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More Videos and Pictures from Singapore Day 2

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, September 27, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 27, 2010

Band Members Intro




Anonymous said...

Adam is such an amazing entertainer!! LOL
i loved his face at the 4th picture!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful! Adam I miss! Enjoy your well deserved R&R. Love you baby! :)

Anonymous said...

Why can't this poster stop calling Adam Lambert BB? You are not his mom. He's a grown man.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! !!!! A sweet Adam's concert under the day light?!!!!
Dear God! No makeup or glitter needed, my sweet exotic singing bird shines on his own!!!!!!!!!!
Oooops, almost forgot... Of course he does, HE IS MY DIAMOND BOY!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Singapore fans that took pics and videos! I enjoyed seeing a part of this beautiful city and what Adam and the glamily are experiencing! What a great event and honor for Adam to be a part of it! This international tour will be another testament to his talent and convince any doubters that he is one former AI that will have more than 15 minutes of fame. He has accomplished so much in such a short span of time in spite of homophobic prejudices, just by being his intelligent,phenomenally talented self. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Anononymous 10:26AM

Right, sweet Adam is a grown man (an amazing one). So, why don't you act like a grown fan, a good glambert, and let us love him and «pamper+spoil» him the way we chose to do ?????


Anonymous said...

Good Lord!!!
@ Funbunn40, you are alive and BACK!!!!
We missed you... Yesterday I was sharing with our fellows my worries... thought you could have embottled yourself some tequila too after have given that one to sweet Adam and got lost in the middle of the way back home!!!! Are you alright?

Anonymous said...

Very minimal make up and so appropriate for this venue. I love me a smart man and Adam is certainly one! All summer he has adjusted his show based on the venue/audience. I like the names BB and HH (his hotness). The ladder is used at candyglam for Adam. I recently adopted a black/white cat and named him Baby Boy after Adam! He's a feral cat that I cant touch, much like Adam! LOL! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and vids from Singapore. Thanks to the fans for posting them as we follow Adam on the international phase of his tour. I think that those of us who immediately recognized his talent on AI had no doubt that he would be a success once his album was released and he went on his GNT across the country. Adam Lambert is one charismatice, stylish, edgy, articulate, and, of course, very talented performer. His audience connection is pure electricity even in the sweltering humidity of Singapore. I believe that Adam has given the music industry something special that no other perfomer out there now possesses. His message of love, understanding, acceptance and peace is heard in the songs he performs and the thoughts he presents to the audience between numbers. We have seen the emergence of the next rock superstar and I am so happy to be here along for this journey.

Anonymous said...

Always amazed that Adam can step up to the plate and make his show work during the day time. Would love to see more videos, but maybe I am just missing them. Went on You Tube last night, not much there for the 26th.

Anonymous said...

@11:48,Yes, his message of love, understanding and acceptance is a huge part of his appeal and gives us a glimpse of his beautiful spirit. Adamluv, Your Baby Boy will come around, once he see's how lucky he is. Great name choice! Adam would be proud! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

in the first pic it looks like he has to pee lol its ok we still love ya adam:-)

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun,I was in an Adamcoma after seeing Adam @Hard Rock! I'm still in Fl.and voting like crazy to get him to the Y-100 Jingle Ball that will be in Fl.on Dec. 11th. Right now he's leading the votes. My daughters were going to have an Adam intervention, as they thought they were being replaced by Adam,[a new brother?lol], but now after seeing him they are Adamaddicted and worried about their incestuous feelings toward him! haha Now we all have to go to rehab!Have to remember I actually have a very good life that Adam has monumentally disrupted with his Adamness! Trying to learn to pace myself, but can't stop lurking!! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

@Adamluv..perfect name for your cat...

@anon 10:26 am..As to calling Adam BB or whatever else, as long as its nice( and it IS...)...really...what difference does it make, its a sweet term of don't have to be someone's mom to call someone that or a mom at all for that matter! Its a very common reference to Adam..Although I would be more than proud to be his mom...

glitzylady said...

