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Another Video of the Tongue Diving Performance!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Different angle.


Anonymous said...

Ha, Adam!! He actually seemed surprised that the fans tried to rip his vest off! He could have been carried off into the night!

LILY said...

lol the fan was aggressive too! He liked it! Who wouldn't though?

Anonymous said...

This video provides a great birds-eye view....One that will NEVER get old!

Anonymous said...

Glamshit! Sweet Adam got TWO dives and I got TWO dreams feeling those his two dives INTO MY MOUTH!!!
@ Funbonn40, Obrigada pelo chá de camomila! Good deal, it worked!

Anonymous said...

Love this Video,feels like i'm there (well in my dreams anyway)
more to see of the Delectable Sexy Adam....thanks for posting

He could have been carried off into the night! lol thanks funny

I wanna be your Toy Adam please
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

@ Glambrit IOWUK
Thought you and sweet tonic Adam had a deal and it was a secret....Ha! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Oh my holy lawd-in-the-mornin' - he is sex in boots and love on the floor!! Keepin' it fresh babe!!

Anonymous said...

Geeze, he is just too beautiful and sexy and talented and ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Adam Fix said...

****GOOD GOD!!!****

I'm changing my name to Eric(a), pronto!

Oh man, I had to watch the crucial parts of this footage quite a few times, and freeze frame it, so I could really, really analyze it. Yep - fantasy fodder right here for the next 3 years, folks. Damn.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

This is the best video of this Tounge Diving!!!! Clear as day! good Job! That is so sexy and yes, those boots are some hawt wardrobe item. He wears them like no other. Hey, you guys see the top button of Adam's vest got ripped off during the first dive with the girl? Those around her got hold of him and he was lucky to get away. It was more like diving into a tank of sharks! It is a wonder they didn't pull his pants off him! This is to all the comments about Adam jumping into the audience and grabbing people, If you noticed, Adam pointed at the two persons he wanted to kiss. If they had not wanted to kiss him they had plenty of time to wave him off. I read some remarks that made Adam out to be a molester! Get real! He is too much of a gentleman to do crap like that! When he don't feel the love, then he don't give it. He always has plan A and B. When He is not feeling plan A, he goes to plan B. Never a dull moment with Adam. What a joy it must have been to be a part of his family growing up in the same house with him. He has a delightful personality! FF

glitzylady said...

Have to save this for later....hubby is in the room and I can't properly "analyze" it, as per Adam Fix.....Will save the best for last...Think I'll suggest to hubby that he looks VERY tired tonight so really should toddle off to bed NOW.....early day tomorrow, etc.., etc..BRB....Have been avoiding the other version as it just gets me too "roused" but have had a little rest, so here we go again......Showed a co-worker the Fever from Albany today on my cute little phone (on our lunch hour of course...) but figured watching "Tongue Diving Adam" would just be too much for the workplace...nothing would get done the rest of the day...Lots of staring into space with mysterious smiles....Trying to introduce Adam slowly to this poor woman....all at once would probably kill her, especially the above vid!!!!..... Oh crap, hubby just got a bowl of ice cream. and its perking him right up....its gonna be a late night for usual...

Glitzylady said...

OOPS!!!! When I said "its perking him right up...its gonna be a long night for usual.." that COULD be construed as something OTHER THAN what I meant....What I MEANT was.....oh, well never mind...guess I should proofread before hitting "post comment"....

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady - HAH!!! Love your posts!!!

OT - I tried going back and searching for that person's email address, but it was lik a needle in a haystack! Did you ever find it? I just set up a Gmail acct...if worse comes to worse, I'll just post that on here and hope people are respectful. :)

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@ Adam Fix, here I am still up...finally got hubby convinced he should call it a night...and I FINALLY found the thread...seems like years ago now....Was the Glam Nation Tour in Bethlehem PA Musikfest Aug 14th..."Patrice" ....scroll down a ways...Okay, this should be fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Glitzylady - wow, good detective work!! OK, I went back and found it too, and sent Patrice an email with my email address. I asked her if she could pass it along to you and I hope she checks her email, and you've both given her your address...!

Hope to be able to meet you in person someday soon - for real, this time! And without being asked if I'm a hooker. (&*#&%#@! Ha, ha!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

The sound on this is way low for me, and his interviews aren't discernable at all because the sound is sooo low.

Everything else on my computer plays at normal sound levels except youtubes. I've googled it and have tried various things suggested, but nothing's worked so far.

Does anyone else know what's going on with that? (I installed the latest adobe flash player, which I really thought would take care of it, but no difference at all.)

Thanks for any ideas/help!


Anonymous said...

Glitzlady you are too funny! I can so relate. Every night around 10-10:30 pm I am watching the clock and can't wait for hubby to go off to bed so I can run to my laptop and check my 24/7! I hate to say it, but sometimes my son comes downstairs after his dad goes to be and wants to then 'chat' for sometimes hours on end. I love him to dearly but sometimes I just need my 'me and Adam' time HAHAHA!!


Anonymous said...

Anon 5:55, and Glitzylady - I am SO there with you! The other night, my blackberry tried to committ suicide by showing me the "white screen of death". It took me forever to give the damn little gadget mouth-to-mouth (made me realize how dependent I was on the little bugger), and by the end of it I was seething mad! You know why? Because it cut into my precious Adam-and-me time!

- Adam Fix