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Adam Lambert Fan Reviews @ Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 9, 2010

Posted at : Friday, July 09, 2010


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This was GREAT - two thumbs up!! I loved all the fans, gushing. You could tell people were just blown away. Then the commentator, at the end, looks like she just had the best roll-in-the-hay. :) She was converted!

- Adam Fix

Glitz and Sparkles said...

Beautiful comments ... it just touches my heart and brings tears of pride and happiness. "Adam oozes it..." yes he does.

Fortunate fans who have been to 3 or more concerts....."religious experience" Anyone on this interview clip from 24/7?
Adam spreads the joy and love...we feel it. I am ready to embrace Adam right now! The Ryman must have been a fabulous venue.

Anonymous said...

Yes - I was also wondering if any of our 24/7 friends were in this clip...? Speak up, if that was you! Loved all the geniune fan comments on this clip.

So - I'm not sure where to drop this comment, so I'll just stick it right here...

I've told you I have a 6 year old son. When I drive him around, he always wants me to play a cd, and Adam is usually always in the cd player.

The last couple days, he's yelled from the back seat "play song 6" (Sure Fire Winners - he knows them by track #) "and turn it UP really loud!!". So I turned it up a bit, but he kept prodding me to crank it, until it was just blasting from the speakers (don't worry, I didn't blast it to the point of hurting his cute little ears). Then he asked me to roll all the windows down (I guess that was so everyone around us could enjoy Adam along with us) and he start singing along! I didn't realize he even knew many of the words!

After doing this, he wanted me to repeat the song, at full blast, over and over. I think we listened to it about 6 times straight.

The funniest part? The first time he wanted me to do all this was at 7:30 in the morning! There we were, cruising along, early in the morning, with Adam rockin us out of our seats, bright and early. Now that's my way to start the day - with my two favorite boys! :D

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

Adam Fix

So cute, your son has excellent taste in music, just like his mom!

Glitz and Sparkles said...

just an FYI

WLL is reposted by mndchnger
Glad it's back--my absolute favorite.

Anonymous said...

aww that's so cute mini adam fix...i like his style.. my son is 10, he also loves adam (don't think he had a choice really ) he loves sure fire winners...he has now asked for his ears pierced, and for some adam gloves (complete with black nail polish ) my daughter who is 6 loves him also ( she is a mini rock chick ) proud :D

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

@ Adamfix Thanks for that vision of you and your son crankin it up! So cool! Love the fans and interviewers right on comments! All told it like it is! Hope if 24/7 fans were on video they'll give us a shout! Just got tickets to Raleigh concert. Now to find a place to stay! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Outstanding job on Ring of Fire
Johnny Cash was looking down...smiling!

Anonymous said...

Great Review! Awesome to see so much diversity in Adam’s crowd. Seen the show once and have tickets to see another show—love how some of the older fans(like me, you can trust us because we’ve been around!) can testify to the fact that being able to witness Adam’s talent is a unique experience. I took a few minutes to look over the other concerts reviewed at You-Tell-Concerts and IMHO you can tell the reviewers think Adam is a cut above the rest.

Anonymous said...

Jeez that almost made me cry. Just 3 more days and Adam comes to Michigan. I'm going to Chesning showboat and Lansing common ground. Since they were not listed as glamnation and more festivals. I booked a trip to Vegas to make sure I get to see Glamnation.The only thing left from sold out tour. SSSOOO excited !!!Great review.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert is mr. perfectionist. a perfect singer all along.

MiMi said...

ADAM FIX: I can so relate. My 3 grandchildren, 9, 7, and 5 listen to Adam's CD (which I bought for them) contantly. They know all his songs by heart. Future Glamberts for sure.

Anonymous said...

You see, Simon? No TV sets thrown through Nashville's windows at all! I told you! You were so wrong about sweet Adam's AI performance that night; I lived in Austin, TX in the begining of the 80's and quickly learned about what fans like or don't like in country music...

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix and Chezza-Sherbet/brit fan :Dxx

Your baby boys are getting my attention. Never thought I could be fan of such young idols, but of her moms...HA!

LambkinGal said...

OMG - that's me when the vid come up. I appear in the vid at a few places. The Ryman had incredible sound; best so far, as I said in the interview. Also went to show in Knoxville. Meeting so many Glamberts enhanced the entire two-day experience. We just laughed and laughed and laughed. Cant wait for next show! (nanrac lambkin)

Anonymous said...


He has the "IT FACTOR", meaning he has the talent and the voice that can't be taught, learned or studied! either you have it or you don't! And my gosh! HE HAS IT...ALL!!!:)

Anonymous said...

So Cool Nan @ 6:48am.

And hey - Adam Fix @ 12:27am - so I have a question about your story for you -
were you by any chance riding around with your little cutie, blasting AL, in a MINIVAN???!!! :).