@funbunn40 1:10pm

Ha ha, "incestuous feelings"...what about those "non-motherly" feelings that I am plagued with??? We are all in need of rehab, but I'd rather just enjoy myself on my way to wherever i might end up at the end of all this!!! I really like your brilliant idea of slyly bringing your daughters into your Adam-addiction...I've done the same myself, and it works every time...One live concert and you are hooked..five (ahem..) and you are a goner...

Anonymous said...

anon 10:26 am

hahahahah... who wants to be Adam's Mom?! He already has one. I certainly don't want to be one! I wanna be his sweetheart and lover... lol How do like me so far!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

Someone asked the other day about Mariah? Just read an article with headlines "Adam is the Star. Mariah Disappoints". The reporter knew very little about Adam before seeing him on day 2, and said he was "a star in the making" and even with all the glitter, very "down-to earth". Article at That doesnt look right? Will double check. Sorry. Reviewer said her back up singers pretty much carried her. All pretty negative. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It is right. Just scroll down and the article appears. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

That facial expression in the 4th pic is GOLDEN! LOL.


Anonymous said...

Mariah, always the diva, has become fat and so yesterday.

Anonymous said...

A few threads back someone said that Issac should get some tats so he looks more Rock. I think he's cute, has a great smile, plays the drums very well and btw he's 32. If he had the inclination to get tatted all over, he'd have done it by now. This is not his first rodeo.

Anonymous said...

Just watched my so favorite Aftermath (F1-2nd).
Oh, Lord! «Sweet (diamond boy) Adam» is beyond sunshine, beyond rainbow... much, much, much more NATURALLY GLAMOUROUS!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn40 & Glitzylady

Hey fellows, what are you talking about, above there???
I DON'T WANT an Adam Rehab!!!!
What I want is one more shot of sweet Adam addiction!!!! Right NOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some of you Glamberts, I hope you don't get me wrong, but the new Glamily's drummer correct name is ISAAC, not Issac or whatever.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv
Don't you think your cat and my cat should meet? I'm sure «Baby Boy» matches «Icon», just saying...

Anonymous said...

4:25 sorry, not misspelled, simply a typo. My brother's name is Isaac.

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun - out of 27 posts, 7 are yours. That's 25% or 1/4. Wow

Anonymous said...

@4:55 Couldn't agree with you more as some people have way too much time on their hands. What's with the flat earth and fellow? Don't get it. Guess people think they're way funnier than they are. Who knows? Not me!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:55 and 5:04, and you have time to do math? Meanness once again rears its ugly head on 24/7! Too bad! Adamluv

glitzylady said...


First of all, just ignore the crabby people on here is just too short to be negative (and you know who you are...) Glam Nation and Adam are about Joy and Love....just a reminder...

Second of all, I said I am in NEED of rehab, but will run as fast the other way as I can because I like my little happy Adam world...Emphasis on HAPPY by the way....(again, you know who you are...just sayin...)

Anonymous said...

Wow! He is so hot and sweaty!

Anonymous said...

From what I know of fan4fun's heritage and life experiences, she is very passionate and enthusiastic about that which interests her. I'm sure she "talks with her hands", so it's a wonder she can keep her hands on the keyboard long enough to entertain us with her comments about Adam! :-D

If you don't like what she has to say, skip on by her posts...but many of us have become "friends" (as much as you can be friends on an anonymous website) so we will watch her back when people don't "get" her.

English is not her first language, so some of her posts may be quirky, but I think they are a breath of fresh air!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv
@ Glitzylady
@ AdamFix

Wow, what a morning! I had no idea about the «barking at me» above... so nice to find you FELLOWS here in this thread with me, my Glamily working out the love and supporting given by the Universal Power of Adam Lambert, which weight makes this PLANET FLAT again and gives to us that dangerous edge (lol).
I really didn't mean to upset anybody... posting in this amazing site is just my way to keep «Paradise» warm for all of us during sweet Adam's vaccation, maybe because deep down I fear the loss of contact with some of you and miss all this great connection that we've found in each other and all together in sweet Adam.
Last night, before going to bed, I listened to sweet Adam's NZ phone interview and... guess what! He sayied something like «Not everybody likes or loves you, but so life is, just reality. It's not YOU it's THEM». And also he says he knows how to keep his own reality and that he can to influence (think it was not the verb, but same meaning) people to keep theirs. And, yes! We know he CAN and thanks God he DOES!!! At least he did it to us, and our reality is that we DO share the same «connection with love» he asks us to do, no matter how much fame, fortune, money or sex we have in our lives... And we do it in the best way we can, and I think we are doing it perfectly!

