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The Glam Nation Tour at The Onmi in Toledo

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Pictures and Videos will be posted here as soon as they are available!

(Via @reoracer)

Whole Lotta Love

Broken Open

If I Had You

Sure Fire Winners

Music Again


Anonymous said...

Waiting, waiting. Is it true Adam performed WLL at this concert. If so cant wait to see and hear it. Jan. NZ.

Anonymous said...

Followed tweets, he did acoustic WWL, Monte said Adam decided this as they walked the stairs to the stage. Fire department and EMS outside club, no one knows why - I think Adam was so hot he set off the fire alarms LOL. Someone else tweeted that compared to the FS version of WLL, this was an 11.

Also comments about some of the band and dancers being hurt -Monte back issues, Sasha did something, Tommy hurt his ankle, Adam threw out his neck on the bus.

WTF - so much going on and no media to report! Dying here. Fan is downloading vids now.

Can time go any slower.

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

Was the bus in an accident? Does anyone know? That's a lot of injuries after just 3-4 performances!!!

Anonymous said...

What accident???? Did Adam get hurt? Hope not!

Anonymous said...

OMG That was outstanding! What an encore. He is one amazing performer.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU> Here Iam on the other side of the world in New Zealand and we got this so quick.It is wonderful thank you sooo much.

Anonymous said...

Another NZ fan here. Love love love WWL acoustic. It is amazing how he can change the version so much and still sound absolutely incredible. He had the crowd going wild and ME!

Anonymous said...

I agree. The WLL acoustic was beautiful and Adam is so talented to have change it to a completely new and fresh version. I wish he recorded it on the album.

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam, you are KILLIN me!! That version of WLL was breathtaking. I had chills running down my spine the whole time I was watching it. I doubt the video captured the moodiness of it, the atmospheric feel...looked like there was a lot of fog...and you, just teasing people. Moaning back there in the haze. Teasing people - just giving them a glmpse of you, with your sideways stance. Oh man. If I see this in person next month, I will just collapse on the floor in sheer ecstacy! Thank you!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

With every concerts seems he looks and sounds better, He looks relaxed and simply enjoying the moment good for him and for us..
Can anyone be hotter than him? i don't believe so..

Anonymous said...

pick you up is my favorite, just wondering why adam does not sing it.

glitzylady said...

So glad to see acoustic WLL version again. Means there is HOPE I might get to see it live again (saw it at Fantasy Springs...) and this time I'll KNOW what's coming!!! And since I have a really good seat at one of the venues, well.......what can I say but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...................!!!!! And THANK-YOU Adam for sending me off to bed with very HAPPY thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Was this a shorter show or haven't all the vids been posted yet? LOVE .. LOVE .. LOVE .. the WLL acoustic from Toledo though not as sexy as the FS version ... I have that on my computer .. downloaded from Ytube but for some reason can't download any more or convert to mp3's either. Thanx for the videos .. ADAM looked MARVELOUS as usual!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Talking about WLL, this morning, on my way to work, I saw a car with a registration number WLL (the letter 'W' - that's for us KL folks in Malaysia), and I was like, OMG, Whole Lotta Love! :D

I can't help seeing Adam everywhere! :D

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:41 I agree, I wish he would sing "Pick You Up"!!!

Anonymous said...

Mentioning Pick me Up - yah, I love Loaded Smile - really a deep, sexy song with so much imagery but he rarely performs it. Maybe saving it for later when people think the album has all but played out. He is really keeping the pace and variety of each show interesting!! Would have paid a million to see WWL but sure that the Denver concert will hold its own suprises!!

Anonymous said...

HG - the firetruck and emt was probably to hose down the audience!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam you're gonna kill us with this whole lot of love!!! Love you babe!

Anonymous said...

WLL killed me. I was speachless after I watched it. I probably would've fainted if I had seen it live. Abosultely amazing! So sexy it hurts. And Sleepwalker underneath was really great as well - Monty kicks ass with that guitar. Hela crazy.
Poland Loves Adam

Magiclady said...

