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Adam Lambert on his celebrity friends

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, July 06, 2010

"A lot of the times I meet people it's like: 'Hello, goodbye'. But there are certain people you just click with. Actually I was just texting Kelly Rowland this morning. She's lovely - a really genuine woman. We had a lovely conversation and we stayed in touch - I'm friends with Ke$ha too."

Question: Are you going to Katie Perry's wedding?
"Well, Katie and I are friends, but I don't know about that one yet. I didn't receive an invite - we're not that close!"

SOURCE: OK! Magazine


Anonymous said...

I only find kelly pretty. Katy and kesha are veery ugly to be honest. and why do all their names start with a k? i wish MY name started with a k, stupid name having to start with an a >:(

melissa toronto said...

Whoever have you as a friend is very fortunate & lucky. Because you are the most genuine, generous, honest, kind, caring, thoughtful, & loyal to your friend, love ones & anyone else comes to your life. <333

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry is gorgeous. She pinched or patted Adam's butt; that's certainly worth an invite!!

KatrinaB said...

LOL it's funny that all their names starts with a K. I bet I can be Adam's friend too.

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry has beautiful blue eyes and I think is attractive, as is Kelly Rowland. Somehow Kesha looks to me like she needs to take a shower and wash her hair, but that's only my perception and maybe that's attractive to others. Glad that Adam has celebrity friends too. Who wouldn't want to be a friend of this loyal, sweet guy! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

i think adam has more celeb friends than that though. i mean like EVERY SINGLE celeb out there likes adam almost so once he eets them all theyll fall in love with him an im sure he'll make a lottt of good friends

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Adam is friends with Gaga?

Anonymous said...

kathy perry is very beautiful/kehsa is ugly.the black girl shes ok but noy pretty.

Anonymous said...

anonymous above - is the way somebody looks like the only thing you care about? Open your eyes and see what is inside - Adam doesn't like Kesha or anybody else cuz they're pretty - but for who they are inside.
GlammyLadyBug (I think that's how it went:) I left you a message on that horrible kris allen thread.

Anonymous said...

Adam only met Gaga when they were recording. They got along great but they are not friends nor do they stay in touch.
And to anonymous, who says "the black girl shes ok but not pretty" that is Kelly Rowland from a group you may have heard of DESTINY"S CHILD and she is gorgeous and a super lovely person.

Anonymous said...

Isn't DESTINY'S CHILD the group that Beyonce was with before she decided to go solo? Or am I getting Beyonce mixed up with someone else?


Luciana said...

I agree. I think Kelly Rowland is the most gorgeous out of those three. She's not famous as Beyonce but it's because Beyonce's father didn't want her to be famous. She recently cancelled a contract with him and now is working with someone else. Hope she finds her niche and becomes famous in the future. Her solo music is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think Beyonce was part of Destiny's Child. She is so gorgeous. Kudus for the comment that it's not all about looks. There are so many beautiful people around. There has to be something else going on there.

Anonymous said...


Glitz and Sparkles said...

@July 6, 2010 11:03 PM

How do you know the standings of the VH-1 voting? I try to vote every nite and did (300) tonite cuz Wed. nite won't be able to.
Again, let me know how you locate the voting results.

aye said...

he's amazing .. pretty handsome !!
hope he's mine !!

Anonymous said...

Thank you PLA for the kind of comment that we all should be making + that Adam would make himself!

"All we need in this world is some love!" (vs. judging others' appearances - yuk -)

And yes, Tess4Adam, Beyonce was in Destiny's Child with Kelly Rowland.


Anonymous said...

Adam would probably get more attention than the bride --- best he's not there.

Anonymous said...

Katy has wedding in India. I guess India loves Adam too..

Anonymous said...

rumours are when on graham norton program in UK, she let it slip about being already married to russell brand, so its already happened