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Adam Lambert Glam Nation Tour Preparations

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 4, 2010

Posted at : Friday, June 04, 2010

A fan recorded the insides of the Kirby Theater and the surroundings and preparations of the Glam Nation Show tonight.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam Fan for this glimpse of The arrival of Glam Nation Tour,
Those Tour Buses are EPIC!!
how Exciting is this and we International cannot go but trust Adam Fans and 24/7 will look after us
Loving the Lambert very much Indeed
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

i got my boots on and the right mount of leather and i'm doing me up with the black colour liner and i'm working my strut
Glambert isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

So grateful for fellow fans who post videos like this for those of us who can't be there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting video.

Great view and can't wait for more video!

Unknown said...

Wish I was there!

Anonymous said...

yeah me too! (*-*)/")

Anonymous said...

Even though us overseas fans can't be there, keep posting videos like these as it makes us feel a part of it it some way...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

we International fans want to be part of this glittery GLAM NATION ride too..
i know you American Glamberts and 24/7 won't let us down.....
we await for ANY NEWS Please xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am eager to know what Adam is going to wear ????

Anonymous said...

everybody who goes to the concert let me know how it goes.
My mom said I could go with a friend in milwaukee, but she decided that not only was it too expensive, I couldn't help raise money myself and that she had to 'be back to work', which was no problem two weeks ago.

The one concert I was looking forward to for a year and i'm not allowed to see it. I'm literally in tears right now.

I know I should be sympathetic right now, but my mom always feeds me that excuse all the time for every little thing, and gets mad when I say I would help with money if i could. The excuse doesn't hold weight anymore.

I am seriously heartbroken now. I can't believe I have to miss allison iraheta and my adam only because my mom decided to spur-of-the-moment change her mind AGAIN. Not even for my birthday, which is ten days after his concert in Milwaukee.

I would have been fine not getting anything or doing anything for my birthday as long as I could see adam live for one hour.
Especially since last year all of my friends were out of town for it

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

thank-you !!!!!!!thank-you !!!!!!thank-you !!!!

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT !!!is the BEST !!!!and so are YOU !!!!! THANKS !!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you very much adam fan, whoever you are, thanks for sharing and hope we get a glimpse of adam show. can't wait for him to perform in sydney australia

Anonymous said...

oh ~ Emmaline ~
I feel so sorry for you,i know how much you were looking forward to seeing Adam and being part of the Glam Nation Tour,
you poor girl you sound so upset and i don,t blame you,
didn't you have a drama performance as well i remember reading that you had to dash from one place to another,i don,t know what else to say except we all feel for you and are thinking about you and how heartbroken you must be feeling..sending lots of hugs and kisses xxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

to Glambrit Isle of Wight UK -

Yeah I had rehearsals for Macbeth, but it's only an hour and a half commute between Madison WI and Milwaukee, we would have been able to be back before midnight.

But thanks for your support, I'll just not do anything for my birthday again, because anything will be "too expensive' by my cheap parents standards

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

I'am trying to stay awake !!! hope to see video soon ???? love ADAM !!! HE IS AWESOME !!!

Anonymous said...

Me foo. I can't stop thinking bout the show. Hope to see something soon.
Love Adam. Can't wait to buy all the merchendse of Adam.
Only Adam for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vid! 24/7 you rock! Yes please, post the HQ or at least an improved version of Adam's performances(he was amazing!). Thanks 24/7!

Anonymous said...

Emmaline: Sorry to say this, but you sound like a brat to me. I've seen some of your posts before and know that you are in the 9th grade. Give your parents a break. Times are rough now for lots of folks out there and they might not want to burden you with the truth. You might want to think about growing up a little. YOu write like you are mature, but are you? Just sayin

Anonymous said...

There's always somebody who has to ruin a good conversation by being a jerk.

Anonymous said...

If Em is a brat, then so am I. I'm 42 yrs old and if something like this was pulled out from under me, I'd pitch a bitch too. Her age has nothing to do with being disappointed.


Anonymous said...

Let's be careful with what we write to someone who we know to be young folks. When blogging, we can't always be responsible for anonymous people online, that is just not realistic... but in this case, we happen to be afforded the very real fact that Emmaline is young, so let's take that into consideration.

Anonymous said...

I understand Emmaline's disappointment.If she lived in Charlotte, I'd take her myself, but her parents also seem to have legitimate concerns that teens don't always understand. In Charlotte there's no reserved seating. My son is going with me and he's not thrilled and works until 5:00{I'm 69 and he's not into concerts}I had to put a major guilt trip on him which I've never done, but wanted to see Adam as badly as Emmaline.My worry is that I'm not physically able to stay all day in 90 degree heat to get a decent seat, which I've done in younger days days.I don't understand why seats aren't reserved for those like me, but who knew that Adam would ignite a spark to be out there again. I'm grateful to try and see him before he appears in large stadiums.It's a privilege and a great gift to be able to see him at all. Chin up, Emmaline. I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

I stayed at the Ramada Inn and our window faced the Kirby Center--you had the better view.

The concert was mind blowing. His entrance took my breath away. Everybody was screaming and showing their love. I think Adam was pleased with the audience. I am still on a cloud. Adam wore the greatest outfits you can imagine and his performances were impeccable and emotional.

Anonymous at 12;30, try calling the theater where Adam is performing and explain to them your condition. Your age alone should help. I broke my hip when I was younger and even after I healed, I was able to get some special attention at DisneyWorld, the Macy's Parade, and a few other concerts. It won't hurt to try.

Emmaline: don't give up. I didn't and it happened when I least expected it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 1:57. The Fillmore in Charlotte has no phone #. I had never heard of it before and think it may be fairly new.See all that you can when you're young and able.I still want to go out and play with the "big dogs" and Adam makes me feel 16 again with something so amazing to look forward to. Life is so good with him in it , bringing so many people together.

Anonymous said...

to Anon 10:59

I'm not a kid who sits there and complains when I don't get every little thing. I don't beg my parents for money, I don't ask for every concert ticket, going shopping ever day . .. I don't even ask my parents for junk food in grocerys anymore. I don't try to be a burden, its just when I do ask for something even a little out of the ordinary, even if I try to offer to help with money and such with scarce babysitting jobs, my mom gets mad at me for being selfish. The last large thing I asked for was . . . two years ago?

the point is that adam is so big a deal to me because I have severe depression and have gotten several low points. I've tried talking to my mom when this happens, but she won't talk to me about it, and when it really gets bad adam is the only thing that pulls me out of these problems.

sorry to go rude here but: you don't know the entire situation, you don't shit about me, and you don't understand, so please shut up about calling me a brat when I am probably the least bratty/high maintenance 14 year old in my entire school. Immature? that was immature of you to say so.

Not whining and complaining and begging for money for years, being a straight-A student and good daughter to a mother with which I can't even be close to anymore, and then being crushed when I can't go to ONE concert of a singer who helped me through some depression lows? Yes, that spells immaturity.

again, it's not the money thing that hurts, it's the fact that my mom promised and betrayed me to something that was really important to me, then gets mad at me for being upset, when I haven't bothered her for much for a long time. I'll get through it, but when it happened - and still a bit right now - I was - and am - hurt.

~ Emmaline ~