Thank you 24/7 «Paradise»! You kindly provide to all Glamberts room enough for sharing our BELIEFS, EXPERIENCES AND JOY, even with some people who don't feel any comfortable with it... yet!


Anonymous said...

I read tickets were expensive for this concert. He's making bigger bucks from the Asian tour isn't he? US venues only small money. German tour venues are so small that how it is even profitable.

Anonymous said...

Day 2 of no AL and people are off the hook. Are we petulant? Moody? Cranky? Enough bonmots on this site to light a bonmot fire. Tried writing down times I was going to respond to, lost track. Probably just as good, would not handle being scolded today. So I am just lurking out with everyone else. Saw a picture of Mariah where she landed on her ass on the stage--wasn't hurt, not much else to report on that. Isaac with 2 a's might not have thought about tats as this might be the first time he's played bare chested. A little body work might be just the thing, although doubt they would keep him warm. Have no idea if Asia pays more for Adam than US, but have a feeling they do. Also sure they paid Mariah a whole lot more than Adam or Daughtery. Since our boy is going to buy a Maserati, and I know I can't afford on, imagine he making decent money. Hope so! I going anonymous today, you people are scaring me. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Adam willing to play smaller venues and do the work necessary to get the exposure around the world. Got to admire that sort of work ethic and dedication. But then he waited ten whole years for this and you gotta hand it to him. It is well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is one smart business person. He knows that playing the smaller venues to begin his first tour is exactly what he needs to do to get the exposure and let the audience closely experience what a talented, charismatic, and stylish performer he is. As previously stated, he has waited ten years for this opportunity and Adam is well on his way to global fame and fortune. His music stirs your soul and his audience connection is pure electricity. There is no one in the music industry today quite like Adam Lambert with his message of love, understanding, and acceptance.

Anonymous said...

I will use a phrase that one of our Glamberts said on this site the other day. Quote: The peeps on this site today have gone "SHITTY, SHITTY Bang, Bang....... So, today I will remain anon also..

I may have mentioned this before, they are playing all of Adam's songs at the gym where my daughter goes. Wohhhhhhh....... Also a lot more on the radio and I heard it in a hardware store the othr day. GO ADAM!!!!
PS, keep off Fan4fun's Ass! This fellow is a delight! Love to read the comments left here by Fan4fun!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun, As said on this site before, "Those that mind, don't matter, those that matter, don't mind." You make me laugh with your gems of comments as well as feel, and you own "glamshit," my new favorite word!lol Keep them coming and "don't let the turkeys get you down!" We're not here to nit pick at each other, but to share a common regard for a very positive, loving, talented being, Adam. Who cares if our grammar, spelling or language isn't perfect! I care more about the message and heart of what's being said. It's pretty easy to get the gist of the comments, especially the negative ones. What's the real purpose and what would Adam's take on it be? I feel a real kinship with many of you and you know who you are, the positive good spirited ones that help each other if we don't understand something. That doesn't mean that we always agree on everything and can't say that we like everything. To tattoo or not, cut Adam's hair or not, all harmless opinions that don't really matter, but fun to talk about. Not that deep, but personal, snarky remarks to each other isn't neccessary and this is a fun, thoughtful and sometimes fantasy indulging site that entertains us. Ready to go back to adoring Adam and spreading the love! Thanks for Mariah tidbits and Florida Y-100 has been playing Adam frequently in the afternoons! Hope Adam will get a little tv time in Dec. after some R&R. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Since it's a slow video day, here is a trip down memory lane....
