only!!
I know Adam has a Huge Glam Nation Tour to deal with but it is a shame that Adam couldn't be available to perform at one of our Open air Music festivals that thousands of people attend and most are shown on it would of been a great way for Adam to get even more fans in the UK
as Rihanna and Justin Bieber have just performed to Huge Audiences at the Big Weekend festival ...oh well maybe next year
WWFM is releashed in july so hopefully that will reach more fans,
yeah come on UK fans don,t let Adam down

sending POSTIVE VIBES for Glam Nation tour to Adam and his Glamily XXX
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

forgot to say that Bono U2 has seriously hurt his back and is in hospital so all U2 gigs are cancelled
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

also forgot to add...the UK Music scene is still very Vibrant..with lots of news bands up and coming
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

That sucks about the chart thing but it takes time. Hopefully it;ll turn around for Adam soon.

Thanks for the update btw.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glambrit Isle of Wight UK... I'm bummed... but yes, these things do take time.