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Glam Nation Tour in Hampton Beach!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 21, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adam Lambert Introduces Stage Kissing (Adam wants the audience to make out at the casino ballroom)

20th Century Boy











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Anonymous said...

umm is me or does the crowd seem stunned that he suggested this?

Shirley said...

Yay Time for my GLAM NATION.

Anonymous said...

Did the crowd kiss??? I don't see any movements....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:22, sorry can't help but maybe try again tomorrow? I don't know.

I signed up successfully.

Anonymous said...

The crowd appeared to be an older bunch. To me, they seemed a little amused. Regarding fanclub sign up - keep trying - I had to play with it a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Crapola - Why did I hit "Home" again when I just should have walked away from the computer?!! :). Oh well, I guess it's extra makeup to cover the bags and dark circles under my eyes for my family event tomorrow!! MGF

Anonymous said...

MGF...Lmfao! Dark circles? Mine have went past my cheeckbones girl. I am f**ckn' sleep deprived, I have been actually for almost 2yrs, since this sexy man auditioned for that crapy show AI. Anyways, better get some sleep gurl.. Good luck, don't forget to put on more make up...more is more is Adam's motto.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There were all ages at the show tonight, from tweens to seniors. Most of the crowd I saw was having fun. Just wished we could have been closer to see Adam; but then, we wouldn't have been able to see or breathe. As for the kiss, we took Adam's advice, and my g/f and I made the most of it :)(: Was a great show all around, including Alison and Orienthi. Adam, we're even bigger fans of yours now!!!

glitzylady said...

Talking about sleep deprived, I too am running on "fumes" most of the time...went to see "Inception" today and slept through half of it...My husband couldn't imagine why I couldn't stay awake through "the best movie of 2010" (an opinion that I will have to reserve judgement on until I can see the other parts that I missed)...And I have no idea what was going on...But here I am now, wide awake in time to see the new videos....time just flies by at night after my husband goes to bed and I can enjoy this site at my leisure...Adam really needs to have a make-up line exclusively for his fans, with a special heavy duty dark circle concealer just for's all his fault, after all.....maybe he should include some of that in his new Fan Club "Glam" package.....

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady, ZZ and MGF me too!!!! Night after night I Adam surf! Glitzlady, I too fell asleep during Inception with hubby and have no idea what happened. This is too funny yet seriously ladies, we are adamadicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh, Lover Boy has cracked my boundaries. Just because HE loves to kiss face and tongue dive doesn't mean it's time to invite the whole damn audience to get "down" and slobbery. Anyway, maybe the person next to you has some kind of flu OR WORSE? Just imagine somebody you wouldn't give the time of day to suddenly feel he/she had license to grab and slobber all over your face ('cause Adam said so). Whoa!!! Now, if Adam had said "a hug," ... okay, BUT A KISS! Wow, Adam, what's the deal here? Beverly

Anonymous said...

How often do you go to a consert alone? You probably sit next to your hubby or a good friend. Kiss that person! Don´t be so stuck up and negative! Relax and enjoy! Scilla

Anonymous said...

Adam TO EARTH....know your audience.....

You are getting carried away......

I think most people are there for your singing

and we can deal with your sexuality.......

but we don't have to join in....

Anonymous said...

I thought SFW was Hot! Hot! & Hot!!

Anonymous said...

SFW......Also love the band intro...Longineau is HOT!

Anonymous said...

Adam said he wants to be known as singer not a gay performer

Practice what you that tongue for high notes..



Anonymous said...

He said it was an experiment, IT BOMBED. It obviousily made the audience uncomfortable. What they tolerate from him is vastly different from what they do themselves.He said serious kissing should be kept private, well it seems to me that open mouth slobberry kissing is serious kissing and should be kept private. Why didn't he try this on his choreographer, he gave her a nice hug, which was appropriate. He did go over the line this time, and he is stubborn enough to still try to desentithize his audience that gay kissing is ok, in public.All his audience love him and his singing, and just overlook his kissing Tommy, and just think its funny or even shocking, which is why they all
scream when he does it. Well I have said my piece, which I am entitled to. I am deeply disapointed in Adam, that he tried to make the audience give slobbery kisses to each other. I thought he had more class than that, and by the way that is definitely not rock and roll.

Anonymous said...

Adam's "backbend" on the floor photo (bottom center) deserves a separate posting all its own! Is he real 0_0 ? !

