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Adam Lambert Interview with RazorTV

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 25, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, September 25, 2010

Roughing up the paparazzi

Coming out of the closet

Adam the Glampire

Thanks to ItsJoooory!


Anonymous said...

NICE interview......LOVE the hair

Looks like he had shaved sides for F1 show

Anonymous said...

Love these clips, he looks beautiful, sounds amazing and seems really happy and relaxed.
As to the humidity thing..see there are some advantages of living in up to 100% humidity!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Enjoyable interview - articulate, funny and charming as usual! And those eyes! And the eye make up is just too delicious for words! Yummy! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Like the set up - questions in print as he speaks. Gives more time and emphasis on him and not interviewer. (who doesn't love THAT).

Anonymous said...

Baby you're not violent at all, kind of sexy to see that side of you!:) Nice adjective to describe the paps... cockroaches... how fitting... lol In my wildest dreams I'm imagining what if, Adam was straight? kidding! don't even go there... just a thought!!!

Glampire for Halloween... bbbbbite me :)

Anonymous said...

Watching the four Asian singers, kind of fun. Adam does another stellar interview. People in Singapore speak very good English. AL looking extra hot, with that hair today. He must have the most extraordinary hair in the universe. It does everything right. His female fans are envious. Does he ever have a bad hair day?

Anonymous said...

I liked this interview a lot. Asian people have good sense of humour and yes Adam seemed relaxed.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

I prefer the foreign styles of interviews over the American interviews....somehow they come across more genuine...and unique. They're more refreshing...and Adam seems to be more upbeat. Afterall he is not a fan of the same old stuff.

Anonymous said...

@ Glitz and Sparkles

I agree with your opinion about foreign styles of interviews. But no other singers except sweet Adam make to feel so relaxed and articulate outside «home», those are special talents of his.
So, it's happening fellow, exotic singing bird is flying far and high out of his nest.... but in a different way LP flew from sweet Adam's hands to your arms, in the audience, wasn't it? Hahaha! I'm still laughing, you lucky glambert!
You should post more times, I miss you!

Anonymous said...

loved the interview,but long for the day when being gay is not exotic,but just the norm, and no more questions about Adam's sexuality are asked.

Anonymous said...

He never ceases to amaze me with how articulate he is in expressing his thoughts - and his vocabulary is awesome. Just can't think of anyone else in the music business that expresses themselves quite as well as Adam. Just one more thing to be impressed with, along with his MANY other attributes! Absolutely love him!

glamnut said...

There is no one that fascinates me like Adam. He IS the sexiest artist because of his talent and self confidence that radiates from the inside out. He is sensitive and loving at the same time. He is just the whole package of what I want in a man. It is just a shame most straight men don't have his qualities. I enjoy each and every performance and interview as if I am watching him for the first time. I never get tired of watching him. If I am obsessed so be it. I truly love him!!!

nancdruuu2 said...

Wow Glamnut - you captured everything I was thinking about Adam. He is the magnificent obsession for us all!

Anonymous said...

The hair! Oh's so deliciously over-the top...all spikey and full. Love it! And the gobs of black eye liner. Oh yes, the boy is full-on eye candy, today!

Adam - every time I hear you speak I just marvel at the strength and self-confidence you have. You are SO inpsiring!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

"it was a game - like football" big smile haha

Magiclady said...

cute boy!
He seems so rested and happy! I am obsessed and I miss him being out of the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts themselves put gays in a box. Not all gay men are pretty boys. That is just sterotypical thinking.

Anonymous said...

I like the way Sutan does make-up for him than Jeni. In these vids for example.

Anonymous said...

The makeup goes with the glam/goth theme. Maybe he stops using makeup if he changes his style.

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam look GORGEOUS in these interviews! Love. Love. Love. the hair! His teeth are so white. He is so self-assured and quick witted.

If you watch the next 2 video's after the last one,on the one after Daughtry's interview, there is one more of Adam talking about what he thinks about JLO and Steven Tyler as the next judges on idol (we've heard most of it before...but just more time watching him speak is great!


Anonymous said...

Miley & Adam ????

Urethra_Franklin said...

You can see extended versions of the interview here


Anonymous said...

Peeps, the GLAMBOX can be ordered on
CD WOW Adam Lambert. Be sure to check off United States for those of us here.
It was not that expensive, I thought.

I love these interviews. He is perfection and more!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:47, was that the website? I tried and it doesnt exist? Thanks. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I found it! Duh! Just ordered it. Very easy. Thank you, anon 8:47. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

yeahhhh i've ordered a GLAMBOX too, fantastic...
thankyou very much anon @8:47 what a bargin at £ excited about the dvd..

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx