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Adam Lambert MSN Interview at Much Music!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 21, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 21, 2010

Update: New video added. Should be working now until they take it down!

Topics discussed
-The Ke$ha kiss
-How to get a gay boy to kiss a girl?
-She asks Adam what Canadian male celebrities he likes (Justin Bieber or Drake etc)
-Miley Cyrus


Kelly said...

That was kind of an awkward interview because the interviewer kept asking questions relating to Adam's personal sexuality. Why not ask about the music more? But Adam was so classy throughout the entire interview. Love that man. Others would have flipped out and ran away but he kept his cool.

Anonymous said...

Can't say enough about this up to date! Adam's fans won't miss a beat, so great! It's almost like being there!!! :)

Adam is so great with interviews. He always finds the right words to say on whatever questions they throw at him. I love listening to him sing and do interviews. He is the whole package!!! :)

Anonymous said...

-How to get a gay boy to kiss a girl?

WHat?!!! DId she seriously asked that question?? lmao!

What did Adam say? (My video is still loading!!)

Anonymous said...

Wow! She was a little aggressive but I think overall forgivable as it appears she was awestruck!

daydreaminmylif said...

Cute interview. She is glamorized now...after looking into him only 2 days before and has become a HUGE fan...yeeaaah! So cute when he said he peeked next door and watched Ke$ha changing! Come Adam over to the 'other side'! You know you wanna...JUST KIDDING...just lost my head for a moment...WE LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU are ADAMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Even though I may not endorse the questions that she asked. I'm sure she was just starstruck like we would be! I would be all nervous and excited upon seeing him that I would ask awkward and weird questions.

And that kiss at the end. What a gentleman!

Anonymous said...

This girl needs to find another job. What an OTT embarrasing interview. I was more upset for her than for Adam, she totally sounded immature and unprepared.To top off,asking sexually impertinent questions, she asked Adam for a kiss at the end... the nerve.Kiss off is what I say to her!

daydreaminmylif said...

He sounds a bit hoarse. He is doing so much with very little time to rest poor baby!

daydreaminmylif said...

It looks like he has extensions...everyone what are your thoughts???

Anonymous said...

Hair extensions?? I don't see it....where?

Leona said...

I'm surprised Adam hasn't spoken to Miley since American Idol. You would think she would ask Adam for advice considering she's been ripping Adam off every opportunity she gets.

Anonymous said...

This was an awkward interview IMHO.
She needed to talk more about the music and the award than kissing Justin Bieber. (ick)
The interviewer sounded inexperienced and unprepared.

Anonymous said...

He does sound hoarse. I noticed that in all his interviews. Don't think it's singing, just too many interviews. He's so nice and responsive to even the stupid questions. He somehow makes everything happy. He has to have a terrific sense of humor and also be tough as nails not to let that crap (dumb questions) bother him. His answers are so real and intelligent. He is helping to educate a part of the world about gay men.

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful men on this planet. Adam educates everybody about etticate.
You have to respect ppl whethere gay or straight.
I am soooo happy he won. This is huge. Now the world can see that he is just as good, I say much better, then gaga and Kesha. They sell bur not fir long. Adam will have longgevity in the music business b/c he is the real deal.
Bieber will be history soon just like Aron karter. They are sold as products. And we all know that many products expire.
Anyway. I am soooooo happy for Adam. He looks hot as ever!
I am going to vote VH1. Cuz voting works.
Don't forget to hit VH1 posted from time to time.
vote wwfm on top 20
vote iihy bottom right of page
and request a song, top right of page.


Anonymous said...

Great comments Gina! Brill.

And yes, this win for AL has totally empowered me as a VOTING fan!!!

Yes again Gina, I agree - fans need to make sure they are giving VH1 Posted some HITS, that's important!!

I also saw earlier today that Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5 also put WWFM back into consideration for voting for Adult category - so easy to vote there, fans should if they can.

and Yes one more time Gina - thanks for the Sirius link - it was sooo easy to vote there.

Didn't even try Open House Party this past weekend, but maybe I'll send at least one email in during the weekdays this week.

It so hard to be at the mercy of the radio stations - so I like to try to vote in legitimate voter driven opportunities to support Lambert when I can (especially because we hard core fans can not continue to buy Lambert's products in multiples...well, we can :), but eventually, he needs to get those casual fans and non-fans to purchase his music!!! And he will, I have faith).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I find this interview kind of wierd! Why would she wanna ask about this gay thing and all? So inappropriate! But I love the way Adam answered all questions!! very respectful of other people!! n very Gentleman!!

Oh I wish I get a kiss from Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Aaahhhhh...everytime I go to watch a video its been taken down.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

it's removed.

malaysia fan

Anonymous said...


Catharine Sloper said...

I watched this msn video on youtube. Basically, Adam was able to tell this girl off without embarassing her, which I thought was pretty clever of him. You could see the world flash before his eyes with some of those questions, and I just felt how that sense of Oh My God what is the matter with people never quite goes away for a Gay man. Adam was gracious and kind. God bless the man.