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

There is a time and place for certain things......the concerts Adam gives are not the time or's not the LA underground want people to respect you...


We can a little campiness but don't get carried away

Still love you......

Anonymous said...

To anon. 7:06

1. It is not "serious kissing." It is an act, part of Adam's performance.
2. "Stubborn enough" to want to "desensitize his audience that gay kissing is okay, IN PUBLIC?" I can't think of a worthier goal.
3. "All his audience overlooks his kissing, or thinks it is funny or shocking"? Many of us consider it very, very hot. If it makes you so uncomfortable, don't look (it generally occurs at the beginning of "Fever," in case you haven't figured that out yet). Or just go follow that little beaver fellow. He seems safe and comfortable. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Most of us are OK with the Atommy kiss.....don't need it every show.....ADAM and Tommy are sexy enough......
asking audience to join and tongue diving....get a room
Love Adam's vocals and his band and dancers...and a little
naughty fun...don't get carried away......

Anonymous said...

Re Anonymous 7:49, and Adam's "desensitizing" program. It may actually be working, except in those really stubborn cases of homophobia. But, hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kentucky Fan August 22 7:07AM - and any other fans of the backbend - have you seen this vid:


Whatever possessed the fan shooting the vid to pan away from Lambert at 4:26 is beyond me - I guess Monte's amazingness, which I totally share a passion for, but dayum, wish "dnewton98" stayed on BB :)... but still much appreciattion for the vid (thanks dnewton98), bad audio maybe, but oh-so-good visual here.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam suggested a couple of drinks first, next time.If he is not careful the audience will be rated XX, tongue diving and a few drinks is not always a good thing. Keep to singing Adam it's what you do best, a little sexiness from you is just fine, but don't ask the crowd to be that way, or you will have one horny crowd that cannot be controlled ha ha ha.
Cameras won't be the only thing confiscated, and you will have more than bras thrown up on the stage, and a lot of the audience asked to leave.

Anonymous said...

It is so simple guys Adam is not forcing you to do anything that against your will. If you are not comfortable don't watch and listen to him "idiot".

I'm straight and a single mom. I love what he does as an entertainer that's what I'm paying for................

Anonymous said...

We just are looking out for BB

Just a little friendly advise

We want to enjoy him singing and not look away

Let's not go back to the AMA...BS

Have we not learned anything...don't want BB hard again

Anonymous said...

Sorry...that was suppose to be HURT again

HeHe...watching too many videos..OMG

Anonymous said...

Anon 7;49 I totally agree with you. Gay kissing isn't wrong why do people still makes such a fuss. When will people realize that there is a broad spectrum of sexuality, and hetero isn't the only norm. Adam is just being Adam and yes he is gay and yes he is sexual. If you don't enjoy that part of his performance don't look or find someone else to follow.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he wants to be seen as a singer

Are we not getting it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:56
So, you can't compromise, and just close your eyes for those few seconds -- while still enjoying Adam's singing? Seriously, would you deny the rest of us the thrill and pleasure of watching the "kiss"?
And regarding the AMA's and what "other people" might think. I find it much less nerve-racking to not be so concerned about what "other people" are thinking, especially when no one is, technically, getting hurt. What the world needs is less uptight puritanism and more acceptance, openness, and joy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:10

I think that horse left the barn a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

How did the conversation change from Adam's telling the entire audience to turn to the person next them and KISS back to Adam and Tommy's stage kiss. Adam can do what he wants up there -- it's HIS career. If more people like his kissing, they'll come to enjoy it -- like the love scenes in movies. If they don't, his career will be jeopardized. Now THAT's an interesting experiment whose time has come. But, telling the audience to jump in and start a mass slobbering kissing celebration with "whoever is next to you" is what the initial discussion was about. This has little to do with Tommy or homophobia. Whew! Can we just enjoy a little singing and dancing here? :) Beverly

Anonymous said...

How about if he suggests audience kissing again - then blow Adam a kiss or two. Or make a sign with some big red lips and when he says something hold up your sign that says: "This big wet kiss is for you." Whatever - it's all in fun. He will move on to the next concert and maybe never say it again!

Anonymous said...

