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Slash Praises Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 20, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, May 20, 2010

Slash said that Adam was the reason why he wanted to be on American Idol last season.


Anonymous said...

Oh My Effing G


Hope this gets into the blogosphere and twitterverse.

and just to add icing on the cake - THAT PICTURE!! How exciting to open up 24/7 and see that again, LOL. Good Lawd.

Anonymous said...

I knew Slash was a fan of Adam's. I hope they perform together someday.

Anonymous said...

velvet revolver still needs a lead singer

Anonymous said...

velvet revolver stills needs a singer

Anonymous said...

It is a luck of everyone to find Adam Lambert as an artist, even for Slash.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but say out loud:




Ditto to the first post on this page!


Anonymous said...

yes-- I'll be sharing this...

Anonymous said...

adam talks highly on slash too. hope they will collaborate in the future.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be so happy to hear this.

Anonymous said...

capable...But does he like his music?

Anonymous said...

Slash made a quick little statement about the music being a little different or something like that (haven't re-listened before posting this) but it didn't seem by his intonation or tone or inflection that he (Slash) thought that was a bad thing????

Anonymous said...

Remember Slash went to Adam's birthday party?

Anonymous said...

I could tell Slash thought Adam's music was great. I think he was just acknowledging that the style was unique.

Anonymous said...

another heavy hitter in the adam camp...


Anonymous said...

Wow, when you get that kind of praise from Slash, you gotta know you have a musical genius. From one to another. Yea Adam. And thank you Slash!! You are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Love Slash for voicing his admiration of Adam. Adam's talent has been acknowleged by so many entertainers and credible music experts, hope the "haters" will finally give it up and realize that he has a magnificent voice and they don't have any credibility. Adam is a valid superstar.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Slash for existing and for being a fan of Adam and showing publicly your appreciation for him.
Maybe Adam will do a duet with Slah in the future, who knows..
p.s.:I'll be watching this episode with Slash mentoring in AI, again.. ^_^
Take Care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

No one's going to argue that Adam's the one of the most (if not THE most) capable pop/rock singers today.
Still, whether or not you like his music DOES depend on whether or not you like his style.
For example, I LOVED Adam's album, but I dislike his music with the dancers. I've have followed Adam daily, but I don't know if I watch Adam on Leno, because I know he'll have his dancers. It's disappointing for me to see someone so capable do his caberet pop/rock which only a small group of people really love.

Anonymous said...

I love hearing how Slash obviously just wants to keep talking about how wonderful Adam is, and has to make himself get back on track to answering the question!


Anonymous said...

Slash, "thank you" it's what we have been saying for a long time. Now call him up and do a rock CD with him so that you and he can blow people's minds, ok?

Slash and Adam on one stage, dressed in leather, guitars, singing, etc., that would be incredible!

Anonymous said...

The Legendary Slash!....(and not forgetting KK too!)....How awesome is this!

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome 10:34. I'm not on twitter - but I hope AL fans are getting this little tidbit out in the twitterverse (and blogoshpere) so that it might get picked up by more mainstream Entertainment news shows/mags.