Anonymous said...

I saw this interview on youtube, but first I read these comments and was expecting the most awkward exchange ever. It was not awkward, I thought it was cute. Adam and this girl are adorable.

Anonymous said...

Awww, I thought that was a pretty cute interview! Adam seemed relaxed and like he enjoyed it, tbh. It was like watching a kid interview a grown-up!

Here's a new utube link:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Anon 7:11 and I also thought it was a kinda cute interview - OMG people... just one more reminder that I, and everyone, really need to view/watch/listen to things themselves... I read comments first and was so worried I'd be bummed out by an awkward interview... thought it was kind of adorable actually.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing cute when an interviewer who's supposed to be talking about the winners video starts asking questions about which straight guys would Adam like to kiss. Come on folks enough with the gay questions its getting boring. Thank goodness Adam has manners, another person would have walked away and really embarrased her.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering....who yanks these videos? MSN? Youtube?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:54pm June 21 - I'm sorry friend - but you are not representing the tenor, tone or content of the interview appropriately. Again, I would suggest people watch it for themselves. Yes, it is not the best interview ever to represent his music - but actually, it had a few tidbits in there that were a lot more supportive of Lambert the entertainer than many, many other interviews I've consumed. Listen carefully, the gal gave a few great nods to Lambert the entertainer. But yes 7:54, Lambert did, as always, exercise his lovely manners perfectly. And I'm sorta glad he had the opportunity to school people on those few little non-music-related things.

Anonymous said...

and on a lighter note :)... 2:10 to 2:13 - yum!

Anonymous said...

Oh jeez - I don't care if the interview was innapropriate or not - all I care about is that I now know all it takes to get a kiss from Adam is a couple shots! I'm bringing a bottle of tequila to his show and planting myself front and center, right in front of the stage. And, he just gave us permission to grab him by the back of the head and just make out with him!! Oh, my heart is pounding!

OK, got ahold of myself, now. Seriously, it's such a strange sensation to be so enthralled with such a beautiful gay man who will never cross over to the other side. And I don't want him to. It's makes him easier to fantasize about, I guess, becuase you can recognize it's just a fantasy. Oooh, and could you image how jealous you'd be of the girl who actually ended up with him?? :)

Yes - this interviewer was immature and asked some really shallow/lame questions, but I agree - she was kinda cute because she was so excited to talk to him! Love the fact that she had never heard of him 48 hrs prior, and suddenly found herself enthralled with him. Story of his life - lovely Adam! Not the most professional thing to admit, on camera, I don't think (the fact that she knew nothing about the artist she was about to interview until just before hand!) but that's her own foot she put in her mouth.

Thank you, camera man, for all the close ups of Adam. The man just gets more stunning every day.

Yes - those have to be hair extensions - the long pieces that reach his jaw on the left side. I think he'd put extensions in during Idol, too, 'cause suddenly, one week, his hair would be really "long" and the next, it wouldn't. I love it - LOVE IT! I just enjoy the fact that it's a MAN who's constantly changing their look for a's usually only the ladies.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was awkward, but seeing us it was just after the awards show, why would she not have concentrated on the music and winning the award?
HK fan

Anonymous said...

Hey! Use russian video-hostings! They do not delete anything! !
or !

glitzylady said...

Not real "deep" but then thought it was actually pretty cute. God knows how I would do in the same situation (as the interviewer). Probably babble on for awhile, and then wonder later, OMG, what did I SAY, because I'm sure I couldn't remember ANYTHING, except maybe the kisses on the cheeks.... And that little slip at the beginning "I didn't really like Adam Lambert....) ooops! As someone said though, has obviously been forever brought into the fold...

coloforadam said...

What a sweetheart - nobody interviews like Adam!! He just pulls us into his wonderful mind. Loved his comments tonight about RESPECT! He is upbeat and smiling but the message is intelligent and right-on.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised by the hair extensions too.....didn't realize he'd also done it on Idol! I loved finding the short youtube clip of Adam being interviewed back during his Ten Commandments days with truly long hair - which he said he grew long for the part. I'd love to see that again! He's so gorgeous in that clip that I could watch it over and over and over....


Anonymous said...

Didn't know there was a 10 Commandments interview with Adam. I have the dvd and saw it on youtube.Maybe extensions were from his shorn locks lol.I thought the girl seemed excited and inexperienced, but obviously smitten with him and I'm sure he could sense it and gave her some slack. On the positive side, her naive questions gave him the opportunity to state that gay men also have class, are selective in relationships and don't make-out with every man in sight. I'm glad he took that opportunity. He's not political, but can change things in a positive way, just by being who he is.I thought she was cute and giving her a kiss will seal her fate as a future Adam addict.Love to see and hear him every time he opens his mouth...Got carried away need to lighten up now and laugh. Will think of the brilliant Maggie Longfellow tag! funbunn40