Things like this shows why no one had taken the risk of giving Adam a recording contract before American Idol. Sadly he doesn't seem to have a good grasp of appropriate behavior. I'm a fan but I'm objective enough to say this. I don't know what his management is doing for him. They let him do things that makes lots of people(especially the male demographic) uncomfortable. He seems to be being given no guidance or boundaries whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Hahah! Adam! If you're lucky enough that a person next to you is as gorgeous as you then you don't have to ask me twice!:) What if you're seated next to a freaky lookin guy?... noooo way!... thank you... I most certainly pass on this experiment... LOL

Princessshakeitup said...

Well, here's a warning for anyone going to the Rockford Glam Nation concert...if he says it there and I am sitting next to you...PUCKER UP! I would have done it, drinks or no!

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam is trying to shock again to get attention in the press and it is a little disconserting. I have absolutely no problem with him kissing Tommy! It is playful and fun. I love the NYC version where he gives the short kisses and then they both laugh. BUT, sometimes artists realize the power they have over an audience and take it too far. My older brother told me that seeing Elvis was like a religious experience...that he could have told that audience to do anything...which was actually scary.

Anonymous said...

Like all artists, Adam is more interested in BREAKING boundaries than accepting them.
And making a certain demographic "comfortable?" I like what Franz Kafka wrote (and apply it to Adam's performances): "A good novel should be like a blow to the head."
And I wish I could remember where Adam said that he would rather go down in flames being himself rather than succeed being someone else.

Anonymous said...

Last night's show looks very upbeat and spectacular! Adam looks very happy! We all know Adam loves kissing... we got the gist. Let's just leave it to people we are intimate with or close to... shall we?

I have a suggestion for Adam to have some audience interaction. How about during IIHY ask someone from the audience who knows the words to his song to come up to the stage and sing it with Adam! This would be a clean and fun interaction and no uncomfortable stranger kissing.

Anonymous said...

I don't know too much about Kafka, but here is a quote from Adam: The only example I want to set is to encourage people to be themselves and do what the hell they want..just don't hurt anyone in the process.

That last part is important and I think he has to find some middle ground here...that he isn't encouraging people to do things that make the people around them uncomfortable. I think he'll figure it out.


Cheril said...

Anon 10:26 - I think your way off base with that first sentence. It was a FUN SUGGESTION. Not a COMMAND! If you are there with your significant other, it's a great time to kiss. Let's see how you feel after what 70+ concerts, riding on the bus all those miles back and forth across the USA. Playing outside during the hottest summer in a long time. Playing in a slaughter house for goodness sake. Maybe you might just be a little tired and a little crazy nearing the end of the tour. Adam's concert dates were very close together. It takes its toll. He still gets up there looking GORGEOUS. Smiling like a million bucks! And, singing with those BEAUTIFUL VOCALS. Give the guy a break. He may make it look easy, but it is grueling and...he is so dedicated. Appreciate his sacrifices (like a personal life) and understand he is our Rock God (but also human). I don't see him being carted away to rehab. There aren't porn tapes all over the internet. There isn't but one or two stories of him even attempting to date in 3 months time. I take it back - he gives us an outstanding show and I do think he is superhuman. Love ya Adam. Got your back anytime/anywhere!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cheril, you said it best. Where do people come off putting Adam down for being himself, and he did say kiss their check if you want, key words IF YOU WANT, He didn't demand anything he was being playful, people "IT AIN'T THAT DEEP"
Get a Life, and stop trying to run Adam's. If you can't handle being his fan then just go find someone who you can boss around and be their fan. I love Adam and I love how playful he is, I wouldn't change a hair on his pretty head, You go boy.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Look like a whole bunch of conservatives audiences or people misunderstand the meaning of having fun and love. As an non American, I am very surprised to see the seriousness here, its all entertainment with Adam. Relax and have a happy life.

Anonymous said...

I listened to what he said...which is what I should have done in the first place! I am just in a mood today over other things. He was playful and sweet...just like always. Relax and have a happy life like anon 12:05 I am going to have a nap now.


Anonymous said...

Wow once again the conversation begins with that word assume. YOu know an ass/u/me. Adam was just feeling the moment with the crowd..he is in no way trying to push any boundries or do something shocking to hit the news. It is really not that complicated. There is not a disgenuine bone in Adams body or mind. For those who are saying "just sing Adam:;well he did and very well I might add. When you listen to music do you sit like a statue or do you move,tap your feet,or just get up and dance? My point is that everyone views music and enjoys music in a differant way. Adam is very into every beat and word of the song. For him to stand there and just belt it out would be unnatural for him. If I would of had more room at his show I would have been dancing like crazy. He is an Entertainer folks and I for one enjoy the variety he brings forth. So what he invited the crowd to "love the one your with". They do that at church with hand shakes and greetings. Maybe asking each other to kiss was a bit bold. For those who act like it was a career killer shocked me. If your best friend makes a mistake do you dump 'em like a hot potatoe? How quick people can get their nose out of joint. Yikes! Adam isn't stupid he learns very quickly!

