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All 3 shows on Adam Lambert's Australian tour are SOLD OUT!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 30, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, September 30, 2010

According to Chugg Entertainment, all three of Adam's shows in Merlbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane are sold out!

Dates for these three shows:

October 19 - Merlbourne
October 20 - Sydney
October 22 - Brisbane


The Dark Side said...

Thought I would stay off the net for a few days, but alas I'm back stalking and gawking. This is very good news. Not surprising, but good. I am always amazed that I read these blurbs and feel they, of course, are true. Hurry back Adam, this site and others are suffering a dry spell.

Anonymous said...

Now, if the AMAs and the GRAMMYS do not acknowledge Adam's incredible year during their respective shows, there is definitely a problem.

Anonymous said...

@The Dark Side, you might want to skip the comments section on the next thread ;)

Anonymous said...

Anon 6;16, yes, I agree with you! I thought I would never say this but . . . . I am thrilled that I have not seen a new picture of Adam since Sunday in Singapore! Maybe he is actually having fun (doing whatever) without the eyes of the world on him! Enjoy this time Adam! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

yes, i know it will happen, sold out concert of adam in australia and now it is happening. so happy for you adam.

Anonymous said...

This is way off topic but I just came across a video from last year that I didn't know existed and I thought I had seen them all.
Enjoy! Adam visiting the set of HAIR.

Anonymous said...

Omg, the other thread is soooo spicy... lol

I believe Adam will sell out all of his international venues, maybe except for one. So happy for you Adam... International BB!!!

The Dark Side said...

Dear Anon aat 6:16 got your message. Unfortunately, did go on the site. Well we have had our share of holy wars on this site, might as well have the war of the guys vs the grays. Actually, it all good, people get to express what they need to say, and no one knows who is who. My problem, I think people have figured out who I am. But I do try to stay objective and poke fun at all sides and keep my Omnipotent side from showing through--fail. I could be the biggest cougar out there or a sheep in lambs clothing. I also seem to be reduced to farm animals. My childhood coming through all this sophisticated veneer. Well like Adam says, Love yourself first. Got that part down pat. BTW, thrilled about the shows sellout. Way to go Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 8:07...great find!

Dark side: Love it "Guys vs Grays" Hilarious!

Here is an old one that is fun:


Anonymous said...

Pic of Adam & fan at Bali

Anonymous said...

Just reading that fan's twitter. Seems she met Adam at the airport just now


Anonymous said...

I agree with ANON:6:16. Adam has not been mentioned in any of the "pop" mags with his amazing sold out "Glam Nation Tour" this year, especially with a lot of artists cancelling shows. The music shows on TV have shunned him, too. What is going on?

Anonymous said...

Australia is a very beautiful place, I lived there for 10 year. Hope Adam have a chance to visit the Gold Coast and The Great Barrier Reef. Australian are very friendly and relax people.

Anonymous said...

Anon^6:16 I think the only celeb news you hear much is ppl to sensationize. Paris, Lindsay, the Katy Perry, Elmo thing, Bruno Mars arrest for cocaine. Adam got lots (too much) press over the paparazzi thing. Don't think positive items sell magazines. Don't know who the mags will go after now that Tiger and Jesse divorced. Someone, somewhere will create a scandal and it will be shoved down our throats ad nausea. Adam was named Celebraity of the Week by a HOllywood Mag, but only saw this on the net. Kind of stopped watching the Ent shows lately.

Anonymous said...

Hey, focus is on Australia here! Everyone is going crazy waiting for the Glambert to arrive soon! Felt they were definately short sighted on the venues. People are flying in from all over Australia (continents as vast as the US!), plus many from overseas countries, NZ, Singapore, S. Africa, and that's just to just to name a few!
Nothing stops the love of International fans for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Aussie Aussie Aussie ou ou ou!

Anonymous said...

Well I think Mr Lambert should stay in Oz because he has so many Ozzie traits that we value.Plus he won't be restricted with lyrics or performances, or hounded by paps.(and if he wants to fly over to Bali it's so close)