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Glam Nation Tour in Portland, OR / Crystal Ballroom

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 22, 2010





(Credit for this picture: scorptwitr)







(Credit for this picture: Hott_Mess_)


Anonymous said...

yay! Judging by the lack of comments, are people already bored of the tour? LOL.

For me, NEVER!!! I wish he could tour forever but I don't want Adam to lose his voice!

Anonymous said...

Wooow the glitters are still on!... glitters and baseball cap!... now that's a new fashion statement!:} You're fabulous!

Hey Adam! how do you get all the glitters all over your hair, face and body? Do you just roll around in a pool of glitters!... and wallah! glitterized!!!:}

Anonymous said...

Oh no Anonymous @ 12:30pm - haven't you heard - the 24/7 "Wardrobe Team" applies it :)... (inside joke I guess, lol)...but anyway, I loved the first part of your comment above - fabulous indeed!

Anonymous said...

For anon @12:25PM: Don't think so! It's just that there is SO MUCH about Adam to keep up with on so many sites, that sometimes we just don't have the time or energy to type...we have to reserve it for reading and listening instead.
Plus many people are vacationing and play catch up when they return home, leaving that much more material to get through.

Have no fear,we're still here! Rock on, Adam!

Anonymous said...

people do work 12:25 and have a regular life, so comments may come later in the day :)

Anonymous said...

He did the super sexy rock version of WLL in Portland :D I hope people are not angry because it wasn't the acoustic version. I'm sure he does the acoustic WLL in San Francisco area because it is the hippie region.

Anonymous said...

Please, I know this is not a ticket exchange, but I have 3 tickets to Lubbock concert I will sell for face value. All those Dallas/Abilene/Amarillo fans who were wanting to see Adam. I know it's a bit of a ride but not too bad and well worth it. This is a General Admission venue, so if you get there early, you can get great seat. If you're interested at all, please post here on this page, and I'll give you an e-mail address to contact me. Tickets are $38.50 each-- Thanks and sorry for off topic, but I really want to see someone use them and enjoy. I just can't go.

Stephanie said...

I'm working a summer part time job as a tutor but there's a computer room for the employees to take time off work to surf the internet a few times a day. I have been sneaking in this room to check Adam stuff a couple times a day and my email.

AND NO I'm not tired of the tour yet. :D It's the best thing that's happened to my summer vacation!

Anonymous said...

i don't think anyone is tired of it!!! haha maybe on commenting but not watching :) if you think about it most fans of singers don't watch their every single performance of their favorites on youtube every venue they go to haha. but we adam fans are different :)

glitzylady said...

Gosh, have to watch the WLL (as if I wouldn't anyway....I don't watch all the vids for every concert but WLL is a must...), my hubby will be happy to see that, he prefers the rock version but I am just MORE THAN FINE WITH the acoustic, he did seem to rev the Seattle version up a notch, which was steller....Just likes to keep us guessing and experiment with new versions...I love that he can change things up like that, and it keeps things interesting for him as well, probably likes to see the reactions from his fans, but I like them all so I'm not a good gauge of a WLL performance....

Anonymous said...

He's saying..."Ok, so whatta ya want from me?"

Anonymous said...

San Francisco, the hippie region? That's so 20 years ago. How about the gay region? All kinds of fun planned for Adam in Frisco.


Anonymous said...

Hope Adam will have time to play! Re: glitter on Adam, think he oozes glitter from within when he sweats! I have watched every video from every venue since the tour started and still am not tired of any of them. It's like eating cashew nuts. You can't stop at one.That's also why I'm sleep deprived, staying up 1/2 of the night. so sick! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Ooohh Michael @ 3:05PM - please elaborate!

@funbunn40 - Wow, every video/every venue -impressive!!
Yep, like cashews, like chips, like chocolates like Margaritas ;)...
I hear 'ya on the sleep deprivation - I haven't operated on this little sleep since my babies were born!! At least then I got the benefit of getting skinny from breastfeeding! (TMI again, I know, but you're a nurse, you can handle that :)).
Hey funbunn40 - speaking of nursing, working on so little sleep - you're not nursing in ICU or anything are you?? Ha Ha, only kidding!!