GlammyLadybug said...

HaHa. Yes, Adam, let's desensitize the people to public expressions of love.. for neighbours and strangers alike (oh, so christian of you!).. at least as much as it have already been desensitized to extreme violence!!
That's what BB's been doing since Idol! Desensitizing!!
Thank you very much :-).

No wet kiss.. I understand that, really, I wouldn't do that either (being a mysophobic individual myself); no kiss on the cheek.. whatever. But did they hug each other? Did they at least shake hands? That was the point of the experiment!

It's OK, Adam.
Just recalibrate the 'input values' in your experiment and it will be successful..eventually.. :-)

Anonymous said...

You know the majority of Adam's fans do get him. If you have become a fan and you are a little on the conservative side - that's okay. But put away the judgement. His concerts over the summer have sold out for a reason. You go there to enjoy yourself. He is only promoting love and fun. I remember a thread a while back where Adam was watching a couple of his friends on stage in LA. He was playful and happy and encouraging (per one of the glamberts at the table near him) His friends wanted him to come up on stage and sing, but he wouldn't because it was their night to shine. Can he be any sweeter? Rest assured Anon 12:05 there are plenty of Americans that are counting our lucky stars to have such a talented singer.

glitzylady said...

Well, THAT didn't work, but no big deal, everyone there probably got a little laugh out of it, Adam certainly did, after was one brief moment from a concert....and he most likely realized that wasn't something he'd suggest again..for awhile....and for the people who were upset about it....he didn't demand it....I just think its fun that he is loosening up with the audience more and more, and being more "in the moment" instead of sticking to the "script" all of the time, as there are those that criticize him for that too....His "bliss" just takes over once awhile: isn't that why we love him so much, that natural joy and enthusiasm that he exudes (and occasionally gets him into a little hot water)....No harm done...and if I was there with someone I liked...a lot...they would have gotten a big sloppy one from me...or a least a peck on the cheek, in the spirit of things...Or I just would have laughed along with Adam....

And @ anon 10:26 Since when does" behaving appropriately" (whatever that means..) or not, have anything to do with getting a recording contract...I don't mean to be critical here, and avoid it usually, but REALLY????? Pretty sure that had nothing to do with anything...Sorry I'm just getting a little frustrated with some of the negativity lately....

And @princessshakeitup 10:31 am....I know you from another site (AOU) :-) but am under a different name here....Nice to see you, and if I was there, and was sitting next to you, What The Heck....not like you are a stranger!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm still up. I had to read some more here. I think it is so funny that the sign of peace that some of us do in church was mentioned because when I was reading the responses, I thought oh crap! I hate's like the sign of peace in church that is a little icky sometimes...especially if the person next to you has been coughing up phlegm. Is he going to make us do that? lol! I AM going to take a nap because my husband and I are going to Inception. If I stay awake I can tell you guys ( who fell asleep) if it was good or not...


Anonymous said...

If it's not the Tommy kiss/lick, it's the shaved side of his head, or the price for joining the fan club or asking us to kiss our neighbors if we WANTED to! There has been so much b . . . . ing recently! Lighten up, chill out, relax and just enjoy the ride. IT AINT THAT DEEP!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a good idea of Adams, let's face it, and now he knows it first hand from his audience. He even said," well that did't work".Getting caught up in the moment almost cost him his career, but he overcame that, because of his loving fans who had come to know him thru AI.None of this has to do with Tommy, I think he likes the attention, now people want his autograph.We came to see a great show, NOT be in the show. Adam please don't ask us to slobber one on the person next to us, unless he or she is our signifacant other. I personally would not get pleasure if that person next to me was a grandma or grandpa or gay or have acne. I guess I am missing something with Adam and Tommy, I never have kissed quite like that. Tommy sticks his tongue out and Adam sucks on it ,eewww. Still love Adam , and hopes he doesn't step in the sh--t too often.

Anonymous said...

