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A fan can hear Adam sing 'If I Had You' live from her room!

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, September 26, 2010

This video was recorded from today's second concert in Singapore. Adam's voice is so strong and amazing that she can even hear it from her room, clear and loud!

From Shweta1509

"Ok, seriously IGNORE THE FIRST PART I SOUND LIKE A SPAZ. But turn up the volume because I can actually hear Adam Lambert from my window. Amazing isn't it? He's performing at the F1 in Singapore and I just happen to live right across. So i'm getting a free second concert :)"


Anonymous said...

Lucky girl

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Send your amazing voice high, out and loud, my exotic singing bird!!! I'm hearing you too, in my ears and in my heart!

Anonymous said...


it will be amazing if i can hear him sing live from my window .. i think i will jump lol xD

LOve Adam ..


L8yFingers607 said...

You lucky, lucky girl. That's beyond cool.. Thanks for sharing. He's amazing.

Anonymous said...


MiMi said...

The VOICE heard round the world. It is only the beginning!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes exactly what I was thinking .. World open your windows and hear Adam sing of love... This is so symbolic of the small earth we all inhabit.

Anonymous said...

Agree with all of the above :)

Anonymous said...

Would not have predicted that song as being the one to become iconic but ..... so very cool!! I hear it everywhere now - radio, grocery stores, malls and even bouncing from the car next to me at a stoplight in my conservative little city (which shall remain nameless). Now is is joining the pulse of the World, Rock-God-Superman!!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for that! you lucky girl, we appreciate anything we can get on adam from you fellow glamberts overseas. keep it coming

Anonymous said...

it is good to know that every where in the world, fans are really paying attention. Thanks for the update girl.........

WORLD IDOL ADAM LAMBERT. My family and friends in the Phil. can't wait to see him.

I would like to see him again here in Toronto, Canada sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Anonymous said...

I think this is news worthy. My daughter said that the GYM she goes to plays all of Adam's songs. ALL OF THE TIME!!! Hells Bells. That is good news. Listen to Adam while you workout and sweat!

Anonymous said...

Wow - this city really turns into one big party around this event (race), doesn't it?? Looks crazy-fun!

This video clip is really cool. What a lucky fan, to hear Adam's angelic voice floating, ethereally, disembodied, through her open window! I might wonder if I were in a dream state - if it were me.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

god this is so beautiful...