My husband always playfully rolls his eyes at me when I depart the driveway, or come tooling into the driveway, kids in tow, with the heavy base beats of some Lambert track pounding out of my
MOMMY-MINIVAN... he thinks that's such a riot!

Loved your story on so many levels Adam Fix - thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I was chuckling so hard at Adam Fix's story that I forgot to comment on this video - O M G - so awesome! I love that most of the commenting from the fans was about the VOICE, the TALENT - so cool.

That one young guy who said it was lifechanging - yeah, I agree (and did anybody else notice that he looked like a young Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran - AL would love that I bet). And the other
guy who said it was like a religious experience - I thought so too :).

We never really talked much about the, to quote another fan from the vid, the full-circle moment w/ the Ryman and ROF and all that (I think because on the original Ryman thread we sort of got involved in commenting about Mary Lou M.) but how cool is it to think that less than two years ago Simon was idiotically advising AL to stay away from Nashville - shortsighted boob. Take that! And Simon is so disingenuous because I would bet my right arm that if that rendition of ROF had been just a week or two later on AI8 - he would have raved about it (which is actually something AL has publically said himself).

What was it that Randy Travis said when mentoring that AI8 week "...I just don't know what to say about that boy..." Hey, Randy, there's a lot of us that feel that same way, but maybe for different reasons than you originally intended... we are finding it hard to come up with new adjectives and accolades and praising words for AL...sometimes words just fail us and we don't know what to say anymore about that boy...but for all the right reasons!!!


Anonymous said...

MGF: Quick response - will be back later - no, no mini-van...a copper honda element, which we call the "bento box" - ha, ha!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I'm not in the US, but I watched the Nashville concert videos and thought the audience was great. This video also proves that Adam really got genuine love in Nashville.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it has something to do with the peoples mentality too. I guess Southern people are more loose and fun going.

Anonymous said...

Great seeing all the different ages of fans, black and white, boys and girls! What other artist has such a variety of fans as Adam! Only my second post on this fab. site. Signed, Adamluv.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 6:05, it DID make me cry....

THANK YOU Glitz and Sparkles! My favorite!!!! I hope all of her channel is back up. She has my favorite Mad World ever too (Grand Rapids, MI - CLOSE UP view of Adam's face and eyes throughout it + cool reverb/echo technology on the microphone....sigh....)

And Adam Fix, LOVE your story and visualizing your fabulous-taste-in-music son singing his heart out and spreading Adam Love all over town.....! Adorable!!!


Anonymous said...

It is precisely one week to the hour of the time I will get in L'auto and head to Denver for the max time of my life - seeing Adam perform in person - downtown Denver - 60 miles from the living room spot where I crashed like a meteor in March, 2009. Watching these fan reactions gave me outfit ideas and such anticipation/excitement - I may spontaeously combust before next Sat. Keep the Universe turning and this wonderful 24/7 site glowing!!


Anonymous said...

@coloforadam on July 10 2:47 PM -

please come back and give us a full report, if you don't mind and can find the time? Thanks.


Anonymous said...

You bet I will - wish you could all be lined up in my row at the show. I am going to disappear from on line for this week so I can focus and gear up for the power of this experience. This site means SO much and to know that others are in Colorado, feeling the same thing....means everything!! Next blog - I figure I will be home to Colo Sprgs by midnight - will walk in the door and attemp to give credit to what you want. Love to all in Colo that Love Adam!!


Anonymous said...

colorforadam - ENJOY!!! Please try to tell us about it, once you recover!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

coloforadam, I just now realized your 'colo' is for Colorado, and that your tag isn't 'color for adam'! I've been saying 'color' in my mind whenver I read your posts for over a year now, including youtube and Official Unofficial!

Anyway, I am thrilled for you, and can't wait to read whatever you're so articulate. I have written "ditto" below your posts on the Offical Unofficial site many times. (If you write more there than here, let us know so we can go read whatever you write there, OK?)



Sharon said...

Thanks so much for this wonderful video. I was supposed to attend the Knoxville show, but couldn't go. I watched the entire video & all the fan comments. I have to admit I went to one show so far but just watching the Nashville videos this looks like the best concert yet. So happy Nashville embraced this hugely talented singer & entertainer. He's the best performer/singer in past 40 yrs. paying homage to Elvis, J. Cash, Freddie M.. I believe Johnny Cash would have loved Adam's version of ROF. I sure do.

Sharon said...

Crystal, I watched your video 3x and on the 3rd round I listened to your review more intensely. I must say that it seems that you were/are affected in the same way many people are after seeing AL live. I left the Baltimore show in a daze wanting more of Adam. So I booked the Miss. show in Sept. and cannot wait to see him again. So I know how you were feeling. It took my 10 days to recover. Thanks again for the video.