I really shouldn´t read comments in forums. I makes me feel sad and sometimes angry. You people (some of you) take the opportunity to trash this one of a kind, beautiful man, when he in a playful way wants to spread love. He didn´t say "stick your tongue in throat of the one next to you and slobber". The one next to you is probably your boyfriend, your hubby or a friend, so if that person isn´t coughing up phlegm it´s ok to kiss him, I should think. Please don´t judge and critizise this rare precious creature when he´s being happy and playful. I´m not from the US and sometimes I just don´t "get" you americans. I do "get" Adam.

Patrice said...

Well said Adamluv.

I too am tired of the negativity that can sometimes abound here, so I second your "IT AIN'T THAT DEEP", and I raise you one "Get over it and move on to something positive".

Glitzlady: Good stuff also!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adamluv! You said it! Now I feel better. Relax and enjoy Adam!


Anonymous said...

Gee anon 1:26 "I would not get pleasure if that person next to me was grandma or grandpa or gay or have acne." Hmmm Adam is gay, and he has had acne. Wow..wouldn't want a kiss, huh? FYI, you can't catch "the gay". Don't worry, it is not contagious.
What IS contagious is Adam's joie de vivre. Also, believe it or not, there may be gays around you that you are not aware of...Hope you become a little more enlightened as you mature.
Sorry, I am usually not so nasty, but that comment really annoyed me.


Anonymous said...

Anon 1:26, promised myself I wasnt going to comment again but have to say something to you. Do you realize how many wonderful fans of Adam you insulted with your not wanting to kiss "grandma/grandpa/gays/people with acne?" Are you young,straight and have clear skin? How wonderful it is to think you are perfect and that people would want to kiss you! And no, I dont want to kiss a stranger either - any stranger. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adamluv. Love the Glamily!


Anonymous said...

Anon 1:26 PM

"I personally would not get pleasure if that person next to me was a grandma or grandpa or gay or have acne" LOL!

Poor Erica and Eric! They must feel so disgusted and violated after that show the other night in Providence. They were being kissed by a GAY man who has traces of ACNE in his face. Horror!!! By the way, I would suck on that mans tongue any time.


Jessica said...

A few of us did kiss the people around us, actually!

Anonymous said...

To Anon 7:49: 2. "Stubborn enough" to want to "desensitize his audience that gay kissing is okay, IN PUBLIC?" I can't think of a worthier goal.


To those who warn Adam not to "get carried away" --
He's a theatrical performer first and foremost -- but he's also by nature a revolutionary, a truly ecstatic artist who performs in "the zone" -- and that's what we all respond to. He's already broken the "fourth wall" that separates the performer from the audience with the tonguedive -- and now he's instigating similar transgressive audience interaction with not just him, but with each other.

Yes, a bit uncomfortable. Breaking our own barriers always is. But it's glorious, as well. Come on, ladies & gentlemen, this is getting real. We Adamites have waxed rhapsodic about The Glitter God's supernatural aura and abilities for more than a year. Now that he's enacting that influence beyond the limits of the stage -- we get all missish, stressed about swapping spit with a stranger and demanding he get back in his "performer pen"? Commercial as he is, Adam knows exactly what he wants. And I respect his aesthetic judgment.

At heart, it was just Adam having fun. Didn't see any kissing cops enforcing the edict in the audience. It was a SHOW!

Adam's Love Revolution won't always be cosy, but like most adventures, it'll be more than worthwhile. This wild child is not gonna be tamed. Me, I'm holding on for the ride.

Rock on, Glitter God.

Anonymous said...

AMEN Anon 2:48PM You tell them, Can't believe how many people are bitching on this post. Are you guys sure you are Adam fans??????? The ones complaining sure don't sound like it. He is UNIQUE and DIFFERENT as Paula said and you all are trying to make him like everyone else, BORING!!!!!!! I'll take Adam his way, after all he is here "FOR YOUR ENTRAINMENT" ENJOY THE RIDE OR GET OFF.

Anonymous said...

Well, our sweet affectionate puppy Adam was just trying to spread the Lambert Love and it didn't fly, which is ok. I think suggesting a hug would have maybe been a better choice. Flu season will be coming and the only tongue I wouldn't mind is Adam's and that would never happen bcause I am one of the grandmas and it would creep him out! lol I'll give him some slack. He's learning as he goes along what works and what doesn't. Realistically,from a health and protection standpoint, hope Adam will be selective and careful. I'm all for kisses,but the nurse in me always influences my thoughts. It's tough being a free spirit, when it's a basic part of your existence. I still have to deal with mine! lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hey MGF @ 9:23 am

I didn't notice the saliva the first time. You're a hoot!