OMG! Saw WLL in Fantasy Springs, Love this version TOO HOT!! I agree fire engine to hose audience. I am dying here at 6:00 AM in LA

Anonymous said...

I was standing at the rail in front! Adam was having sex with the entire audience!! I have never witnessed anything as fucking sexy as this performance!!

glitzylady said...

To 6:12 a.m. :


Anonymous said...

O M frickin' G

Hey Fans - WWFM was #1 on Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5 yesterday - was psyched! Try to vote if you can... cuz hey, it's one little arena where we fans can exert some control over these frickin' radio stations! I swear, I'm starting to hear Enrique Iglasias' song now, and I don't mean to be trashing other artists, but it is so not that great and if it blows up before or over IIHY I'm going to FREAK OUT! So yeah, we fans have at least a little bit of a voice with the RS AT5 thing, let use it!!

Anonymous said...

UPDATE - Adam appeared fine to me, maybe it was just a kink in the neck.

Firetruck and EMS there cause the temp was so hot in the club, some fans were overcome by the heat. Monte passed this on to a fan who tweeted it.

Alls well :)

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

Just saw on You Tube a partial but more upclose, more face shot, of WLL - and it must have been uber hot in the venue because Lambert was indeed sweating up a storm... 'course it was just glistening loveliness on him lol (and honestly, to be totally candid, I was thinking - Lawdy I'd love to have his sweat all over me, among other bodily fluids ;)... you know you're thinking the same thing!) Anyway, maybe 24/7 will post this more head shot video from a Toledo concert goer - a couple of totally smokin' hot facial expressions!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I like my Adam all hot and really really sweaty. I want to get sweaty with him................

Anonymous said...

Our boy is going to be so skinny by the time this tour is over. He's gonna need some pampering.

Anonymous said...

I've got a question that doesn't have anything to do with the music. How in the heck do those dancers keep their pants on when they ride so low on the hips. Can you glue them onto your body?? I wonder about that every time I see them dance. hahaha

Anonymous said...

As Robert Plant once sang
"Squeeze my Lemon till the Juice runs down my Leg"......Please Adam!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

i wanna squeeze Adams Lemon too
get in the queue everyone

Anonymous said...

Hot, sweaty, glistening, slippery, juicy Adam. Oh boy, we are so bad!!!

Hell yeah it was HOT in there!!!! Tell us something we don't know!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

you're killin' me with the imagery Adam Fix. Geez, I just got out of the shower... don't have time for another one,

damn, I gotta go lead my life now, not gonna be easy to focus now. :)

Anonymous said...


I've only watched WLL so far and even though I'm just sitting here in my living room early in the morning, I'm just.....just........aaaahhhh!!!

Thank you God for Adam Lambert and for him showing us the way to be more comfortable and alive in our own skins while we're here on this planet! Maybe our planet could become Planet Fierce too with enough of Adam's way-showing!


Anonymous said...


OK, I'm back after having watched the others, and man....! Adam's on fire the whole night! Sure Fire Winners was fabulous and I wasn't even much of a fan of it before. But here I am rockin' out to it happily - just as if I was there.

And loved the segue before IIHY, and his sweetness afterward. I love you Adam!

What an awesome concert! Wonder if any of the critics/media were allowed to attent THAT one?! I'd love to read those reviews!

How lucky we are to be able to watch an Adam concert every couple of days!


Counselor said...

'Sure Fire Winners' was definitely one of the highlights. 'WLL' as the encore was a last minute decision because Adam went to every member of his band on stage and whispered something (he could have screamed it and we still couldn't have heard it over the crowd screaming). It was close to the FS version but the chanting FS version where he goes "I want it, you need it, I got it" sounded toned down but I'll have to listen to the videos. Thank God for the fans who send us videos. Wish Adam's management team would make an official tour video. I know, every concert is different, but at least we could see what we missed. I missed the screen showing the moving eye at the Toledo concert, and if someone had not shown it on a video from Wilkes Barre, it would be a lost piece of Adam history. The Omni is one of the worst venues I've experienced. It was dark, hazy, and very hot.