Anyway, back to the vids before the family comes home! At first I was thinking - who in the heck records Adam Frickin' Lambert in close-up mode for "Fever"...but boy was I wrong, aren't I the one with egg on my face - all kinds of brilliant - for various reasons ;)... wait 'til Adam Fix gets a load of that "laces" shot!


glitzylady said...

Okay, gotta see FEVER now...

Anonymous said...

Oh glitzylady - my apologies - it was YOU with the "translatable" skills in terms of the laces, wasn't it?? My bad!! :)

ON-Topic question - do you guys think AL did the plugged in version of WLL because Tommy wasn't there?? No seductive thumping from the Bass?? I dug the plugged in rendition though, whatever the reason!! But just curious - wondered if anyone had thoughts.

Anonymous said...

my answer to first post: not tired of watching the tour ... just speechless sometimes ... and mostly you all say it sooooooo much better than I do.

@MGF 4:52 PM ... I don't think ADAM really has a specific reason for changing the way he does WLL ... I think ADAM likes to experiment with different versions to see the different reactions he gets from the audience ... sometimes sensual ... sometimes FIERCE ... but always so ADAMTERRIFIC!!! ..IMO


glitzylady said...


So how did I do????? Now that everyone got a nice close-up of those laces.....Guess we know what about Adam holds that camera owners interest, although have to say I'm a little "carsick" now...

And about WLL, as I said above, I think he likes to change it up,and keep us guessing, not to mention try to please people like my husband who likes his "classic" version, but the thought did cross my mind about Tommy's absence... Just about anything is possible...

Anonymous said...

Trying to restrain myself from watching any more videos since the real deal is only 5 days away! Yay! I am practicing "Adam abstinence". Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm 12:48. Put my tickets on Stubhub for Lubbock, and they sold in just a few minutes. Thanks for your tolerance. So glad they didn't go to waste and some people will get to enjoy Adam.

Anonymous said...

HOLY SMOKES, Portland - what did you DO to our boy??? He was ON FIRE!! A rendition of WLL that is that sexxxxxy should just NOT be allowed. I fell off my chair and hurt myself, watching it. THEN, there was Fever. Oh man...close ups of his beautiful face...his! Yesss indeed. Life was good in Portland.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

WELL......I finally had time to watch WLL and I must say, that was......I can't find the right word at the moment....because in order to fully describe it I might say a little too much and then will be in a lot of trouble....Just suffice it to say that I had to hang onto the table with both hands to escape Adam Fix's sad fate after watching it...... I think we need seat belts and and crash helmets to watch WLL in the future.... if it gets any...well...closer to the real thing......and that one was close....Anyway, in addition to that, after I started to watch this, I failed to notice that I didn't have my headphones plugged in to the computer, but put them on anyway (thought it sounded a little muffled) and apparently it didn't matter.....because the visual experience became the main focus...I vaguely recall that the vocals were pretty amazing too...Think I need to watch it...err...listen to it again just to be sure.....

And to anon at 12:25 pm

Nope, definitely not tired of the tour vids.....its just that I can't always comment right away because I may have forgotten how to spell for a little while afterwards, or my hands are still glued to the table or chair or whatever I can reach....Just keep 'em coming....2010 will definitely be remembered as "The Long, HOT, Summer" , or in this case "The Long, HOT Summer Tour"....

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Adam introducing his dancers on here. I want to see Adam's dance with Brooke.

Anonymous said...

I d0n't kn0w and d0n't care ab0ut t#e t#0usand different ways Diam0nd B0y perf0rms my daily s#0t 0f «WLL»»: all 0f t#em get me in a rus# f0r a c0ld bat#tube 0r climbing walls....but w#en I finally land back I remember, yes, I d0 #ave a questi0n!!!! «Sweat sweet Adam» baby, I'm just w0ndering....if y0u've been pedaling y0ur bike wit#, y0ur ARMS ........Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Never tired of Adam's video's. I'm busy blogging on other web-sites, mostly when anyone says anything negative about him and this DJ problem we are having with no air-play. When I come here, I can relax and you all take the words right out of my mouth.