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to say "Amen" or "Ditto" or "Right On" or whatever phrase you can identify with most closely, to Anon at 3:09 (This is what happens on a Sunday afternoon when I have some free time on my hands...can't stop commenting)

Adam is interesting to me because he is "DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE" as opposed to "average" and "safe" and "predictable" as a performer....He will make choices that are not always universally liked or understood or accepted but that doesn't mean I am going to desert him the second he does something that doesn't appeal to everyone...And if nothing else, he is "predictable" in his unpredictability, we come here each day (or night) to watch the latest videos because, and you never know what he might surprise us with, including the suggested stage diving for all.....pretty sure he knew it might get a slightly shocked and nervous response, and maybe a few enthusiastic "takers", but it sure gives us something to talk about....and to think about..It can bring out the best and worst in us, but if nothing else gives us the opening to discuss some things that need discussing...hopefully in a rational and respectful way...."Adam is Adam"....I don't always agree with everything he does (most of it though...) but I respect his right to be himself....He is still finding his way and I wouldn't want to stifle his creative nature, because generally he's doing some amazingly "right" things, with a couple of "duds' along the way, which he just sort of steps over and moves on...And I kind of think we should do the same...(IMHO) :-)

Anonymous said...

at anon 12.29 I agree with you. Maybe he was experimenting with something new, looking if it worked or not. He has said in a interview that he is learning what fans expect from him and what they like and what not. He also said that it is all for fun and that it ain't that deep! But i also can see why some people just feel a little uncomfortable by it. Hollandfan

Anonymous said...

Right on, Anon 3:09 pm! Couldn't have said it any better myself...

Anonymous said...

@ Cheryl 11:24 AM
Yay, fellow, you just grabbed me as your glamfan! Ditto!!!

Anonymous said...

Here I am again 'cause "funnbunn40" is inspiring me to clarify why we health professionals object to the mass kissing ritual. One reason is "health." We see so many communicable conditions that we are wired for prevention and would rather not have our hero's concerts blamed for possibly spreading illness. The other reason is that WE TOO LOVE THE GUY, his voice, courage and his persona and don't want him "black-balled." Maybe we are being too cautious and protective...MAYBE. But we older ones especially have seen a lot of artists who step into "no man's land" too fast get relegated to cult status. But then look at Gaga and Madonna and Bowie and Mercury. So, we COULD be wrong and it IS his call. Wonder what his keyboardist, Camilla, thinks. I read that she is their voice of reason. She and her partner have been called the first "out" women's group so she must know the industry. Surely, she is expressing HER views to him so we'll see. Beverly

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 12:29PM.....INDEED!

@ Glitzylady 12:42PM & 3:37PM
Am I listening to «The Voice of Patience» again? Part 1 & Part 2? lol!


glitzylady said...

@Fan4fun 5:51

LOL!!!! Infinitely patient when it comes to "our boy"....for as long as it takes!!!!

Anonymous said...

It certainly goes to somewhat show why the world is in the state it is. One would think from some of these comments that Adam had asked the audience to take their fist and punch the one they were near. Which for most of the audience was a friend or loved one. It's a philosophy that he seems to adhere to which is love not war. As far as I'm concerned I would promote that also.

Anonymous said...

the kissing thing is no big deal in reality, BUT if it is a turn off for some then maybe it should be taken out. it is a business after all. People wish him the best which is why they might not like it. they want the best success for him.

Anonymous said...

he gets bored doing the same show over and over. figured he could spice it up a bit. sometimes improvising doesn't go as well as you had hoped. no big deal

Anonymous said...

gee wiz people lighten up. he's just having a little fun with his audience. everyone gets so uptight about stuff. it didn't go over well so he probably won't do it again. he tries to spice up his act probably gets in a rut. how many nights is this now. anyone would get tired. this is a lot of fun for him but also a lot of work. so lighten up on him folks. he's still our adam.

Anonymous said...

Awww Adam - good for you for trying an expirement. What the hell? It was harmless. Keep surprising us. And to all of you who have his back on this thread - AMEN! I'm right there with you, Glamsistahs. If I wanted to see a boring performer, I wouldn't be following Adam's every move, depriving myself of sleep and sanity, and making my eyeballs ache.

- Adam Fix